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:: 2004 14 April :: 8.08pm

im paying my two dollars to keep this!



:: 2004 9 April :: 4.04pm

this is my new journal...farewell woohu and farewell the friends i made here...i hope you join me on greatest journal so i could keep in touch....good luck in life everyone...bye


this journal was the best thing i had...278 entries i believe i made...that means lots of memories moments hell...everything!....and 278 poems and quotes and songs...lots has happen since i had this journal and lots of growing has happen...its been good...so now i get to start new..YEY...so bye bye



:: 2004 9 April :: 12.10pm

well....right now im watching this documentary on umm hbo about children at war...and its sooo sad...this 8 year old was killed...come one...we are all doomed...i mean think about it...over there in isreal and bosnia and stuff they use weapons to hurt each other...gosh its amazing...i mean we are all people we are all the same...why do people have to do these things...we need to some how make peace...im tired...so im going to go...ill be back later and write more...bye..and im searching for a good online journal and once i find it...and its free...ill tell you guys about it and hopefulyl all of you will join me...bye bye

ha i really wish...look at my horoscope...
This may seem just like another ordinary weekday, but by late afternoon, you'll be walking on a cloud. Even if there's no real reason, nothing will be able to wipe that silly grin off your face.


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