and you tell me that it's over, wake up lying in a patch of four leaf clover...
yesterday jordyn departed her home to spend the night over at my humble abode
we watched plentiful horror flicks, but the dvd from blockbuster must have been scratched because every so often the dvd would studder then continue playing
it once studdered at the scariest part of the movie when you see the woman being raped...ahh! fear dot com was all that i expected n more
the following picture is of jordyn, my father, and i in the canoe in my backyard... fun fun
so what if your friends think im crazy, well i wasnt trying to impress those guys anyways, they are theories no action, where im from we live like its the latest attraction
i juss finished talking to chris...
i dont know what to think of that, it seemed to be a very sponaneous response, tomorrow he will prbly realize that everything we talked about today isnt what he wanted
hope not...i kinda miss chris
i dont want to say that because im havent made my mind up about this ordeal
he said multiple hurtful things that are mostly true, but dont need to be publicized
god friday i was a wreck, i juss want to thank those who cared, you enhanced my mood tremendously, thanks for putting up with my bull :/
this weekend has been superb though! i spent saturday at st. cecilia's then onto the theatrical production of "once on this island", which was so fantastic that even ryan quiggly was sniffling at the end! then again sunday i went to st. cecilia's then off to lunch at what used to be the charthouse, joe's crab shack... nice place i might add
but in essence, i havent quiet determined my standpoint yet, except that i have immense love for those who called n consoled
do you remember when we'd fly that kite so high? all the time we've wasted, spent fighting, will burn in the fire of our regrets all the time we've wasted, spent fighting, it's blood and it's running
one thing i love about dance is that if i am in a lower spirit, when i enter that building i immeadiatly forget everything
i had the greatest time today, then i ran into ramon which put that exclamtion point on the day!
i didnt think once about yesterdays events or anything else that has been circulating because i was in the trace i enter when dancing and nothing else mattered, today was that great day i have been longing for in so long!
ive noted who my true friends are...then there are those particular others who are too involved in themselfs to give a damn, which is alright, but i dont nessisarily want to be your friend for much longer, the person i am making reference to is going to read this and think that it could neevr possibly be them, but it is you....
my true friends were there...
and out to sami...
i cant believe how close we are despite our seperation, i can still tell you anything!
2003 8 November :: 8.51am
:: Mood: indifferent
:: Music: the ataris, in this diary
you promised that you'd stay, you say you want to go, your lips provided the shelter to the things that i dont know, please speak slowly my herat is learning, teach me heartache, stop this burning now
nothing really new to type
except im sorry....
sorry for accusing
sorry for leaving
sorry for bitching
sorry for forgeting
sorry for believing
sorry for not caring
sorry for losing
sorry for lying
sorry for whoreness
sorry for ignoring
sorry for acting
sorry for pretending
sorry for jealousy
sorry for intruding
sorry for wanting
sorry for unwilling
sorry for infatuation
sorry for staring
sorry for missing you
2003 7 November :: 7.37am
:: Mood: listless
:: Music: im ok
i hate living up to other peoples expectations.. im so sick of worrying about what other people think of me.. im so tired of crying to myself and not being able to cry outloud...
i have so much kept inside of me.. i want to let it all out.. but i cant...
i hate having ups and downs... i hate getting into petty little quarrels with my friends. its so worthless.... why do we bother to live if all that happens is pain.. i dont kno.. everything i do comes back to bite me in the ass.. my eye hurts like fuck... my stomache hurts really bad. i dont wanna stand up because then itll make me fell like i have to throw up again..
everyone is at the fair or the movies right now.. except for me..
im still stuck here... so fucking bored. but hey, i finally have the house to myself... im actually starting to cry...
this song can help me to cry.. i love this song...
"bruises fade father but the pain remains the same.. and i still remember how u kept me so.. so afraid.. the strenth is my mother for all the love she gave... all the morning that i pray.. i look back at yesturday... not so easy to forget.. hall the marks you left along her neck... when i was thrown against cold stairs.. and every day to come home and be afraid what i might see next..." "the strencght i my mother for all you gave.. every morning that i pray.. i look back at yesturday... and im ok....'
i really wish that i was ok..
i always have to deal with this damn internal struggle that hurts me so much all the time... i dont even know why i have this journal fore eeryone to read but really i dont give a shit. people think im the worst sucidialsist slut int he world..
i dont give a shit anymore..
i want to get my own room.. i want to get my puppy..
i want to cry... i want to cry everything that is being kept inside of me... its horrible. i cant stand the pain n e more... its soo.. i dont kno... its confusng.. i want to tell my mom so much.. but im afraid of some of the things that she'll asay.. i mean i shouldnt feel like that because shes my mom n all.. but im scared if i tell her that i lost it... and that i dont kno... that i hate like everything... and that i am kinda suicidal.. i have been tho.. she prolly knows.. and ill jusst get grounde.d. my dad reads my other journal anway... i guess thats why i dont write there anymore and i think ive learned how ot write faster on the compputer.. expectially when im sad or something..
i want my house.... i want a life... i want to feel better... i want to have fun... i want to be.. me..
what if people really knew me... i mean id be soo fucking quiet.. haha... maybe i wouldnt get the rep i have if i was just this quiet ugly thing that just sat there and took up room.. that someone else could be using...
i guess im just sad tonight because im stuck here thinking about the last month and ewll.. even last weekend.
yea i fucked everything up
i mean im lauren
i fuck everything up
there is no end to me messing things up..
i dont kno anymore... i really just dont kno
i think this is the longest thing ive ever writeen... haha i think it was because i need to get so much out.. i have alot more.. but i dont know... people seem to get so offesive.. but i mean its my thoughts.. theyd rather hear them then let me think it but when they find out what i really dothink they get all pissy about it with me... i dont understand anymore... well i dont kno ill prolly come back and write some more later.. i need to sort threw my thoughts
what the hell... ok i dont like anyone anymore.. i think peopel are gay.. i dont want to do anythiing with anyone... im sick of it
i got the biggest scare of my life alreayd... i dont want that to happen aagain
its so pathetic.. to lose one of your closests friends because they think you said stuff wen well... you really didnt.
its hard to know that people can be so immature and you acnt do anything about it... im still thihkning about switching over to cypres.s.. thats stil how bad i hate people at fortmyers.
i mean i dont hate them but.. jesus! i wish i could kill someone right now.. i dont feel good. im so sick of drama. im so siick of crying. im so sick of everythjing.
all i want to do is have fun.
so much for that happeneing.. i just dont kno anymore.. i really just dont kno..
if you want gimme a ring... 560-2738
just dont call to bitch me out.. anyone
2003 7 November :: 3.55pm
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: new found glory, head on collision
and it feels like im at an all time low... slighty bruised and broken from our head on collision, i've never seen this side of you, another tragic case
this week was by far the worst week i have ever had to live through...
but this afternoon made up for all of it
afterschool i was in the best mood compared to the sulkish self i was the pervious few days, so my mother n i headed over to applebees to have a late lunch :) we havent hit it off as we usually do, but today we were on roll! we discussed alot of diverse topics which was great because lately i have been longing for someone to talk to
tonight is also the football game, things have been different in that department, so i dont expect any thrills tonight, but in all honesty i couldnt imagine myself without chris, i'd be lost and so confused, i wouldn't last a day without him by my side, this week we havent been very conversital and i has been killing me inside :/
i love chris
i dont think he knows it though, hell... i dont even think he likes me anymore :(
2003 6 November :: 3.08pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: takin bak sunday, timberwolves at new jersey
when everything you'll get is everything you wanted, well which would you prefer? my finger on the trigger or me face down, down across your floor?
and would you tell all your friends you've got you're gun to my head...
don't bother trying to explain, i know exactly what goes on when you're gone
yet again today was a bad day, come to think of it i haven't had a really good day in quite a while... wonder why, no no i don't wonder, i know why that is...7th period was a tortorous hell, it never used to be, shockingly i used to look forward to french, unfortunatly that feeling has diminished, i can't do this anymore, i don't know what happened but something did
i truly wish it hadn't, this same scenario occured before, don't you recall? or are you pushing because you know of the outcome of the previous time? maybe im just being overly dramatic, i don't doubt it, but it upset me greatly, im sorry i prbly did this to myself... i deserved it :/
its raining outside... i hate how the weather constantly refelects my feelings :/
enough of this refelction, i am becoming sadder by the moment
2003 5 November :: 5.14pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: all american rejects, my paper heart
please just dont play with me my paper heart will bleed this wait for destiny wont do be with me i beseech you
today was indifferent
nothing eventful to report :/
... not like anybody reads this though
i really love the all american rejects cd! if possible i would make mad headboard banging love to it! i am expecially fond of time stands still... reminds me of good memories... like chris! chris is undescribably wonderful, he is someone i can talk to which i consider highly significant! :) on to other things...
you're coming on a little strong...
dont want to mention a name to protect the innocent, lol, but in all seriousness i understand that you dont think it is you, but think twice dearest :/
tears fall down your face the taste is something new
i know moving on is easiest when i am around you
so bottle up old love, throw it out to sea, watch it away as you cry
a year has passed the seasons go
please just dont play with me, my paper heart will bleed...
2003 5 November :: 4.57am
:: Mood: flirty
:: Music: so fly
omg hi! i have had so much fun after school lately... im spending it with alex... the guy who was there when i got wasted that tiffany likes... geeze i wish she didnt like him ecause i do... i dont kno it kinda sux... like bruno.. she saw uswalking together... again..
and shes like.. "oh looks like lauren got what she wanted" and i said what doi want.. n she said "you know" n alex said "well she aint got me.."
that made me kinda sad.. but hey i juss met him... haha ill prolly end up doin stupid shit like wyatt...
school really sucks.. idont kno. im koo wth all the people now.. its just i duno i really hate doing all the work
oh yeah my lil sister got a C- on her report card n didnt even get in the slghtest bit of trouble.
hum n i was 20 mins late yesturday n i got into a lot oftrouble
when i left today alex with with all these girls playing with them in the rain picking them up n stuff... he told me i was heavy when i weigh less then alot of people... :'(
my bruise looks like a picece of shitl. it definatly got worse..
i talked to brian today.. the relaly hott guy... haha hes not mad at me.. thank god..
i got my homecoming pictuires,..
i wish they were better..
half of them didnt even come out.. it wasnt fair because i had sooo many pictures.. i got like 16 outta 27 back... cuz it was sooo freakin dark
i should start writing in muh regular pen n paper journal too because this is online and i have alot more to say that i cant put in here because eah alot of people read this thing and are dumb bitches abtou by lieaving annonymus messageswhen they leave one...
thats rallly want i hate.. oh well life sucks
me and chad are friends again.. i talked to him a loooong tim elast night.. i love being able to talk to him again..
sugar how u get so fly...
sugar sugar how u get so fly...
2003 4 November :: 8.52pm
:: Mood: crushed
:: Music: mest, walking on broken glass
man it takes a silly girl to lie about the dream she had, but it takes a lonely one to wish that she had never dreamt at all
wasnt too great of a day...
i really dont want the world to know about it though, in fact i have only told one person in particular... which shocks me why i even did, im not an open person
below is a list of things that upset me, or aggrivate me to a great extent...
* when those you have always been close to believe a statement despite your opinion
* those who copy what you do, say, or wear then take credit for it
* those who think they are so fucking great but they are stupid as shit
* those who dont have the intelligence to keep their goddamn mouth shut
* those who want the populace to think they are knowledgable but have to ask how to spell
* those who fall for a friendship rather then being cautious and conclusivly get hurt in the process... like me
nothing else really matters as of now, ten dollars says that someone is going to read this and take it the wrong way, which i cant prevent, because maybe it is directed to them, but to be oblivious to the situation, is just another for instance of the above....
2003 3 November :: 7.22pm
:: Mood: cynical
:: Music: the starting line, best of me
you promised that you'd stay, you say you want to go, your lips provide a shelter for the things that i dont know
after viewing another journal entry, i decided to take the following quiz to see which disorders i could be suffering from...
i am a compulsive lair, i could be walking down the street to get a jug of milk and if questioned on my destination i would be likely to say the opera... quoted from catcher in the rye... extravagant book, i cant even begin to describe it, i could relate to the writer
hi. the weekend was soo interesting. but i lovedit. i wanna do it again lol.... the ferraris were so awesoome looking... m so tired. ZzzZzzzz
my head really hurts kinDa. i was really out of it today ecause my hhead hurt... my eye is turning black and blue.. i feel so so dumb... i saw alex today.. but hey, hes tiffanys man so yeah i needa stay away .. :( oooooh well............
alexa is breaking up with wyatt... i don kno why i caer... but im out
i love oyu
call me
2003 3 November :: 3.08pm
:: Mood: restless
:: Music: new found glory, understatement
But I never said, that everything, would be ok
yesterday was the concert
not too bad
they performed my favorite song, modivation proclimation n andres was hit in the head with a water bottle, thus the night was eventful :)
im watchin serendipity...
i adore this movie...
in the beginning his soul mate wrote her phone number in a particular book n gave it to a street vender, so if he found the book it would be fate, thus they were meant to be together... so later on he is getting married n his wife bought his that book with the phone number as a wedding gift knowing that he always searched venders for the novel...sweetest movie
2003 2 November :: 5.03pm
:: Mood: optimistic
:: Music: new found glory, collision
it feels like im at an all time low, slightly bruised and broken from our head on collision, ive never seen this side of your... another tragic case
spent the whole day at the studio :/
wasnt too spectacular, i long to spend as little of my life at that place as possible...
but tonight is the concert
the studio backs onto a lake at the end of a canal where numerous people fish n such, so five people were out fishing in their boat when it tipped over causing an ambulance, fire truck, and plenty of police to come to the scene to save these five kids who ended up walking there way back to the seawall... so that was the excitment for the afternoon
i wanted so badly to go to taste of the town, that would have been great! but my life was wasted away at the studio...
maybe your life is more interesting... if so leave a comment
2003 2 November :: 3.04pm
:: Mood: wasted
:: Music: so fly
holy shitterz! i juss got home. i went with tiffany to the resort thing and we eneded up going camping with her one friends.. damn the one guy, brian, hes a fucking hott thing. and i got really wasted and started flipping out. they are prolly never gunna see me again. i wanna cry....:'( i wanted to be with brian the whole night.. but i fuced that up... i drank like half a thing of straight up liquor... wow im fuckinng dumbass.... i got a bruise on my eye..... its like puffy... ill write later
i love you!
Call Me!!!!
2003 1 November :: 4.42pm
:: Mood: rejuvenated
:: Music: takin bak sunday, your so last summer
breathe in for luck, breathe in so deep, this air is blessed you share with me
suspended is my blurty journal :/
thus i have created an enhanced journal using this site... enjoy!
this afternoon was absolutly perfect
i went sailing with my mother n her dance partner from previous years after a wonderful lunch at joe's crab shack overlooking the calooshatche...
sailing was the highlight :)
i truly adore the wind swirling about the fragrence of the salty water n looking out onto that vast refelction of the cloud lacking sky! it was gorgeous today, the sun beating down was too dreadfully hot, but juss enough to brighten up the mood of the sail! i was accompinied by my mothers dance partner, as earlier declared, but this man has exposed me to muchos books, resturaunts, and theatrical performances n taught my so much about life itself, n is more deserving of a simple reference... he has developed skin cancer in the past several months restricting our time together, so today was great for catching up n discussing what ballet to see at the phil harmonic n various current events... increasing the amount of perfectness involved in one afternoon
2003 1 November :: 2.00am
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: p imp
hi. im at tiffanys house. its not halloween anymore!!! god im tired. lol its in the morning.... 2 oclock to be exact... im going to spend the whole weekend with her that should be fun... i love her house~
damn i wish i were rich.. hum oh well! we have a house! i cant wait to move into it... itll be the best thing in the world..... lalallalala
im here with chelsea n tiff,,, were juss chillin
there was other girls here but they're off getting laid. haha oh well
the guy realy doesnt care i could be sittin here with a big ass problem. humm i called him n i was like... yeah u kno i dont no whats going on
n hes like ok sure can i talk to arynna now?
i was like damn
janna got homecoming pictures! we looked posssesd in most of them. haha but they were pretty good. i need a new face. the one i have now is pretty ugly..
grrr hard to believe halloween is almost over. ok well every one is like sleeping
2003 30 October :: 9.53am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: if we fall
Hi. today was much better. i retook the test cuz im ina better mood n look
My inner child is one year old!
Everything is new to me. I like watching the world go by around me, and I don't sweat the small stuff--or the large stuff, either. Just so long as I stay warm and safe and dry, life's pretty good.
lol 10-1 years old is a big ifference. the bad thing about woohuis all your entries, people never look at lol like all my good happy times are in the back entries ffrom like a year ago. lol.. oh well
i wanna talk to alexa but i cant. she still chose a guy over me and i cant stand that. i know tyler is mad at her about that because well its pathetic.
tomoror is halloween i need to fix my costume
juss wanted to say i felt alot better today. i actually didnt cry at all... haha what a world we live in
i love yah always
The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost in a good book, or giggling with my best friend, I live in a world apart, one full of adventure and wonder and other stuff adults don't understand.
2003 29 October :: 4.34am
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: 98 degress- i cherish you
it all falls apart
it always falls apart at the end.
there is never anything good to come out of anything.
its sad
Harmony and balance is key. You don't look at the world in a negative or positive way and you'll never judge or assume a situation- you just look at the facts. People like you are peaceful and accepting.
well alexa is now going out with wyatt..
what a great friend she is..
how could she do that
how>????? how could she call meher friend??? its over between us... ima miss her but i dont want someone who likes it when guys lie to her
i think its just pathetic.
i cried again at the ned of schoool
brandon hates me... i duno i hate when things go this way
"Pain pays the income of each precious thing."
- William Shakespeare
Oft expectation fails, and most oft where most it promises; and oft it hits where hope is coldest; and despair most sits."
-William Shakespeare
In time we hate that which we often fear."
-William Shakespeare
"Each present joy or sorrow seems the chief."
-William Shakespeare
"I had rather have a fool make me merry, than experience make me sad."
-William Shakespeare
Psalms 34:18
The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
all these are quotes that i like..
i think they go with my feelings
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And he shall direct your paths.
wow... guys are lame.. i really hate them n really wish theyd die. lemmme start with the decorating yestruday..
well it was 6 hrs of tyingballoons but the result was sooo pretty. there was ballooons everywhere... my dress for the dance was pretty. i wore the black one... janna did my hair. hers was really poofy but it was pretty. i saw brandon there... he was making out with this blonde chik that i really wanted to slap cuz i was looking for him the whole time n she said she loved him cuz i could read her lips.
idanced with soo many people. me n alexa had sum lil girlgirl dance goin lol it was sooo funny. we purposly did it... hahahahahaa...
it wasa lotta fun. i got to dance with jj!!! lexa gotta dance with robert saafeld tho... that makes me a lil jealous but lol oh well
today i went on the ghost tour thing which was such a snoozer... alexa, sammeer, n wyatt were there... i really wish i hadnt gone because i cant stand to see wyatt anmore... all he knows how to do is use girls to get what he wants
he got what he wanted from me. he got it... now he wont even talk to me n denys eevrything. he looked alexa in the eyes n told her that nothing happend that day i went over his house
heres mt away message
juss wanna be left alone..
i really hate guys
all they know how to do is get girls to do stuff..
then after she tells her besftfriend that she lost her virginity n to who
he denys everything..
im off crying right now because im such a dummbass for ever trusting a guy n believe he loved me
wow i juss wanna keep crying..
.i think alexa is going out withhim now too...
wowo guys suck
2003 23 October :: 9.21am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: like whoa
hi. today was okay. im really just starting to not even think during shcool anymore. its all... dumb.. i mean its school... i cried today in brandons arms.... i tried to get him to open up to me because hwas really sad but then i ended up crying because beofer some of my friends um.. killed themselves.. they didnt open up.. ad i guess im scared is all... i owouldnt be able to take losing another friend...
i love having this cable modem.. lol ona lighter note... i duno its ummm confusing i guess... humm...
im still confused about homecoming. iknow im going but i duno. something is juss missing.. its hard to expplain. i wish there was some way taht i could sort threw my feelings.
me n sum of the girls that got into fights are on a ........ok saide of eahothr... i hope it stays taht way
2003 21 October :: 9.38pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: pizza hut commerical
hi. today is homecoming week, i hava ticket to go.. but im still not sure if i wanna use it... humi dunno.. i guess im ovr people. right now im jussa loner, :'( oh well.. me and wyatt are close again. for some reason i just cant stand when hes mad at me... last weekend i kinda got in "trouble" with some guy but i wont get into that.. i dont think anyone knows him... who knows i couldbe wrong.
today was the luau.. it was inteesting. i waited 3 hours listening to the matching band play the same song.. over and over and over again! some soak up the song crap. oh i dont kno.. today was great.. i was "leighed" many times by many people. lol.. oh! at the luau, i was tlaking to this one band... n omg the one guy was really hott n he gave me a bandanna and got my email addy!!!!!! lol email isnt as good as a phn # but yeah still. hes a junior at north. oh yeah, i hate brandon. i think hes a dumbass lier. yeah dont get me into that one.... i wanna b a cheerleader. it looks liek fun. i wish i was like really flexable.. i mean i am but im not... i dont kno f u get it or not... lol... i mean i can do alot but i cant strtch right n stuff so i end up hurting myself or looking like an idiot if i havnt pracitced anything.. it took me FOREVER to learn hwo to do a backbend. lol n all these people can do bakc tucks n stff.. oh well...i got straight As on my report card.. i must bea nerd. lol i skipped 5th period today too! e nad janna boy were dumb. lol... jj said that they catch everyone that skips... dun dun dun! lol but hey i shoudl go.. i needa shower
i want sum messages! WHO POSTED THE ONE SYAING""Bitch your gunna go"
hola chicos. i feel alil better. look how lame..
UFsweetii: y am i on ur journal
UFsweetii: y am i on ur journal
TasteZLykECherrY: um what part
TasteZLykECherrY: i put alot of people when im mad
UFsweetii: like everytime someone says they heard something about you you're like from who ashley keyes wtf
TasteZLykECherrY: if you dont like what i say, dont read it. im really not in the mood. maybe later.
UFsweetii: what the hell you were in the mood 5 minutes ago when you asked if i said crap to erika
TasteZLykECherrY: im not anymore.
TasteZLykECherrY: dnt get yourself involved cuz i really dont want to get itno it
UFsweetii: fuck that im in the mood u need to shut the fuck up if you don't like what ppl say about you then don't fuckin listen
TasteZLykECherrY: are u done yet
UFsweetii: and i never talk about you
UFsweetii: why woulgd i waste my time
UFsweetii: no i'll be done when i say im done bitch
TasteZLykECherrY: good your done
TasteZLykECherrY: this is broing
TasteZLykECherrY: boring*
UFsweetii: if you say ur not a slut and you hate all these ppl why don'y you confront them instaed of writing it in ur lame ass journal
UFsweetii: shut the fuck up ur boring don't ever talk to me again fuck ass hoe
TasteZLykECherrY: lol.
TasteZLykECherrY: i didnt want to talk to you
TasteZLykECherrY: bye ashley
UFsweetii: u imed me like 5 minutes ago
UFsweetii: stop actin like ur so cool u make me sick bye fag
TasteZLykECherrY: bye
TasteZLykECherrY: try not to wear a shirt to small tomorro, wouldnt want that gut to hang out!
UFsweetii: shut up try not to let ur stuffin hang out i wouldn't ppl askin me what size ur boobs really are
TasteZLykECherrY: lol took you that long to think of that?
Previous message was not received by UFsweetii because of error: User UFsweetii is not available.
lol thats so great. my stuffing! HEY GUYS! I GOT SUM STUFFING TO SHOW YAH!!!! TAKEA LOOK! YOU ALLLLL KNO U WANNA SEE IT. wow i feel high. lol.. never bin high but i feel that way.
ok well right now, me and eileen are on similar terms i think... i hope... se agrees with me on sum stuff so i think its cool. ill talk o her tomorro. im sick. i didnt tell yah. i have to stay after till bout 6 to watch the freshman football game. it shold be boring except there playing dunbar n i think chad is on that team!! hhaha wouldnt that be interesting.
how dou stuff a bra??? like woldnt you be un-equal?? sorry lol that bothers me. youd be like all lumpy. n itd be a waste of perfectly good stuffing. do u use toilet paper or klennez. ?? maybe i should try it one day lol see if anyone notices. omg! thats the best idea. lol
oh yeah. this journal is so gay.. so whyd she read it??? hum whatever. my poor throat. its all scratchy. mommy n daddy are home!! YAY