2003 27 November :: 9.30 pm
:: Mood: i think i might possibly be drunk
:: Music: none at the moment
my thanksgiving was extremely boring.
yeah, ok so, nothing much to say, i planned alot more to say, but now i dont really remember any of it.
i got a bunch of guitar tabs, i can sort of play the beginning of left coast evny, most of punk rock princess, and all of the white stripes seven nation army, it sucks though, im horrible at it, i learn fast though i suppose.
my family came over an hour late, which is actually very good for them, they're usually like ...3 hours late. so YAY i guess.
oh well, it was so boring. there was absolutely nothing to do. grr, i hate family gatherings.
but, i get to go over to kates tomorrow! YAY, i cant wait, kate's the coolest person ever! i love her so much, lol wow.
yeah, so theres no one on.
and travis was supposed to write me a poem/song thingy that i could post/write in here or whatever, but he says he doesnt have any ideas, i really wish he did, i loved his other one, it goes like this:
there was a girl who worked at the zoo
it was amazing to see what the animals could do
the birds and monkeys were in trances
hippos did hula dances
they danced in a parade at the sound of a kazoo
i love that alot, so does kate, i shared it with her, she said it was "the coolest!" indeed kate, indeed.
also, all male turkeys are named thomas, dont ask me why they just are. like female dogs and being called bitches, its just life.
sean also never called at five yesterday like he was supposed to, i was joking around on the phone with kate and blurted out, "WHAT AN ASSHOLE!" and my mom was like, "excuse me?!" haha, then kate was like "ahahhahahah! say it again!!!" it sounds really stupid, when in reality, you just had to be there, it was really very funny.
clay was on the thanksgiving parade...my mom said he looked very *urban*, unfortunately i missed it, because i was upstairs and you cant change my tv because my uncle misplaced my remote, what a horrid, stupid and evol, evol man. oh well. the tv is stuck on boxing, boxing is actually very entertaining, ask sean, he was on the phone with me when i was watching it. although, he really just thinks im stupid, but whatever.
well, thats about it, im going over to see if theres anyway kate's able to have written in her journal, if so, ill comment. [so, look for it kate]
anyways, ill be at kates tomorrow, so if you want, call there [919 431 9102]
you wont, but oh well. bye.
also, chew on this, i love one person, its probably not you, so shut up about it already, you know who you are, if this makes no sense to you, then just ignore it.
anyways, bye.
oh, and i took that quiz again, i even got more and more quizzes, im so bored, but anyways, its more me this time, i wasnt satisfied with my answers before, i know im weird, but hey, i got conor now.

i probably want to have conor oberst's children
which emo singer are you destined to hump? brought to you by Quizilla

Romantic movie! You probably won't star in a porno
anytime soon. You seem to be really into the
whole "love" thing...romantic sex
with perfumed sheets and candles all over the
place. You're probably a hopeless romantic. You
value sex and respect your partner too much to
do anything like porn. AWWWWWW! <3
What kind of porno would you star in? brought to you by Quizilla
now, you have got to be fucking kidding me, i know if rach saw that now, she would have something to say about that alright. haha...
2003 25 November :: 7.15 pm
:: Mood: full
:: Music: if you were here :: thompson twins
i just ate alot, and had my latte, yay.
another update today, yay?
oh and i found a quiz:
You're Most Like The Season Winter ...
You're often depicted as the cold, distant season.
But you're incredibly intelligent, mature and
Independant. You have an air of power around
you - and that can sometimes scare people off.
You're complex, and get hurt easily - so you
rarely let people in if you can help it. You
can be somewhat of a loner, but just as easily
you could be the leader of many. You Tend to be
negative, and hard to relate to, but you give
off a relaxed image despite being insecure -
and secretly many people long to be like you,
not knowing how deep the Winter season really
Well done... You're the most inspirational of
seasons :)
?? Which Season Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
so...uhm, yay for me that im winter?'
and another...

it would be good times in bed with me and adam
which emo singer are you destined to hump? brought to you by Quizilla
woo, how jealous are you? muahha...thats right, me and adam, RIGHT NOW!
woo, sorry, im ok.
oh and im talking to jonathan, i found this amusing:
CrazyBeautifulo (6:33:37 PM): hello
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:33:42 PM): hey baby!
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:33:43 PM): lol
CrazyBeautifulo (6:33:46 PM): lol wtf?
CrazyBeautifulo (6:33:57 PM): that was...odd
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:34:02 PM): i know
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:34:05 PM): o well
CrazyBeautifulo (6:34:11 PM): lol, so what's up?
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:34:13 PM): im hyper
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:34:15 PM): like mad
CrazyBeautifulo (6:34:19 PM): lol obviously
CrazyBeautifulo (6:34:30 PM): today you like...wouldnt stop hugging people
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:34:58 PM): i know
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:35:03 PM): i was hyper then too!
CrazyBeautifulo (6:35:13 PM): lol yes, i noticed
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:35:32 PM): i wish i could give you a hug right now!
CrazyBeautifulo (6:35:43 PM): lol uhm, ok then?
CrazyBeautifulo (6:37:03 PM): oh, and im finally talking to you, a long time ago you complained that i wasnt, but now i am so you cant say anything
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:37:18 PM): otay
CrazyBeautifulo (6:37:39 PM): your profile is blank, 'tis boring
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:37:51 PM): i know
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:37:55 PM): what should i put in its
CrazyBeautifulo (6:37:59 PM): i dont know
CrazyBeautifulo (6:38:13 PM): you could say that you hugged everyone today...i dont know
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:38:24 PM): nope
CrazyBeautifulo (6:39:00 PM): you should hug all the teachers on monday, that would be funny
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:51:27 PM): no
CrazyBeautifulo (6:51:34 PM): nevermind then
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:51:37 PM): lol
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:51:44 PM): sooooooooo
CrazyBeautifulo (6:51:55 PM): yeah so, uhm, what are you doing for thanksgiving?
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:52:10 PM): absolutely nothing
CrazyBeautifulo (6:52:15 PM): that's always fun
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:52:23 PM): yeah......
CrazyBeautifulo (6:54:50 PM): im bored
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:55:07 PM): me too
PoPyeDaSailrMan7 (6:55:12 PM): lets have some fun
CrazyBeautifulo (6:55:18 PM): uhm...
and now he's stopped talking, oh well.
hes the only one on, which is why im making such a big deal out of this.
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2003 24 November :: 10.11 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: babies of the eighties :: something corporate
brr, its so cold!
it really is, its very cold indeed.
ok so, nothing really happened at school today, except, jonathan was on a "random hugging spree" bleh, it was...interesting, when i walked into first period this morning he just walked up and hugged me, then walked away. like huggings not a big deal and you dont even want to talk to me, fine jonthan, if thats the way you feel, then just fine. it really didnt bother me this much, but right now i am bored. yes so, then in seventh period, he just hugged me more, sat on my lap and called me *santa*...right, ok then. so anyways, then he started to "bounce" on my lap and say he wanted a pony, and if i wanted to "ride it", hah, wow, it was so funny. now joseph and hasan and all the other guys are like...calling me santa and asking if they can tell me what they want for christmas.
also, kateness is at her dads house because emma is getting her schedule changed so she can be around kate all the time. she just wants to be JUST like her, its really annoying. kates dad is just going to be yelling at them for like 3 hours when they are supposed to be having a *discussion*. i feel so bad for her, i love her alot.
ok so, uhm...today was the last day of school for this week *YAY*
if anyone wants to do something tomorrow-sunday, just call. i get extremely bored, can you tell?
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