2003 3 December :: 7.07 pm
:: Mood: mad, though im not showing it
:: Music: nothing at the moment...
woo, so today was cool.
i guess.
oh! and jenni finally called me! YAY!
also, i started to respond to all of seans comments individually, then i just got bored with it lol so i stopped.
oh! it was so freaky look!:
MICROSOFT HATRE: I was eating, sorry
CrazyBeautifulo: right, im sure you were eating.
MICROSOFT HATRE: it was good dominoes pizza
CrazyBeautifulo: THATS SO FREAKY!
MICROSOFT HATRE: what are you eating?
MICROSOFT HATRE: I ate some pizza and cheesy bread
CrazyBeautifulo: pepperoni and cheesy bread
CrazyBeautifulo: extremely
CrazyBeautifulo: im adopting a sea monkey, whats a good name for a sea monkey?
CrazyBeautifulo: THATS PERFECT!
MICROSOFT HATRE: Chester the sea monkey...
MICROSOFT HATRE: it does sound good.
weRd. lyke, totally! rawk on hasan! not.
oh, heres chester.
yay! thats all, im mad at lots of people, new sn and blocking time. hah. bye.
[[ps]] if you know i like you i wont be blocking you and ill give you my new sn, this includes jeni, rach, jason, nicole, jordan, daina, and anyone else that wants it, ill give it to you if i feel like it, just ask me before this weekend.]]
leave me a comment <3
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2003 1 December :: 8.05 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: chicago is so two years ago :: fall out boy
ok so, today was really really weird.
kristen wasnt there, it was so quiet and boring, so you should feel oh so special kristen.
people have been hugging me alot lately, and tapping me on my shoulder in the hallways/classrooms. its been bothering me.
jonathan gave me a hug in home ec, then in the library and almost knocked me over, it scared the crap out of me.
then, between the 4th period bells, lee taps me on the shoulder in the hallway, and im like, "ahhh! who is tapping me?!" and i turn around like 5 seconds later and lees all the way at the other end of the hallway going "HI!" and smiling really fag-like. it was really REALLY weird. he even ate lunch with us, then between the 7th period bells he stopped me in the hallway to give me a high five, WHY?! ahh, its bothering me, just leave me alone, im fine on my own, why is he all of a sudden talking to me all the time and saying hi. oh well. moving on.
matthew, the one whos hair i am somehow fascinated with [its emo like whoa] turns out to be extremely rude to me, im hurt by this, i just said "i love your hair!" and hes a jerk to me, ok then. keeba tripped me in the hallway too, i didnt like it, i almost dropped all my books, but it was fine because hes a stupid little african boy who goes around tripping people, hasan [sp?] tripped on the stairs this morning, ms. grosbeck laughed at him, it was really funny. hes really weird, i wish someone would take a pair of scissors to that pathetic head of his, its full of tangled unbrushed afro-like curls, its so...unhygineic. or...something like that, i dont know.
oh oh oh! i can play left coast envy on my guitar! its awesome, i can also play dream on, aerosmith song, oh well. it rocks.
also, i blurted out during social studies today, "I WOULD SO LET HIM DO ME!" to joseph, he is never going to let me live it down.
yeah, thats it, anymore you wanna know just ask.
leave me a comment biznitch.
21 READ |
2003 30 November :: 11.50 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: down :: something corporate

"Sweet Dreams" (by Eurythmics)
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused
Which 80's Song Fits You? brought to you by Quizilla
i stole that from erica, sorry.
right, ok then.
i hate that song. oh well.
ok so, anyways, i woke up at 9:10, looked at the clock for like 2 hours in my sleep i suppose, because my mom came in at like 11:20 and said, "are you ok?".
it was weird. no, mom. im just staring at random things in my sleep im fine, leave me alone. i have to call kate, even though ive been practically living at her house for the past few days, oh well.
jg asked me to go ice skating again, like i want to go ice skating, i dont want to. hes been asking me for like two months now, you think he would figure it out by now, wow. anyways.
nothing much to say, its going to be a boring day.
oh well, thats all. bye.
will someone please leave me a comment?
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