2002 20 December :: 11.14 pm
What Can I say? I like to be close to your special someone and feel warm, comfortable, and needed.
 What Sign of Affection Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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2002 20 December :: 10.36 pm
I guess it fits.

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.
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2002 19 December :: 10.37 pm
:: Mood: cynical
:: Music: Eminem - Lose Yourself
I'm gonna go out with the guys tonight. Nothing better to fill the hole in my soul than undercooked eggs and mindless chit-chat.
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2002 18 December :: 11.25 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Queens of the Stone Age - No one knows
I just remembered my crazy dream last night.
Somebody very near to me needed an operation for a terminal illness. They didn’t have the money. So I had to give them the money. I did not have the money either, but the were counting on me. They needed $10,876. As chances have it there was a dance competition and the prize was $10,876. As you can guess I entered it. Anyway, the song I danced to was “Queens of the Stone Age – No one knows”. In my dreams I am a very good dancer. I was hitting Break dancing moves all on beat. I was some kind of king of dancing. I wish all of my dreams were this upbeat.
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2002 17 December :: 10.31 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: The Ramones - I wanna be sedated
Nothing ever happens in my life, but in my dreams…
The dream I had last night was noteworthy.
It was in black and white, and looked to be a rip off of Leave it to Beaver. Anyway I was the father figure. I always had on a suit and was holding a pipe even though I don’t smoke. Anyway, I had two wonderful children, Dave and Andy. I believe I was a stay at home dad, that or else I worked out of the house, which doesn’t explain the suit but anyway. My wife was always some place else. My kids were always asking me were she was. Andy was the worst. He was only like five years old and was always wearing a ‘coonskin hat. Whenever he asked me, it broke my heart. I didn’t know when she was coming home. I wanted her to come home more than he did. I wanted to know who I picture my wife to be in this utopian picture. She never came, not when I was helping Dave with a model airplane, not when I was telling Andy about the last time I went fishing with my father, not when I served dinner. It was getting late so I had to put the kids to bed. Andy went down without a fuss, he had a long day. But when I put Dave to sleep, he asked me where mom was. I explained that it was probably traffic. Then Dave replied, “You don’t have to lie. I know she left you. No woman would ever want to be with you?”
Then I woke up.
What does that mean?
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2002 16 December :: 12.23 am
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: Domestic Problems - Untitled
I can tell you the stories
The battles never won
People standing blindly
Out of reach of the sun
And I’m telling you that I am in love
Voices Surround me
Bicker at my shame
I wish with a passion
“Why can’t she feel the same?”
And I’m telling you that I am in love
I am in love
I’m trying to be a friend
And maybe then it’ll be
I know what I feel inside
Please see the beauty in me
Oh oh oh please see the beauty in me!
My heart feels empty
My soul shaken pain
I wish I could hold her
Man I loose, but I gain
And I’m telling you that I am in love
I am in love
I am in love with a girl who
Holds me with her eyes
Oh oh oh holds me with her eyes
Whoa oh oh she holds me with her eyes
I caught myself wondering today “What kind of movie is my life?” I know it seems like an odd thing to think about, but I was reading an article about a video game (Final Fantasy X) and it was talking about what a great ending the game had. It didn’t say what actually happened but it spoke of having a protagonist who had very human characteristics (weaknesses) and the torment you were put through waiting to see if he “gets the girl” at the end. I was thinking how great it would feel to have that girl finally run up into my arms. Nothing else would matter. The world and all of its needless worries, and stupid people would just fall away in that one moment. I want to feel that way once in my life. I almost had it once. I was slow-dancing with Stacey up in my room to the tune of “A Perfect Circle – Three Libras”, but it didn’t seem right. It was too… Forced. There were other times when it was close. When she came home from college and ran into my arms, but it wasn’t the same, the cares of the world were still there.
I digress. The movie I decided on was one of the Kevin Smith movies. I don’t know which one. My Kevin Smith Character is Brodie, which means I should already have my dream girl, but I am screwing it up with my immaturity. Only to win her back by showing her that it was my immaturity that she fell in love with in the first place. There are several thing wrong with this model, #1 I am single, but lets assume the girl in question is a certain ex- of mine. That seems to make it fit if it wasn’t for the fact that her and I just died. We both realize that it is a lost cause. She and I wont ever be together as long as we are the people we are today. But that is a whole other entry.
My second Character is Jay. I assume the movie that would be Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. That would imply I meet a girl, jump through hoops for her and she falls in love with me, and we live happily ever after. That is my best option. However number 3 (Holden – Chasing Amy) is the option I sadly fit best. I meet a girl, try to get her to love me and succeeded, only to screw it up, and spend the rest of my life trying to get back the love of my life.
Why must I be this way?
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2002 14 December :: 1.31 am
:: Mood: aggravated
I am experiencing unrest. Even my good pal Dave couldn’t bring me out of it. We went out today and all I could do was compare his problems to mine. We both are in desprite need to be loved by someone. The only difference between him and me is that he was able to find some, in a rather unhealthy way. He took to dating 15 year olds. I mean it isn’t as bad as it sounds, because when he was a senior he was into them and they were freshmen. However the only reason he is with them is to feel loved. I don’t have that option, and wouldn’t make his choices. However I am in the same boat. I need to feel loved. I need to know that there is more than one girl in the world who could stand to be with me. Every time I get shot down by a woman, I think what if Stacey was the only one who could have been with me. I don’t need a girlfriend right now, but it would be nice if I had the option. At least then I would have some basis for hope in the future. If I were to extrapolate my life from here based on how I act toward women, and how women act toward me, I wont ever marry, and will get sprayed with mace more than I will get a girl’s digits. And through the whole evening I kept on asking myself “Why did I tell her (#1) that I like her (#2)?”
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2002 12 December :: 10.26 pm
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: Areosmith - Cryin'
A changing of the tides, once again.
Nothing much happened today. As a result of some random coincidence 80% of my friends are now single, as opposed to last week when I was the only one. We may go out and pick up chicks tomorrow. This will help me a lot; because recently I have been focusing on that one “her” I have been referring to for the past few entries. I’ve decided that She and I probably wont end up with anything, because every time I am around her I screw it up. And then there’s her roommate. She has made it very apparent where I am on her list, and lets just say it isn’t near the top. At least that takes the pressure off between her and me. I feel like I can really talk to her. Luckily how frank she is at times keeps me in check. There was a long time when I was all about her. Now, I want desperately to be all about no one. Perhaps I will find that peace when I go out with the guys tomorrow.
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2002 11 December :: 11.47 pm
:: Mood: restless
:: Music: Incubus - I miss you
Who I shall become?
I’ve come home for the holidays. I am going to miss all of the friends I have made in the past few months. When I came home I couldn’t help but realize how different I have become. The most striking difference in me is of course the fact that, I am single. I went into my room and memories flooded back into me. Everywhere I looked was something she gave me, something that is hers or a picture of her. It is for that reason I am redoing my room. I want my room to feel more like I am at college. I have been away from college and already I miss it. It is the worse because for the next few hours I am trapped between two lives. In one life I am just one of the guys, hanging out with all my single friends from high school. In that life I can drown out the pain I feel inside through constant action. I never have to think, as I am this person. And then there’s the other person. The college me. I would love to think that as this person I don’t feel pain either. But as this person is new and fresh, I have not built up the scar tissue and the calluses to ignore the pain. I am a growing individual. I hope someday to grow to a point where I don’t have to ignore the pain, because I am in control of it. That is why I am so cold now. I am losing all momentum I have gained. I feel that I to shall stop growing soon. I need some help to grow. I need someone to make me want to be something. I need someone. I need… her.
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2002 11 December :: 12.59 am
:: Music: Greenday-Basketcase
It was going so well,
But then she changed her song
I’ve been a different man
Since she came along
I keep telling myself
This wont work
Cuz whenever I’m near her,
I act like a dork
A few months ago
She didn’t know my name
But now that she does
I’ll never be that same
I’ve got to be cool
It’ll be the hardest thing I do
Cuz I can’t bear the thought
Of screwing this up, too.
(end rhyme) Sorry about that but I started rhyming and just couldn’t stop. I was doing great. I didn’t have a girlfriend and I was happy. Now I like a girl and I think she likes me, but I don’t know if she likes me like I like her. Either way, I’ve been knocked off my horse. I don’t know if I can get up anymore.
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2002 9 December :: 10.29 pm
:: Mood: stressed
:: Music: Wallflowers - One Headlight
Sometimes I feel like a total jerk. I confronted my roommate about everything that has ever bothered me about him. Now he’s suicidal. Is this what I wanted? What have I wrought?
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2002 4 December :: 11.10 am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: CKY - Freestyle Chinese Rap
 | Which Recurring Kevin Smith Character Are You? Take the test here |
Personally I think this fits me better, it was my third place next to Jay.
 | Which Recurring Kevin Smith Character Are You? Take the test here |
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2002 4 December :: 10.46 am
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: The Doors - Break on Through
Sometimes, I even surprise myself, on how much of a loser I am. I had a dream last night. I almost kissed a girl I like. Almost. What is wrong with me? My subconscious cannot rationalize me kissing her in a world that makes sense. So I can’t. However everyone else my age is dreaming about Three-sums with Carmen Electra and Britney Spears. I’ve never had a dream like that. I don’t remember having a dream where I even have sex. Why must my nightmare life carry into my dreams?
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2002 3 December :: 12.16 am
Still alone. Still pretending not to care.
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2002 30 November :: 11.57 pm
:: Mood: aggravated
Nothing happened today except the tying up of some loose ends. I don’t know if all guys do this, or if it’s just me but I keep a list of girls in my head. Girls whom I would like to better my relationship with. This list is what causes me the most pain. It is because of this list that I obsess and it because of this list that I alienate. Now, I hope that some day, preferably soon, that I can abolish this list. If I could do it know I feel it would be as easy as it is ever gonna be. No body on my list’s relationship with respect to me has changed at all in the past few weeks. So why must I try at all. If I’m beating myself over the head just to maintain “status quo” relationships, why should I try at all? From now on I will no longer try to get a significant other, because lets face it, even if I got one I would somehow screw it up anyway.
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