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Mike's So Called Life

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:: 2006 7 December :: 12.45pm

almost done with my finals...

leaving for caddy saturday, and texas thursday.

call me when you are in Michigan Michelle, i will drive wherever you are.

I love you guys.

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:: 2006 6 December :: 6.20pm

This is why I have a problem with certain conservatives, at least those of the bible-thumping variety...

"Conservative Group Blasts 'Studio 60' Renewal

Townhall.com, a website operated by the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation, has blasted NBC's decision to renew Aaron Sorkin's Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Sorkin, it said Tuesday, "will get to continue his anti-Christianity themed show despite low ratings." The website accused Sorkin not only of pushing "his radical agenda on television," but of using his wealth to fund liberal causes and political candidates."

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:: 2006 6 December :: 5.28am
:: Music: Jessica Simpson: I Think I'm In Love With You

I'm bored.

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:: 2006 4 December :: 6.02pm
:: Music: Weeds Soundtrack

If you care about such things, I've updated and re-posted my list of all the concerts I've ever been too...
Read more..

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:: 2006 1 December :: 8.18pm

Colbert vs. Decemberists

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:: 2006 23 November :: 3.42am

Just watched Undercurrent. Pretty good for a really old movie. Although the black and white was really starting to drive me crazy. Well that and the acting style of their day.

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:: 2006 22 November :: 10.01pm

My life as a game of strip poker.

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:: 2006 21 November :: 9.16pm
:: Mood: slightly indignant
:: Music: Beethoven

Who the hell steals a single wet black satin pillow cover, honestly?

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:: 2006 20 November :: 3.01pm
:: Music: Bowling For Soup: High School

Suddenly that invitation to join a group of misguided friends on a
year long nude roller skating trip across Central America looked pretty
damned good.

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:: 2006 17 November :: 8.25pm

Men are to me what chardonnay is to you. One sip and I’m hanging upside down from a chandelier.

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:: 2006 17 November :: 6.14pm

God doesn’t make mistakes.

Oh, I don’t know. Testicles on the outside isn’t such a good idea.

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:: 2006 17 November :: 5.12pm

Just watched “Come September.” Rock Hudson was hot. Too bad he was a man whore and is dead.

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:: 2006 17 November :: 9.25am
:: Music: Coheed & Cambria

Gawd, is it time to go home yet?? I'm soooo impatient.

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:: 2006 16 November :: 3.35pm

going to Ryans for a couple nights, then RICCI'S PARTAY!

JAson offered me eragon for the holiday...he must be high.

I miss some people, not gonna lie.

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:: 2006 15 November :: 10.03pm

In today's WTF news:

O.J. Simpson To "Confess"?

In what is shaping up to be another bizarre milestone in the murder case involving O.J. Simpson, Fox announced Tuesday that it plans to air a two-part interview with Simpson on November 27 and 29 (within the November sweeps) in which, according to the Fox news release, he "will tell how he would have committed the murders if he were the one responsible for the crimes." The news release quoted Fox reality chief Mike Darnell as saying, "This is an interview that no one thought would ever happen. It's the definitive last chapter in the Trial of the Century." The person interviewing Simpson has not been identified. The interview is scheduled to air days before Fox's corporate sibling, Harper Collins, publishes Simpson's If I Did It, Here's How It Happened on November 30.

Borat spanked by angry Yank... with a surprise!

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