2002 30 November :: 12.02 am
:: Mood: awake
Why does everything have to get so complicated? I went shopping today with my mother. This has nothing to do with today’s rant, but I though you would like to know. Anyway, sometime today, one of the girls that was called on Wednesday to go on a date with me, called my friend back today. I met her once at a Hackett Catholic Central football game. Apparently I made quite the impression despite the fact I didn’t even try to impress her. I didn’t even hit on her, because at that time I was in a very happy relationship. Anyway, in her message she said that she would be overjoyed to go out, but she was out of town on Wednesday and Thursday, and was busy all of today. This made me happy. I didn’t even know the girl, I hardly remember her, but she wanted to see me. My friend said she liked me, but I figured he just wanted to fix me up, but apparently there was some truth in there. Up till today I thought it inconceivable for a girl to like me especially when I wasn’t trying to impress her. I have had nothing but bad luck with girls recently so I was very happy, although my mood now probably dictates that we probably wont do anything on Saturday. All because of what follows. My friend and I wanted to see another Adam Sandler movie. He also wanted to break things of with his gal pal (the age difference was a problem) So it ended up being Me, Him, Her and her friend that came last time and one additional friend. I also wanted to make sure that her friend from before knew that I didn’t have any feelings for her. So I figured hers my chance, flirt with girl #3. We got to the movie and we had the wrong time, so we had to see “Barbershop” instead. It ended up me between #2 and #3, so I figured I could make sure neither of them thought I had feelings for them if I did my special DOUBLE YAWN. It worked at first. However girl #2 wanted to hold hands. I was so wrapped up in the intricate plot line that I didn’t notice till it was too late… She migrated my hand from the shoulder to her breast. Totally ruined my evening. Why the hell does this happen to me? Of all the girls on the planet, why did the girl to fall to my subtle charm have to be 15? Why is my life so pathetic?
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2002 28 November :: 9.10 pm
:: Mood: pessimistic
I went back to high school. On Wednesday I spent some time with my best friend from high school. Then I went to wrestling practice. It was great to finally release my primal urges. It was weird being around high schoolers again. Any way I saw some of the people I hated from high school. Not much has changed for them. Still partying. I never was much of a “partier” but I did socialize a lot. I went out to the movies last night. My boys tried to find a girl for me to go with when I went to the movies. Everyone was busy. So my friend’s “friend” brought a friend. Relax I kept in mind the whole time that she was 15. Still it seemed like a crime to sit next to a single female and not do the good old yawn. Part of me really misses that part of high school. The rest of me wants to kick that parts ass. I hated high school. I burned my bridges so I have to move on now. Upwards and onwards.
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2002 26 November :: 11.07 pm
:: Mood: awake
It feels good to be home. I left all my problems back in Kali- so I flyin free. I’ve calmed down a lot since my last entry, and I’ve found that elusive peace I’ve been striving for. I have myself and my dog, and I’m surrounded by people who love me. I know someday I will have to be able to truly live on my own. That really scares me. I don’t ever want to be alone. That part of the reason I wanted a girlfriend a little bit ago. I don’t ever want to be alone. However I know how this story ends. I will die the way I lived. Alone.
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2002 24 November :: 10.33 pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: Tool -Swamp Song
Sometimes I want to fucking kill someone. My fucking roommate and his fucking friend fucking locked me out of my fucking room. Sure I was gonna hit his fucking friend with a fucking snowball, but he fucking flipped me off. FUCK YOU TO BRIAN! I don’t think that I am fucking appreciated enough, I mean I put up with so much fucking shit from him and his fucking girlfriend. They’re always here. She always is spending the fucking night. Fuck her. If those to wanna fuck they should do it some other fucking place. Or at least when I am not the fuck in the room trying to fucking sleep. Not that I don’t mind 'em doing it when I am not around. I can’t count the times I’ve come home and there has been a sock on the door. Or even fucking worse. They leave the chain on like it’s the same fucking thing. That means I can open the door 4 inches. 4 inches of hearing her moan his fucking name while secretly thinking of some other poor fuck. FUCK THEM! I am not fucking appreciated! Most of the shit in this room is my shit anyways. If I have to put a password on my computer and lock my fridge and microwave somehow I will, Fuck him. He eats all my food. He plays on my stereo and computer all night keeping me the fuck up. Then when I have friend over till 12:30 he gives me shit. FUCK YOU PHIL! Let me know the next time you wanna watch one of my movies on my fucking VCR. I’ll jam the tape up you fucking ass. It’s all I can do from killing the motherfucker. On a personal note, I normally try to keep the swearing to a minimum, but I’m Fucking pissed. Sorry about saying fuck thirty-two fucking times. Thirty-three.
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2002 23 November :: 1.01 am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Deftones - Change
I don’t know what has changed. Something has but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Einstein said that any point of reference could be thought of as stationary (anyone which is not accelerating that is). But if I were to remain stuck in my point of view that must mean the world turned itself over to my direction in the past 48 hours. Not that things are going my way all the time, it is just that I can stand them this way, in fact I rather enjoy it. A few days ago I might have been depressed in my situation now. I don’t have a girl to call my own, and all the girls I would strive to achieve are spoken for. Nonetheless, I am happy. Once again I feel like it will be all right. God-speed.
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2002 21 November :: 9.45 pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Tool- parabola
“Why won’t God give me what I ask?
Why won’t He answer my prayer?
If only he would go ahead and kill me!
If I knew he would, I would leap for joy,
no matter how great my pain.
I know that God is holy;
I have never opposed what he commands.
What strength do I have to keep on living?
Why go on living when I have no hope?
Am I made of stone? Is my body bronze?
I have no strength left to save myself;
There is nowhere I can turn for help.”
Job 6:8-13
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2002 21 November :: 11.09 am
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: Evrclear - Everything to Everyone
I have to learn not to care so much anymore. Life is much to short to try to get every fucking person I meet to love me. I don’t fucking care anymore. I got myself and that’s the only thing you can’t take away from me. Fuck you all.
1 comment |
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2002 20 November :: 8.31 pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy train
I don’t know what to think anymore. It’s been so long since I have felt loved. Recently on great days people may appreciate me. Sometimes I am startled with how little I matter. I’m still emotional property of my ex-girlfriend, and for that matter any girl. But with my ex- I change myself for her even when she’s not around. She’s out of my life now but she is still ruling me. A few weeks after we broke up, I wasn’t willing to move on, I passed up opportunities with women, hoping we could get back together. But we couldn’t but we still can’t. I gave her a part of me. A part I may never get back. I wanna move on, but I can’t for some reason. The strange thing is this is the best day I’ve had in a long time. I’ve reached acceptance in my troubles. I don’t think it will ever be this bad again.
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2002 19 November :: 1.59 pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: Nirvana - smells like teen spirt
Sorry it's been a while. But there's been nothing to report other then my demons have left me. I don't know what my purpose in life is but when I am faced with it I'm sure I can handle in with a little help.
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2002 16 November :: 5.37 pm
:: Mood: bored
Sometimes I feel so alone. I don't have anyone to talk to at college. Everyone brushes away my problems, saying I'm just insucure. They don't understand why. Why can't I understand why either? I feel so cold and alone.
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2002 16 November :: 4.08 am
:: Mood: tired
I don’t know why I can’t sleep. Sometimes I can’t quit thinking. Yesterday I thought that I would have felt at peace in the situation I am in now. Yesterday, I felt that the only burden on my soul was my anger toward a certain person. I tried to let my anger go, to be friends. That was until I saw it happening, in the heat of the moment it seemed like abuse, she wanted to leave and he wouldn’t let her. She cried for help, and I just snapped. I grabbed his throat. I was not sure how to proceed so I didn’t. I could have killed him if I had to. She told me to let go of him so I did. My hand physically left his throat, but emotionally my pain had tripled. We mutually hated each other I’m sure. He hated me because I was standing between him and her, which I probably was. I was mad at him because I was confused. I just don’t understand. When I don’t understand I get filled with turmoil. An hour earlier I wanted to be his friend, and now I wanted to be his end. After a while, I remembered how much I wanted to be completely free of that stress. But now I was filled with 12 more kinds. You see, my confusion isn’t the “isn’t that weird” kind. It’s the “what the fuck” kind. In order to rationalize the situation, I must change what made me feel at peace in the first place. In order to make it into something I could readily understand, I had to look at it from another point of view. And from this point of view, I am a Fucking Loser Moron, who doesn’t deserve to live, but no one feels the need to put this worthless sack of shit out of its misery. I know it seems drastic but that’s the only way it makes sense. Now that I have made fiends with him once more and self-pity is the only feeling I have left. Why must I rationalize things? 24 hours ago I had it all worked out that I could be happy with out a girlfriend. Why can’t I remember that plan? It just doesn’t make any sense. Starting from the fact I’m a loser, which means I have a pretty up hill battle to find that special someone. 5 years from now I wont be able to talk to a woman unless I give my credit card number first. I can’t stand being alone again. I just need someone to tell me that my life has purpose. My last relationship was hell but at least she made me feel like I was meant to be. Now, I don’t know anymore. I feel like I am just outside the realm of everything that matters. I feel like the only person that even cares is God, and I can’t even be sure he’s listening anymore. If he even exists that is. Sometimes I can’t stop thinking. I don’t know why I can’t sleep.
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2002 14 November :: 11.22 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: The Guess Who - No sugar tonight
Thing have been crazy recently. First off I took a really hard math test but I’ll have to tell my parents about it in an e-mail later and I don’t want to have to repeat myself.
On a completely different subject, I started wearing a sign around my neck saying “Hey baby, I’m single” and it has my phone number on it. The sign wasn’t really intended to have people call me, which no one has, it was more about my mind set. With the sign on, I was forced out of my comfort zone, and once outside that I function like the Micheal Kup of yore. I approached girls. Girls approached me. There is no pressure. These girls were just “some girls”, and that felt great. It has been a while since I haven’t thought of all females as potential wives. It felt good with the pressure off. That is exactly what my life has been missing. Ever since “she” left I have been looking for someone to fill the hole. Now I am finally able to fill the hole myself. My happiness now is in my own hands. This is a very good feeling.
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2002 11 November :: 5.42 pm
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: ambient library noise
If left to my own devices I would go insane. In thoughts I frequently get traped in downward spirals of self loathing, e.g. I am a loser because I don't socialize, and I don't socialize for fear of being identified a loser. I miss the good old days where I actually had someone who I could talk to. I can't anymore because what quasi friends I have made in college I haven't known long enough. If I were to open up to someone this soon, they would think of me as insane. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the mentally disterbed, I practically am one. It's just that I would much rather have insane be the third or fourt adjective they use to describe me.
High school was so much different than it is now. Then I got along with everyone. I have a very diverse personality and certain aspects were exentuated to make me "fit in better" with any given click. I was a Jock, Nerd, Band Geek, Bully, and a Bully Magnet. Now it feels like what made me so popular in high school will make me lonely in college. I am to "goody-goody" for the bad kids and I'm to bad for the good kids. I tried to change myself to fitt in better with one group and It never works. When I got to college I seriously drank for the first time, I have drank before but I never got drunk. I still haven't. I can't. I just can't for fear I will lose control, lose control and become something I don't wanna be. Not necessary an alcoholic, but lets just say I do stupid stuff sober, and if I honestly get drunk I would probably get kicked out of school for some terrible crime like stealing a car. That or I would kill myself, and not necesarily by accident.
As a consequince I have given up several vices to try to fit in better with the goody goodies. This doesn't really work because at heart it just doesn't feel right. I try so hard to be nice all the time, but over a while things build up. I've repressed so much that I feel I might snap. I never had this problem before. In the high school not only was I not trying to repress my anger. Even if I had some anger I just took it out on the wrestling mat. I have no out anymore. Recently I got so mad at something that shouldn't matter that I puched the hallway wall. My pinky nuckle still hurts even though it was over 2 weeks ago. At least in a few weeks durring winter break I can go back and wrestle with the high schoolers, that should make me feel better. I need to find a healthier way of expressing emotion.
I've tried to change myself so many times, I'v forgoten how to be me, and it's tearing me up inside.
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2002 11 November :: 12.19 am
:: Mood: complacent
:: Music: bobby Darin - Dream lover
"Every night I hope and pray a dream lover will come my way
A girl to hold in my arms and know the magic of her charms
'cause I want (yeah-yeah yeah) a girl (yeah-yeah yeah) to call (yeah-yeah yeah) my
own (yeah-yeah)
I want a dream lover so I don't have to dream alone"
Sometimes I feel so alone in this world. Sometimes I question whether the person intended for me really exists. At this point I would settle for anyone intended for some boy remotely like me. What am I kidding, I would settle for anyone who made me feel like I was worth more than a pile of shit. And recently even that is a little negotiable.
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