2006 29 July :: 12.11am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Garbage - Shut Your Mouth
This is the best video ever. Ever.
Trust No One
Scully has a field day, behind the cut...
Read more..
Oh yeah, I just found out today that Glen Morgan and Kristen Cloke (Lara Means from Millennium) have been married since 1998 and have two children together. Umm... wow.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 28 July :: 9.48pm
So, I have a lot to say, but i dont know how to make the thoguhts into words. I love you all though. I am sorry if i have not been around enough. I am also sorry if i worry you. I am doing well. I have not been in the zoo for more than a couple days in weeks. I have been in caddy mostly. My cali aunties were here and i have been spending a lot of time with sean and ryan at camp. Ryan and i are doing realy well. KEnze has been in europe, so i feel like we have finally had some time to get back to being real freinds, hopefully this will not change when she gets back, even more hopefully, i hope i can get to be real friends with her again. Sean is leaving for ecuador soon and i am sad about that, but happy that we have been able to hang out so much lately.
I need to see you guys this week. I will be in kzoo sun-wed or thur. I MISS YOU. (Ricci- I am glad you hung out, but i wish you would have stayed, all we did was stay at my house and play cranium.) I love my locust st. Brigade, but i love my cockmobile crew in a more deep and profound way. My phone is dead right now, but call me this week.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 28 July :: 11.45am
i had forgotten how fun this is...
Describe yourself using ONE BAND and only SONG TITLES from that band
Band :: Ben Folds
Are you male or female :: Zak and Sara
Describe yourself :: The Luckiest
How do some people feel about you :: You to Thank
How do you feel about yourself :: Not The Same
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend :: Gone
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend (husband) :: Sentimental Guy
Describe where you want to be :: Rockin the Suberbs
Describe what you want to be :: Fired
Describe how you live :: Still Fighting It
Describe how you love :: Trusted
Share a few words of wisdom :: Give Judy My Notice
Band :: Barenaked Ladies
Are you male or female :: I'll Be That Girl
Describe yourself :: Alternative Girlfriend
How do some people feel about you :: Never is Enough
How do you feel about yourself :: Some Fantastic
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend :: Long Way Back Home
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend (husband) :: Falling for the First Time, I Love You
Describe where you want to be :: The Old Apartment
Describe what you want to be :: Celebrity
Describe how you live :: Off the Hook
Describe how you love :: It's All Been Done
Share a few words of wisdom :: This Is Where It Ends
Band :: Cat Stevens
Are you male or female :: Kitty
Describe yourself :: (I Never Wanted To) Be A Star
How do some people feel about you :: The Tramp
How do you feel about yourself :: Oh Very Young
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend :: I Love Them All
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend (husband) :: Here Comes My Baby
Describe where you want to be :: Home In The Sky, Miles From Nowhere
Describe what you want to be :: Here Comes My Wife
Describe how you live :: I Wish, I Wish
Describe how you love :: Wild World
Share a few words of wisdom :: If You Wanna Sing Out, Sing Out
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Tell Me What You Think
2006 28 July :: 1.04am
:: Music: Eve 6: Inside Out
Case ID# 06-3855
Claim # 068934781
Is owning a black vehicle the equivalent of a black cat? I swear this truck is the devil. I mean how many times can I be rear-ended? How many times can I get broken into? How many wildlife creatures will try to commit suicide by damaging body panels?
Most of you know the previous installments, so I will only detail the latest in the Saga of Jimmy. At 11:08 PM CST, a pair of idiots happen upon a 1995 GMC Jimmy. This is not any ordinary Jimmy. This Jimmy belongs to none other than one Joseph P. Burgess. Well, our idiots believe this is enough reason to force entry into the vehicle. What our pair of idiots fail to realize is that Mr. Burgess parked Jimmy in front of his living room window. Not only that, but Mr. Burgess is sitting on his couch with the window open in plain view of said vehicle. Well, dumb and dumber go ahead and break the driver’s window. Upon hearing the glass break Mr. Burgess goes to the window in a state of undress and yells at the vandals scaring them away into the neighbor’s yard where they proceed to break into another vehicle.
Well, 911 was dialed. The operator was efficient and courteous, but not intelligent. 20 minutes later said operator calls Mr. Burgess back and tells him that police have searched outside and his vehicle is the only one broken into, and ask him to go outside and meet with the officer. Mr. Burgess is puzzled because said officer has not yet arrived. When Officer Chad Mroczenski arrives, he proceeds to prove that one must be of substandard intelligence to work for public safety. He asks which vehicle has been vandalized when in plain view of broken glass. After informing the officer that broken glass was the vandalization, he proceeds to open the door and look for further damage. When finding none, he slams the door sending what was left of the window into the interior of the vehicle. When asked for a case number Officer Mroczenski gets out his business card and proceeds to explain how it works and that there is a phone number on it. When pressed for the case number Officer Mroczenski becomes impatient and continues to explain how to use a business card and then writes the case number on the back.
Now that Officer Mroczenski is gone, Mr. Burgess puts in a call to Progressive. The entire time required to go through filing a claim is 7 minutes and 37 seconds. That is including going through the auto prompt menus and entering policy numbers. Why does it take less than 8 minutes to file a claim with an insurance company, but takes 20 minutes for police to respond?
What a fucking night. And I ripped my finger open on glass :-(
Tell Me What You Think
2006 24 July :: 8.19pm
Best Paul Quote Ever:
"I've been in love with you for so long that I'm starting to understand country music!"
Tell Me What You Think
2006 24 July :: 12.02pm
:: Mood: pleased
:: Music: The Pretenders - I'm A Mother
The Movie Entry
So, my internet freaked me the hell out yesterday by slowing down to a snail's pace. I messed about with it for an unnecessarily long time before finally deciding it might be Time Warner Cable. Called them up, and sure enough, "technical difficulties in Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan." Not but five minutes ago, it appears things are back up to speed. Thank god... you ever want to cripple me, just take my internet away. Anyway, on with the cinematic goodness:
- This trailer really grabbed me for some reason. I really enjoy watching old news footage and interviews with Lennon. He's very captivating. The U.S. vs. John Lennon
- Once I got past the initial "WTF?" of why this existed and actually watched it, it wasn't that bad. Brings me back. TMNT
- This is f'ing hilarious. I'm going to forego the introduction and just let it speak for itself. Genius. A Letter to Luke Wilson from Steely Dan
- So, I guess Haley Joel Osment got into a nasty little car crash last week. This, in of itself, isn't really noteworthy, but what is worth mentioning is how our cute little friend from "The Sixth Sense" has aged since 1999. Check out his IMDb entry for jaw-dropping pics. Where has the time gone?
- Evidently, 'Bond 22' has already been announced for 5/2/08, forgiving the fact that #21 is still 4 months away from the theater. I'm digging Daniel Craig lately though. After seeing "Layer Cake," I think he can pull it off. And a darker Bond is a better Bond.
- J.J. Abrams has been confirmed to produce for the next 'Star Trek' flick, with directing a strong possibility. Let me say for the first in what I hope will be many times regarding this, "Thank you, J.J." (By the way, I don't blame you for M:i:III... I really don't. Bygones.)
- I saw "Lady in the Water" over the weekend, which I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about (although I'm getting a better idea). Anyway, after having to endure pure shite for trailers for most of this summer's fare, I was flabbergasted with what I saw yesterday... 1) The Prestige; 2) Childen of Men; and 3) The Fountain Three new films by three good/great directors. Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 23 July :: 10.23pm
cockicidal maniac
By removing the head, or destroying the brain.
Watching a man get beat to the tune of Queen.
They say she started the world’s first interracial hardcore loop. Suck it. DP. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Big old gash. Holy flaps. Loves giant root. Pipe or clam—It’s all good. Big old muff. Ropy old twat. Both holes filled with pearly white spooge.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 21 July :: 1.15am
"You know, orchids are named from the Greek word orkhis...it means
testicles. It's cuz the shape of the flower resembles them."
Tell Me What You Think
2006 17 July :: 6.33pm
This is what happens when I forget to put the laundry away.
Read more..
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Tell Me What You Think
2006 17 July :: 2.15pm
:: Music: Leonard Cohen - I'm Your Man
Is Joe dead?
I miss Joe.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 16 July :: 5.42pm
:: Music: Metallica - Fuel
Love this article. LOVE it:
A Netflix Hangover
Tell Me What You Think
2006 15 July :: 10.02pm
I have changed. I am new and different. I am the same sometimes though. I realized this week how long it had been since i donkey-laughed. I missed it. I missed laughing hard. I miss the old, but am embracing the new. I am sad. I dont like goodbyes, i am bad at them. I dont like change, but i love new and exciting. I love to learn new things, but i hate doing so in a structured way. The past is gone. i need to let go. The future is coming so i need to hold on, maybe.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 15 July :: 6.23pm
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: Barenaked Ladies- Be My Yoko Ono
"..it doesnt seem to me to be such a pain, to have you hanging off my ankle like some kind of ball and chain..."
Three weeks! EEEE!
The to-do list is down to a mere 39 items. Which is still stressing me out, but well, you know. Thats how I roll, yo.
I think I'm going crazy.
I wish I had some more friends, or didn't lose track of some of the old ones. But then again I think about how difficult it is to keep up with the friends I am "close" with right now. So maybe being social is not really my nature.
Is anyone a good artist? I need help painting a mailbox.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 14 July :: 8.24pm
Note to self: never use laptop when naked.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 14 July :: 4.15pm
:: Music: Korn: See You On The Other Side
To change, and to leg numbness.
Tell Me What You Think