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:: 2003 10 November :: 11.10 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: tbs :: youre so last summer and my mom in the background

jason called earlier! <3
i just put a random pic of my mouth on my journal, am i weird or what?
i think i am subconciously depressed, does that make any sense?
and i miss kate, come back already!


XxFaTaLcOoKiExX (11:16:38 PM): im so..proud of you! lmao
CrazyBeautifulo (11:16:45 PM): lmao...uhm...thanks!
XxFaTaLcOoKiExX (11:18:40 PM): you are one crazy chicken


:: 2003 9 November :: 2.52 pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: saves the day :: through being cool

i havent updated in a while
yes so...nothing really that exciting.
uhm...i think i might change this journal...or uhm...get a blurty possibly or something like that, i tried diaryland but kate freaked out coz she couldnt post comments...always have to please kate...yes thats right.
uhm i went over to nikkis [no, not that nikki] on friday night and we watched sixteen candles, ferris buellers day off, and pretty in
did you know they are making a sixteen candles sequel? that was...shocking for me.
the dude who plays long duck dong is like...50 years old...yea...theyre gonna be believable?
then last night i went to a party [FUN STUFF]
i also sat outside with jason and watched the lunar eclipse, it was so romantic [i am hopeless]
lol was really cool actually.
hum...boredness, ben was being a little bitch in LA friday...that pissed me off...he usually gets me in a good mood, not that i rely on him to get me in a good mood since i dont even really know him [AT ALL], but usually i hate everything and he makes it all ok.
so that really pissed me off, but joseph was being nice [for once] i think hasan smells, he farts too much and its just...sick.
showers are fun and nice, ive taken 2 so far today...then ill take another one at night.
cleanliness is always a nice thing.
i think i am in a better mood than i was this morning. on my survey i said i dont really LOVE anyone right now...i was just mad, i really do love people and *you know who you are* [hopefully]
blah blah blah...this is boring me.
im gonna go make a cd, bye and im sorry my life is so boring.



:: 2003 5 November :: 3.03 pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: tsl :: hold on

ok nevermind, i hate sean but i love him so yea that makes no sense...but he completely ignored me last that is somewhat of a reason to be mad. i poured my heart out to him and he is just like "okay" grr...whatever.
im never good enough...just never good enough. i give him everything and i get nothing back.
and i am sorry to everyone for this, i cut last night...passed out and woke up late for school...but its alive.. yay?
i love nikki, and kate, and kristen, and jason, and danny, and logan and sean [unfortunately]
thats all, bye.


oh and here is this:
CrazyBeautifulo (2:54:53 PM): KATENESS!
JoelsSkaterFreak (2:54:58 PM): whitness!
CrazyBeautifulo (2:55:26 PM): lol that sounds like...wit-ness
JoelsSkaterFreak (2:55:35 PM): lol, yes, it does
CrazyBeautifulo (2:55:45 PM): lol i am a witness now...
CrazyBeautifulo (2:55:48 PM): err..yea
JoelsSkaterFreak (2:55:58 PM): lol...whit's a witnes...
CrazyBeautifulo (2:56:32 PM): lol yes...i am
JoelsSkaterFreak (2:57:04 PM): i'm making a lovely
JoelsSkaterFreak (2:57:04 PM): lol
JoelsSkaterFreak (2:58:40 PM): i'm bored
CrazyBeautifulo (2:58:47 PM): lol yayness
JoelsSkaterFreak (2:59:04 PM):'s so fun when i'm bored
CrazyBeautifulo (2:59:24 PM): lol
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:00:26 PM): smells like pickle stickers again...
CrazyBeautifulo (3:00:51 PM): lol
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:03:44 PM): lol, on all the cd's i make, i always have perfect...
CrazyBeautifulo (3:03:51 PM): lol
CrazyBeautifulo (3:04:32 PM): i am talking to my old friend logan!
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:04:39 PM): yay
CrazyBeautifulo (3:04:50 PM): thats not very enthusiastic
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:04:56 PM): sry...
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:04:58 PM): YAAAAAY!
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:05:01 PM): better?
CrazyBeautifulo (3:05:02 PM): he is cool as fuck, seem excited!
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:05:10 PM): oh, but i am excited
CrazyBeautifulo (3:05:17 PM): you'd better be
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:05:23 PM): i is
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:05:24 PM): am
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:05:32 PM): lol
CrazyBeautifulo (3:05:36 PM): well then..
CrazyBeautifulo (3:05:50 PM): i say "hey" he says "hey" i say "whats up?" and he never says anything!
CrazyBeautifulo (3:05:55 PM): he doesnt talk to me!
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:06:01 PM): that's so rude...
CrazyBeautifulo (3:06:04 PM): ever! never! he never does!
CrazyBeautifulo (3:06:10 PM): but he is not a rude person
CrazyBeautifulo (3:06:18 PM): he is cool like whoa
CrazyBeautifulo (3:06:33 PM): my eye is twitching
CrazyBeautifulo (3:06:44 PM): and its starting to really hurt and bug me
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:06:55 PM): lol, this morning robin was reading my agenda and it has all my inside joke things on it and it said "woah" and she was like "wooha, wooha" it was really funny
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:06:57 PM): i'm sry
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:07:52 PM): new font!
CrazyBeautifulo (3:08:26 PM): lol
CrazyBeautifulo (3:08:51 PM): i just got bathwash from one of my mothers coworkers because "she cares about you whitney
CrazyBeautifulo (3:08:53 PM): "
CrazyBeautifulo (3:09:00 PM): lol wow...and i have to go...grr
CrazyBeautifulo (3:09:04 PM): you may call if you want
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:09:07 PM): lol, bathwash?
CrazyBeautifulo (3:09:11 PM): no one calls me anymore
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:09:13 PM): is that saying u want me to call?
CrazyBeautifulo (3:09:14 PM): yes, bathwash
CrazyBeautifulo (3:09:19 PM): no its saying im bored
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:09:35 PM): ok...i suppose i'll call
CrazyBeautifulo (3:09:45 PM): ok but do it in 10 minutes coz im going to get the mail
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:09:54 PM): it takes that long to get the mail?
CrazyBeautifulo (3:09:56 PM): and if i miss the call my mommie wont let me call back
CrazyBeautifulo (3:10:05 PM): no it doesnt but sam might be stalking me
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:10:13 PM): or billy
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:10:14 PM): lol
CrazyBeautifulo (3:10:15 PM): so yes, goobye
JoelsSkaterFreak (3:10:18 PM): ok, bye
CrazyBeautifulo (3:10:18 PM): i wish...

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