2003 2 November :: 10.15 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: the tv
i have quizzes.
I am an overly happy A.D.D kitten
Which cute or possibly strange kitten are you? brought to you by Quizilla
How straight edge are you? brought to you by Quizilla
LOVE is your chinese symbol!
What Chinese Symbol Are You? -- Updated (7/21/03) brought to you by Quizilla
What's your sexual appeal? brought to you by Quizilla
You are a goddess!
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Your Heart is Red
What Color is Your Heart? brought to you by Quizilla
Demure Flirt
What Kind of FLIRT are you? brought to you by Quizilla
You're nothing, really. But you're nice.
What type of music are you? brought to you by Quizilla
You are the typical feminist, depressed, artist. You go against the crowd and do everything you can to be different. Too bad noone notices. Try communicating with people, not just looking down on them.
What kind of typical high school character from a movie are you? brought to you by Quizilla
What's YOUR sexual fetish? brought to you by Quizilla
you're emo!
How can I label you? brought to you by Quizilla
lots of these dont really make any sense...but ....sure.
lol yea so...nothing really to do... la la la la... i am soooo bored. jason stayed over last night... funnnn... lol we were bored so we went to the creek and i pushed him in and he got soaking wet...lmfao...wow it was so funny... i guess you had to be there.
lol i am happy... so so so happy. i am weird too... my journals really boring me... i think i need to change it... lol but i dont know what i would do to it... so oh well... i need to find some cool background, maybe...checkers?
hum... so today i have to go play put put with the mother and rodney...maybe ill bring jason so its not as boring? i dont know...
and no one comments in my journal anymore...so yea, comment pleeeeesh.
last night jason put on the old gc cd...wow, i havent listened to them in forever, even if they sold out...i forgot what a good band they are [and billy is sexy]
i am too hyper for my own good. this is beginning to scare me...
and madi never called, CALL!!!! please!!!
she promised she would, my number is on her desk...so why doesnt she call? grr....
i need to take my medicine...lalalala
i wish someone would get on, but i am bored so they will have to deal with me, raur.
oh...and i need to make that cd for you kate, what songs did you want again? i can do like...up to 22...so yea, dont just give me five...coz thats wasting perfectly good space...and i just bought them with my own money..and youre really gonna piss me off if you dont pick a lot of songs so ill probably put some horrible songs on there just to drive you crazy..muaahhahaha. i dont make sense, oh well. so kate, comment with the songs you want....and yea.
hmm...twinny is moving away to isreal and i am sad..ill never get to talk to her again, she is the best :[
oh well... nothing new to me.
my mommie got these candies...theyre like baskin robins and they are mint chocolate chip and they are really good ...lol wow, i get amused easily.
hmm...yea this is a really long entry.
so ill write again later...bye.
2003 1 November :: 10.16 pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music:
bleh...im so tired.
yes...so tiredness
i went shopping today [I SAW MADI!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!] and got really cool boots
they have 4 buckles that come on and off
and they go up to my knees and really freak my mom out...yay
lol she started spazzing when she saw them
now shes starting to like them...which is scary
then i went to the movies, that was lots of fun...lol even though i really didnt see the movie [dont ask]
haha...wow, yea so..i just blocked like...everyone, except for nikkinatorness, and jeni...the two bestest people in the merc crew...im sure i forgot a bunch of people though...so ill have to do it again..oh well.
no more sean mainly [*yay*]
lol wow...i am mean
so very much...lol and i love nikki she is the awesomesterest
wow. its only like...10:20 now...and im so fucking tired.. i fell asleep in the car...
haha, wow...then jason like...had to carry me in...and wow, it was just bad, and now im here
i really have nothing to talk about...so whatever.
and we went to five star and got this really spicy food becoz we are really really dumb...and it was really hot... lol wow, it was good though, but i started like.. crying
damned chinese food... oh well.
and no one stalked me today...no billy or david [i feel sadness, kate]
haha, you guys arent cool enough to know them
only kateness and i do...muahhaha
i wish we could go back to lakemont and hang out again... and watch them skate, that was sooooo funny, they fell and got hurt so many times, then billy climed the fence...and its like.. 12 feet tall... and err...its *pointy* and billy sat on it...and hahahha, wow, he almost fell off of it! wow...you had to be there to understand. but the tennis court is cool...i scared kate...and almost fell over the net becoz it was so dark.
lol wow...i think i need to go to bed and have jason cheer me up becoz i love him a lot and im really sad right now
so yea...bye, ill write more tomorrow or monday.
2003 1 November :: 9.58 am
:: Mood: irritated
:: Music:
answer this pleesh
i stole this from erica [sorry]
but pleeeeesh fill it out for me, EVERYONE
it will make me happy :]
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I loveable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. When and how did we first meet?
5. What was your first impression?
6. Do you still think that way about me now?
7. If I was an ice cream flavor, which would I be and why?
8. Am I a dork?
9. What makes me happy?
10. What makes me sad?
11. What song (if any) reminds you of me?
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?
13. Do you consider me a good friend?
14. When's the last time you saw me?
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
16. Would you make a move on me?
17. Describe me in one word.
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
20. Do I cross your mind at least 2 times a day?
ok, so we were out last night, and we saw like...brandy and alex and then here comes victoria walking all slow in the back of the whole crowd...omg, she looked like a cow or some large slow animal of some sort...i dont know, but she was dressed up as a whore and looked like someone flatend her with a rolling pin, yes ...a rolling pin. grr..not that a rolling pin could even fit over her fat ass...but oh well.
and then we met these guys from broughton they were so cool...lol, they were skating and stuff, and one of them...was really hot, billy i think [is that right kate?] and the other one was just ...there. lol
anyways, so we saw alex and like...victoria and those fags...and wow, i heard they were dressed up as whores, coz kristen told me, and of course, i was joking and the brougton guys screamed, "hey! i heard you guys were dressed up as whores!" then victoria screams, "at least i dont act like a whore 24/7!" to me...i am not a whore
i havent even gone out with anyone from school...and shes had like...20 bfs...fuck her.
anyways, so we just hung out with them until like...10:30...then we went back to compton and on the way there...they were waiting for us [the preps] and they had to have been standing there the whole time, because they were at the same place just talking about us...whatever, so we just went back to my house, because kates mom was gonna call...and we ran all the way back from like...quail hollow and compton for no phone call...lol.
and thats about all...ill write more later, bye.
oh and heres me and sam's convo for amusement:
PimpMasterSam27 (9:41:45 AM): hey
CrazyBeautifulo (9:41:49 AM): hi
PimpMasterSam27 (9:42:01 AM): was holoween fun 2 u
CrazyBeautifulo (9:42:33 AM): yea...lol we went to your house looking for you...but you werent there...obviously, then kate said that you were at your *ghetto* friends house
PimpMasterSam27 (9:42:44 AM): lol
PimpMasterSam27 (9:42:46 AM): no
PimpMasterSam27 (9:43:15 AM): i was at josh's house
PimpMasterSam27 (9:43:17 AM): in sanderson
PimpMasterSam27 (9:43:18 AM): then
PimpMasterSam27 (9:43:21 AM): went trickertreating
CrazyBeautifulo (9:43:24 AM): lol fun
PimpMasterSam27 (9:43:26 AM): i didn't think u guys would go
CrazyBeautifulo (9:44:00 AM): lol yea...we did
CrazyBeautifulo (9:44:22 AM): then we met these guys and they were like*HEY! WERE BROUGHTON TUFFIES!* lol it was funny...
PimpMasterSam27 (9:44:33 AM): lol
CrazyBeautifulo (9:44:35 AM): brb
PimpMasterSam27 (9:44:39 AM): aight
PimpMasterSam27 (9:44:43 AM): i could beat um up
CrazyBeautifulo (9:49:21 AM): back
PimpMasterSam27 (9:49:25 AM): kool
PimpMasterSam27 (9:49:34 AM): was tommy lucas in there vrowd
PimpMasterSam27 (9:49:38 AM): crowd*
CrazyBeautifulo (9:50:02 AM): no
CrazyBeautifulo (9:50:07 AM): but we saw him
PimpMasterSam27 (9:50:07 AM): o
PimpMasterSam27 (9:50:23 AM): cuz i saw him hangn
PimpMasterSam27 (9:50:24 AM): with the ppl
PimpMasterSam27 (9:50:31 AM): u were talkn bout
CrazyBeautifulo (9:50:38 AM): oh reallt
PimpMasterSam27 (9:50:39 AM): did yall tickertreat with them
CrazyBeautifulo (9:52:40 AM): not really, we just hung out
PimpMasterSam27 (9:53:18 AM): o cuz i wouldn't want them 2 do anything 2 u guys cuz highskool ppl crazy
CrazyBeautifulo (9:54:02 AM): hahahahha
PimpMasterSam27 (9:54:56 AM): did yall see any ppl from carrollo
PimpMasterSam27 (9:55:03 AM): i think i saw raneem
PimpMasterSam27 (9:55:08 AM): india cox
PimpMasterSam27 (9:55:11 AM): tim
PimpMasterSam27 (9:55:14 AM): phillip
CrazyBeautifulo (9:56:24 AM): we saw alex and like...victoria and those fags...omg, i heard they were dressed up as whores, coz raneem told me, and the brougton guys screamed, "hey! i heard you guys were dressed up as whores!" then victoria screams, "at least i dont act like a whore 24/7!" to me...i am not a whore
PimpMasterSam27 (9:57:09 AM): yea they are fags
PimpMasterSam27 (9:57:19 AM): alex who
PimpMasterSam27 (9:57:25 AM): i can't believes they caled u a whore why i outa
PimpMasterSam27 (9:57:54 AM): VICTORIA's a bitch
CrazyBeautifulo (9:57:55 AM): i know...im like...the most un-whore like person in the school...ive never even gone out with anyone
PimpMasterSam27 (9:58:18 AM): so u saw raneem
PimpMasterSam27 (9:58:23 AM): i guess it was her i saw then
PimpMasterSam27 (9:58:28 AM): don
PimpMasterSam27 (9:58:37 AM): imma get victoria
PimpMasterSam27 (9:58:39 AM): like egg her house
PimpMasterSam27 (9:58:42 AM): 2dayat nite
PimpMasterSam27 (9:58:55 AM): which alex was it
CrazyBeautifulo (9:59:43 AM): wilson...but hes always nice to me, i went to elementary school with him
PimpMasterSam27 (9:59:53 AM): o kool
PimpMasterSam27 (10:00:27 AM): so the guys were like in a group with kelly leigh vic n all them
CrazyBeautifulo (10:01:29 AM): no i dont think
CrazyBeautifulo (10:01:40 AM): i saw brandy, alex, victoria, and i think taylor
CrazyBeautifulo (10:02:01 AM): and a bunch of other people
PimpMasterSam27 (10:02:31 AM): o if i was with u n i was there when vicotira said that i don't know what i woulda done
CrazyBeautifulo (10:02:54 AM): lol
PimpMasterSam27 (10:04:26 AM): o guess wut
CrazyBeautifulo (10:04:42 AM): what?
PimpMasterSam27 (10:04:52 AM): b4 i was trickertreating i was chilln by ma friends hosue n i saw carlos lol
PimpMasterSam27 (10:05:01 AM): like bailn on his skateboeard
PimpMasterSam27 (10:05:11 AM): he did like a kickflip n like fell off
CrazyBeautifulo (10:05:22 AM): hahahha
PimpMasterSam27 (10:06:45 AM): u wanna hang out l8ter 2day
CrazyBeautifulo (10:06:56 AM): i dont know if i can...BUT SURE
PimpMasterSam27 (10:07:08 AM): ok
PimpMasterSam27 (10:11:00 AM): god there such preps
PimpMasterSam27 (10:11:06 AM): like in my homebase
PimpMasterSam27 (10:11:10 AM): this girl called them preps
CrazyBeautifulo (10:11:13 AM): lol
PimpMasterSam27 (10:11:15 AM): n they got like all mad n stuff
PimpMasterSam27 (10:11:19 AM): n were liek
PimpMasterSam27 (10:11:22 AM): WER! NOT PREPS
CrazyBeautifulo (10:11:44 AM): hahahha...yes they are...they're like...the definition of preps...i dont see how anyone can stand them
PimpMasterSam27 (10:12:40 AM): well raneem is not 1 right
PimpMasterSam27 (10:13:02 AM): u know the ppl she was hangn with
PimpMasterSam27 (10:13:13 AM): cuz im like 100 percent sure it was her i saw
PimpMasterSam27 (10:13:18 AM): n i saw some high schoolers
PimpMasterSam27 (10:13:19 AM): lie
PimpMasterSam27 (10:13:22 AM): nicole beiber
PimpMasterSam27 (10:13:25 AM): n stuff
CrazyBeautifulo (10:13:42 AM): lol cool
PimpMasterSam27 (10:16:21 AM): imma brb gotta do soem chores but mark my words there gonna pay calln my friend a whore O! i outa
CrazyBeautifulo (10:16:39 AM): lol
[two balls, on the floor, no blood. any questions, kate?]
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