2003 12 November :: 8.41 pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: sense fail :: bloody romance
i dont know...
this is for someone, you know who you are:
[just change the "his" to her...easy as that.]
Light that smoke tonight for giving up on me.
And one less cause to kill you sooner than my expectations.
To my favorite Liar, To My favorite Scar.
I could Have Died with you.
I hope you choke on those words, that kiss, that bottle. I confess.
Now ash yourself (yeah) out of the insides.
I said I loved you, but I lied.
Lets play this game called "When you catch Fire"
I wouldn't piss to put you out.
Stop Burning Bridges, and drive off of them.
So I can forget about you.
So bury me in memories,
his smile's your rope.
So wrap it tight wround your throat.
On the drive home,
You can joke about the kid you used to see and his Jealousy.
Breaking hearts never looked so cool.
And when you wrap your car around a tree,
your make-up looks so good next to his teeth.
Lets play this Game called "when you catch Fire"
I wouldnt piss to put you out (now)
Stop burning bridges, And drive off of them.
so i can forget about you.
So bury me in memories,
his smile's your rope.
So wrap it tight wround your throat.
oh...and just for kates amusement:
JoelsSkaterFreak (8:36:52 PM): ahh! fuck! there was this big ass spider crawling on me!
CrazyBeautifulo (8:38:08 PM): hahahah!
oh and theres a mellincolin, senses fail, and matchbook romance show at the cradle next friday, anyone who wants to go just call and we'll go together.
thats all, i hate life...i need to go cut and be done with it.
2003 11 November :: 7.20 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: nothing
i just got out of the shower, i am freezing!
i would like a hug, but there is no one here to give me one, how pathetic am i.
so after getting out of the shower i clicked on a random journal, and i found this thing, my results are astonishing....or whatever. it acutally sorta bothers me, but here it is.
My goddamn rock solid ghetto shiznit name is Ass Machine Cwac Cwac. What's yours? Powered by Rum and Monkey.
My crappy little elf name is Leafwind Brandyport. What's yours? Powered by Rum and Monkey.
 Which Evil Criminal are You?
yea, wow, ok then...just bye.
2003 11 November :: 1.11 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: tsl :: leaving video
this entry is going to be all about kenny, so stop reading it right now if you dont want to hear about it...
ok so, my mom got me the new teen people [i hate magazines...most of them] but she got it for me anyways...so oh well, and i was flipping through it and on their *artists on the radar* section...they had tsl, and it was a sorta weird picture...but anyways, it said "Kenny the lead singer-GUITARIST" if they *like* the band so much, at least get it right! that really pissed me off...im just weird though....i mean he plays bass...at least take the time to learn that if you stupid *teen people* idiots like them so much!
ok so anyways...im really weird about that stuff, so last night i started watching the best of me video and i hadn't seen it in like 3 months so i just played it...and now im in love with kenny again. so all is good...hah wow.
yes so, i just went to launch.com and played tsl's leaving video, its really good, you guys should go watch it, kenny is of course extremely gorgeous, as always, in it...so thats good.
i know i said the whole entry was going to be about kenny...but i changed my mind. also, i talked to adam from tbs yesterday on the phone, hes a god...its like...whoa.
that was really good, they are coming out with a new album next year sometime they said...or something like that, i can't really remember.
and my friend jenni, is friends with ever and a day...it sucks they broke up, they were like the best local band here, besides ali with an i...they are pretty good too. but shes friends with them and ill try to see if i can post some pictures of their bands and stuff...local bands dont get enough credit these days.
oh! and i might go to the movies with my friend nikki [no, not that nikki] today, i dont know though...so yea, if you wanna do something just call.
ill write more later, bye!
go to my journal profile for some pictures of ever and a day....and some other people that my friend jenni knows at annex [jenni is the best!]