2006 9 July :: 9.36pm
You shot dad in the ass. Are you happy now?
Tell Me What You Think
2006 7 July :: 11.08pm
Kyle XY is a decent tv show. Now if they could only give it a better name.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 7 July :: 4.10pm
It’s not about who you love; it’s about how you love. Genitalia is just God’s way of accessorizing.
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Tell Me What You Think
2006 1 July :: 10.35pm
Been awhile since I’ve made a semi serious entry. Went to the mud bogs today. Yes, it really is as hickish as it sounds. But, it was fun, especially the tough truck competition.
Finally decided to take advantage of the free ticket I had for Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift. Well, it wasn’t free, only the first $7 so I had to pay fifty cents. I must say it was fully worth it. It was one of those movies where you walk in not expecting a lot, but walk out not only pleasantly surprised, but impressed. Only saw two obvious flaws in the movie. One in a driving scene, which I kind of expected just because of the plot line. The second really bothered me. They’re working on a car. When they finish the mechanicals, they’re buffing on it and put on a new set of wheels. Later in the movie, they’re racing it with the original wheels on it, not the new ones. I was amused that there was a credit for “exceedingly handsome guy,” except I don’t remember anyone exceedingly handsome.
I’m surprised by the number of actors that aren’t shaving their chests (not that I’m complaining). Almost all movies that I can think of men had smooth chests. Now it seems much more common to see some hair. I like the distinction that the guys aren’t little boys and have in fact went though puberty. Although in the actor in Tokyo Drift is supposed to be in high school and looks to be in his mid 20’s. Oh well, enough ranting and raving for the night.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 1 July :: 3.55pm
:: Music: TVOTR - I Was A Lover
Dido - Closer
So leave your taxi waiting
And turn and close my door
And sit back down where you were sitting
A little closer than before
And when you look that serious
It just makes me want you more
And I've been meaning to tell you
The closer you get, the better I feel
The closer you are, the more I see
Why everyone says that I look happier
When you're around
The closer you get, the better I feel
And yes I know you're nervous
Never seen you so unsure
You haven't touched your food tonight
And you're drinking more and more
And there's no need to hurry
Take your time I'll still be here
And I've been meaning to tell you
The closer you get, the better I feel
The closer you are, the more I see
Why everyone says that I look happier
When you're around, the better I feel
The closer you get, the better you see
The closer you are, the more I see
Why everyone says that I look happier
When you're around
The closer you get, the better I feel
The better I feel, the better I feel
We've been circling for time baby
We're coming down to land tonight
The wait is over and now it's easy
Everything is fine
The closer you get, the better I feel
The closer you are, the more I see
Why everyone says that I look happier
When you're around, the better I feel
The closer you get, the better you see
The closer you are, the more I see
Why everyone says, that I look happier
When you're around, the closer you get
The better I feel
Mmm... powerhouse collaborations.
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Tell Me What You Think
2006 30 June :: 5.39pm
so 30 seconds to Mars is playing at the intersection on the 7th and i have an extra ticket. If you are interested let me know, it is 13 bucks.
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Tell Me What You Think
2006 30 June :: 1.51pm
Eat me dammit! That’s an order!
Tell Me What You Think
2006 30 June :: 11.03am
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Bjork - Venus as a Boy
So now then...
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Tell Me What You Think
2006 29 June :: 12.43pm
1. I NEED to get the Panic! cd...maybe Chicken will let me rip it...
2. I am beside myself becaus ei have just met all of these awesome new people and i feel like i could really have been close with them, but they are leaving. arg...i guess i should just enjoy the time i do have.
3. I love dancing around the livingroom to loud music.
4. Face left yesterday, Allison and Mel leave today, and I work all weekend.
5. I talked to Ryan yesterday and it was glorious.
6. No more smokes until July 7 Alicia.
7. He is just precious.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 28 June :: 3.55pm
:: Music: Aerosmith - Ain't That A Bitch
So... evidently I'm full swing in my current predilection towards superhero movies. Witness:
Exhibit A - The new teaser trailer of Spiderman 3 made me knees tremble... and I was sitting down. What a cast! Check it out. 5/4/07
Exhibit B - I'm starting to warm up (slightly) towards X3, realizing that I may have been a little too harsh on Ratner and Co. This was helped along by finally seeing the credit cookie (how the hell did I forget to stay when Ricci told me to beforehand?!) and by discovering that the incedibly asinine line "I'm Juggernaut, bitch!" actually has an explanation behind it (one that doesn't excuse its inclusion, but still offers some sort of explanation of its presence)... "Don't you know who I am?!" Check out the links at the bottom as well, specifically #3 in the footnote area and the link to the video itself on Youtube.com in the references area.
Exhibit C - After months of lukewarm reception to Superman Returns, I'm finally really excited about the film, mostly due to a) decent word of mouth thus far and b) the fact that it is directed by Bryan Singer.
In other news...
In addition to new versions of the original Star Wars trilogy, August will also bring a new set of Lord of the Rings DVDs. The X-Mas list is already filling up...
Also, I am dangerously close to finally finishing Silent Hill 4, and thus, the entire series (so far). Bring on the DVD, I need some special features to oogle at.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 27 June :: 12.42pm
:: Music: Douche-face mix 1
what i am and am not
So i have realized that there are lots of things i am, such as generous, funny, friendly, caring etc...but there are lots of things i am not as well:
I will never be the kind of girl who:
climbs trees
wears skirts (a lot)
shows a lot of skin in general
has sex w/ randoms
is brave
shows how i really feel
I will always be the kind of girl who:
listens to other people's problems
gives more of herself to others than she keeps for herself
is scared
doesnt trust
is ashamed
puts up a front
i have not kept any food down in 3 days...this is not good.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 27 June :: 10.13am
You’re back. Just in time for some of my cottage cheese and sour cream pancakes.
Excuse me, do you have any cards that don’t have erections? It’s my mom’s birthday.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 25 June :: 1.02am
I IMed max, then freaked and couldn't talk to him. I am fucked up deep down in a place that takes a lot of work to fix. I have made a life for myself that he didnt want to be a part of and i dont know how to be the person he knew. we have not communicated since Aug 17, 2005 ( I checked our message history) and that was just online...on the phone or in person, it has been...a year...or maybe more. He used to be my best friend. He doesnt even know me now. he had never heard of One tree hill for god sakes! Who knows me at all and has no idea about my BIGGEST OBSESSION?
I need to think of the good stuff i was writing about earlier:
d-champ has green eyes.
Chris makes me laugh.
Watching the boys play soccer w/ mel2 was awesome
Mel is back tomarrow?
tomarrow is tourgasm, monday is RAW
I dont work tomarrow, but i worked 40 hours tis week.
this is my last week before 3 weeks off!
class ends this week too!
My aunties are in caddy RIGHT NOW!
ryan, sean, and jessie miss me.
yesterday i rapped.
jen Barreling through the woods.
I was an animated tour guide...a lorax perhaps...
I won a signed OTH pic...
ok that is enough...bedtime.
Tell Me What You Think
2006 24 June :: 11.45pm
I feel it slipping away.
fingers and mind grasping
nothing but nothingness
touching without knowing
then know
only when there is nothing left to touch
it comes and goes
without noise
the silence speaks to me though
talking, but not understanding
touching, but not feeling
loving and hating
all that i am, was and will be
until i am nothing too.
Tell Me What You Think