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:: 2003 17 July :: 10.07 am
:: Mood: bouncy

whitney ish eating macoroni and cheese...its blues clues so the macoronis are shaped like little paws...aww how cute...but now ive eaten all of the macaroni so there ish no more...i had some pokemon macaroni...i cant find it though..i wonder where that ish...hmmz...i have to go look for it sometime so i can be all happy again with the macaronis...bouncy thash a cool mood ish so...bouncy...hehe...yesh so....ive injured myself with this giant box...i told you about the box right? ok so i cant go skating...sadness...oh well ill just make more macaronis and be all boncy...erm...yeah...


:: 2003 17 July :: 10.05 am
:: Mood: sleepy today i went over to kates and we decided it would be fun to jump in this huge refrigorator box and skateboard down the big hill....we were wrong...ish painful! ouch!!! but it wash pretty cool now that i tink about it...


:: 2003 17 July :: 10.03 am
:: Mood: awake

ok...i am extremely i am going to be saying random things...

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