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:: 2004 6 April :: 4.49pm

people suck
people suck...what is it their bussiness to know my sexual preference?
"OH MY GOD! YOU'RE BI!?!?" but then there are those who actually have enough common sense to not care and to support me for my actions. I have lost no freinds...but in fact, gained ALOT.'re such a good friend! And natalie adn ashlee c. too! You were out there when i was too... and kaitlyn,you walked me outside! And thanks Mike for giving me an option to resort to wehn I ever need anyting. And MiMi, thanks for talking me though last night.
I love all of you so much...

i've spilled my heart for you

P.S: thanks to the peopel who slapped tariq, chris mcclain and matt manning.

>.< robert

1 meter | roll it


:: 2004 6 April :: 7.54am
:: Mood: blah

new friends and a new life..i actually feel like I can walk around the cafeteria more freely....
haha...funny title?' true. I used to stay at one table during lunch and not walk aorund...same goes for my classes. now people want me to sit wiht them and everything...I'm going to be sad to lose these people when going to highschool.
well.... thought i woud update you... i didn't really do anything yesterday. Started bussiness project in Computers. Watched a movie on the Haulocaust in Language Arts.. then ahd a fun time in band NOT talking to Amanda.
I don't think you have the time to listen to me whine.

i've spilled my heart for you...

roll it


:: 2004 5 April :: 7.19am
:: Music: Evanescence: Hello

Twisted inside.... my feelings have gotten worse since the situation on saturday. people getting into fights over me...
Hey everyone... well, I feel even more depressed becaasue Amanda is yet, mad AGAIN at another one of ehr friends because they're frieds with me. she ahs to stop doing this, geez. She's going to lsoe all of ehr freinds. Maybe I should jsut abandon myself from everyone and start a whole new reputation.... I don't care if that means having NO friends...and that would be pretty hard since (i have to admit) alot of people enjoy my company.
But if I'm a way for people to take out their anger...then oh well, let them do it. I'd rather have them cuss me out and beat me up than for them to do something really stupid... liek yell at their parents or beat someone else up that is more important than me.

I've spilled my heart for you

1 meter | roll it


:: 2004 3 April :: 7.57pm
:: Mood: sad/depressed/worried
:: Music: Evanescence: Whisper

As you can see form the subject, I'm not in a happy mood. For corine to kill herself makes me a unhappy person. She tried to commit suicide, i HATE people that try to do that. They're so stupid. Don't they know that people will fuking feel bad if she died? they're so stupid. but corine, don't do shit liek that again. A world of torment a pain will follow me adn your friends. ESPECIALLY ME. because to think that I couldn't stop you as you were doing it.....

I've spilled my heart for you

roll it


:: 2004 3 April :: 5.36pm
:: Mood: loved

The black-light dance was friggin lame.
Yes, as I said the black-light dance I had been anticipating for the past week and a half was really lame. There were old people everywhere and we couldn't do ANYTHING enjoyable without being yelled at or penalized for it. We started a mini-mosh with 6 or 7 people and we were away from everyone else and you know, we were doing our own little thing. Then some stupid 16year old girl who was working there came up to us and told us she wasn't going to play anymore rock if we kept on. Pshaw. I wanted to punch her, I mean, it's not often I actually get to have fun. I was with my twin, Kelsea and my boyfriend Joe. And awwww Kelsea was dancing with a guy she knew in 4th grade and it was SOOOO CUTE!!! I had my first kiss for a long time too, but for some reason I just feel like a giant, horny penis. If that gives you any idea ^.^; . Amanda and Corine kept fighting the whole time. They need couples counseling or something. I mean, Amanda gets pissed off at Corine for the stupidest things and then Corine feels like crap and gets mad at Amanda for being mad at her and it's a never ending cycle. When me and Amanda hung out, they got in a fight because Corine said that Amanda wanted Nic's winkie and you know.. ::shrugs:: See what I mean? And I can't rave.. ehehe.. I feel bad cause everyone else could and I was just sitting there being bored until Bridget danced with me and then I'd go and watch Joe rave or just watch the entire crowd. It was funny cause of the way all the chicks were dancing like total lesbonic whores.

Then, we came home and didn't really do much. We watched 'The Faculty' and didn't go to sleep until around 3:30 or so. Then we had a movie marathon (10AM-4:30PM) watching Gothika, Freddy VS Jason, Urban Legend 2, and Underworld. All pretty good movies, but Urban Legend 2 was pretty boring and we turned it off halfway through. And so, here I am typing this so I'm going to go figure out something me and Kelsea can do to be unbored!

Lots of Love, Little Dark Child

roll it


:: 2004 3 April :: 8.40am
:: Music: All American Rejects: Why Worry

Two roads diverged In the woods....I take the one less traveled.... -robert frost
:sigh: A saturday which belongs to my parents. I can never get one day to myself. Every work work.
But enough complaining. I'm sure you wouldn't want to hear my whininh.
I have seem to developed a taste for Hilary Duff, lol. I dont know...something about her msuic calms me. Especially 'Come Clean'...hmm... i dont know..
Well, how about Mike adn brianna? I mean...jesus, what's hapennin there? You guys both like each other and I'm forced to be in between you two.
"Oh my god, I want mIke's penis.

"I wanna kiss Brianna sooooo bad"

"Call ehr and ask ehr what she says."

And blah blah blah!! long as you guys are happy.
But Brianna, you want mike's penis? Take it!


somewhere...anywhere....just there

1 meter | roll it


:: 2004 1 April :: 11.25am
:: Music: none

in school
In school...surrounded by this unfamiliar aura of what seems to last forever in my mind and soul.
April Fool's Day is today...But you know what? I'm the only fool here...

I've spilled my for you....

roll it


:: 2004 1 April :: 7.12am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: NOFX: She's Nubs

i'm shedding every color...trying to find a pigment of truth within myself. it's different that your away and that my soul and hand can't grasp yours......
I had an odd dream last night... one that should not be put on a public journal... I'm still confused from the dream and not totally awake yet.
Well... today's band. That class is always much fun.
Oh..and to clear up and misconceptions; i DO NOT like brian perry in that way. What moron would make up something like that? Maybe at one point in the beginning of the school year I probabky thought once out of a hundred times i saw him (as any other guy or girl i've seen) that he was hott.
I'm angered right now.... bite me.

i've spilled my heart for you....

roll it


:: 2004 31 March :: 7.20am
:: Music: hilary duff: come clean

Haven't updated in a while...actually...since my birthday. Sorry about that. I've been busy with me, it's not as good as this site. You can't put backgrounds or anything on that one. So I'll stick to this. ^.^
Hmm....had to wake up cause I ddin't put the trash out last night... I hate these Florida times.
Well.... I'll be going now. Gotta take a showerin a few minutes.

I've spilled my heart for you....

1 meter | roll it


:: 2004 28 March :: 4.56pm
:: Mood: scared

I'm terrified beyond compare, why doesn't he just kill me?
Truely beloveds, surely you all know about how abusive my dad is, correct? Well, on the night before last I hadn't cleaned my room and it was after dinner. The door to my room was closed I believe and I was talking to Sayna-sama. He told me I had 15 more minutes so I was like: "Alright." And then he left. I heard his voice, thunderous as a volcanoes eruption. "I told you to clean this room and it's not clean! Get off the computer NOW and go clean it!"
"Oh, my GOD!"
He did a waddle over to me and got really close in my face, his foul breath reeking in my nostrils. "Do it, NOW!!!!"
"I'm going!"
"It better be off in 3 seconds!"
"It doesn't go off in three seconds!"
"I bet it would if I did it."
He was standing behind me, so I asked,"Do you mind? I have some conversations on here I don't want you to read."
"Turn it off."
"Go over there, please!"
"Alright, I'm going!" And I exited out of the instant message, hit the Start button and was about to turn it off when he brought his hand crashing down, the fierce fist of authority. I felt it slamm into the back of my head and I jerked forward, my head bashing into the keyboard. It bounced an inch and landed again on the keyoard and Ilayed there with my head on the keyboard a moment trying to soothe my boiling temper. I got up, he had backed away a little and I pushed in the kayboard tray. It slammed in and the keyboard feel, I had broken the tray and knocked it off of the pulley thing. He jumped and swapped me right in the left cheek. I lost my balance and tumbled into the couch that is now by the computer and he tried to grab me and hit me again. I started kicking, blindly at first and then at his hands. HE finally stopped and so did I. I stood up to leave, the sounds of my screaming still ringing in my ears. "Don't you DARE try to fight me back again." he growled. He mumbled about how I lost the computer privledges for life and the phone for 3 monthes. "And don't you even close that door!" I went in my rom, pretending not to hear him and shut the door, not closing it completely but just enough so he couldn't see inside. I began shuffling through papers near my lamp and he pushed the door open.
"Did you not hear me or somethin'?"
"..I heard you.."
I was clutching on to a stick of deoderant, afraid it was going to crack in half because of the force on which I was squeezing. We stood there for the longest times, me not moving, my back to him and his stare boring into my back. "Get to work." I fumbled through some more papers. "I'm coming back in 3 minutes and you BETTER have this fucking room clean." And so as I cleaned my room, he would insult me fromt he bathroom. Call me a bitch or a whore and stuff like that. I was standing over by my bookshelves and Kathy came to talk to me.
"He had NO right to slam my head into the keyboard. I didn't do ANYTHING physical to him!!!"
"But he's your father and he can smack you when you're mouthing off."
"HE CAN'T SLAM MY HEAD INTO THE KEYBOARD! That's not even legal!"
And then I felt them burning my eyes. Hot, salty tears. They streaked down my face one by one making trails of black as they went.
"Is she yelling at you Kathy?" he asked in a high and might tone.
"No, she's not, Rick."
I cleaned my room and closed the door when I was done. I just lay there on the floor crying. Soon, he came in.
"I'm sorry for hitting you but--"
"I DON'T accept your apology."
"Excuse me? Who are YOU talking to?"
"You!Just cause you apologize doesn't mean I have to accept it, now leave me alone!"
"If you woulda fucking clean your room in the first place I wouldn't have beaned you and you wouldn't be crying on the floor like a pathetic little baby!" he snarled and left.
I cried myself to sleep that night. I was so afraid, though I will never admit that to anyone else. I was scared that I'd never be able to talk to my baby ever again and that my dad was going to kill me. Here's a poem I wrote at 1 or so in the morning.

Maybe I could kill you
Drown you in our pool
Wouldn't that just be
A dandy day or two?

We could kill you conventionally
But I wouldn't give you choice
Personally I'd like to stake you
Like Vlad, traditionally.

Or maybe I could do like you
And beat you half to death
With a splintered wooden bat
Until your head was blue and black.

And then from this pain I'd be released.
No more poetry like this.
Oh, wouldn't things be peachy
If you were only deceased?

1 meter | roll it


:: 2004 16 March :: 1.06pm
:: Mood: cynical
:: Music: Her Ghost in the Fog-CoF

Fuck it.
You know.. after 4 successful monthes of non-cutting, I thought I was actually making a come-back. That I had left that painful addiction behind, but, unfortuneately.. there are those who enjoy poking and prodding until the urge is just to great to bear. I found my old razor after an old attempt to hide it from my lusting eyes forever.. but I found it. I placed it to my wrists and thought about the events of the past few weeks. Plenty of good things, sure.. but several bad as well. The positive was almost outweighed by the negative, so what choice did I have? Well, quite a few, but I chose to take the path of blood. So, I did it knowing that everything I worked so hard for was being fucked up in the end.

I feel so empty. So fake. Like I'm a lie. And maybe that's all I am. A lie. Trying to mingle in with the rest of them. Lies upon lies with sprinkles of guilt placed ontop one by one until it is unbearable. Until you just feel like the only way to be clean is to die. Guilty you're alive.. (Random ranting until I deleted it all)

Anyways.. I had a fight with one of my friends and her bumfuck little buddy, Brittani. You know.. I hate how she thinks she's better than everyone else. Just cause she's in 8th grade and she has a lot of friends. She's nothing but a poser(as much as I HATE stereotyping) She's such a wanna be, trying to be all depressed and morbid like the rest of us. So what.. her dad back handed her for being a smart-mouthed little bitch? Some of us have real issues with our parents, sort of like Jocelyn and a few other people I will neglect to name. Me and Margueax are friends again, we cleared the whole thing up but Brittani is still being a stupid little bumfuck bitch. God.. I fucking hate how she thinks EVERYONE likes her and no one does >.< *more random ranting*

In other news, I'm glad because my snugglypuff called me last night! (Bob..) And we talked for like an hour and his cell phone kept cutting out and I'm like.. You're cell phone's going up my ass because.. it's just pissing me off. I havea fire-breathing ass!!!!!!! BWAR!!!

I hate my dad.

~Little Dark Child~

3 meters | roll it


:: 2004 10 March :: 8.29pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: None

~Confusing what is real.. there's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface..~
I truely apologize for not writing everyday like I used to, I just figured the posts would be longer if I only did it like once a week, and besides, I've been cramming and staying awake alot so I'm like oober tired..

~Consuming.. confusing, this lack of self control I fear is never ending...~

Major problems in my life? A few, actually. Well, first off my dating situation is.. I've been dumped by Robert forever ago. So, now I'm going out with this girl named Tara. Tara is a tomboy, real big sports fanatic. Getting to the point, my father found out. Now, tomorrow, I have to leave her. I feel so bad about it, like there's nothing I can do to stop it! I can't do anything because I'm afraid my dad'll kill me ifI don't leave her. I have the note and all is explained.. I just hope she understands.

In good news, my friends whom I told about this is hooking me up with a guy to cover my bare ass. His name's Joe.. I've had a crush on him forever but I can't help but feel guilty because I love Bob, and I still love Tara. He has blue hair and reminds me of Bob.. He's really nice, too. He's in 7th grade, though I'm pretty sure he's older than me.

~It's haunting, how I can't seem.. to find myself again, my walls are closing in. (Without a sense of confidence, I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take.)~

My dad is really angry because my sister didn't want to come here. She's afraid of him even though I protect ehr most of the time. He made her feel horrible and cry and then when she apologized he blamed it on my mother! ::Feh:: So, she's coming here anyways. That was just a battle in the beginning of a large war that we're about to ensue. My dad will have no idea what will be happening.. my mother will take me away from his stained, dirty hands! But, in a way, I was never one for hurting someone elses feelings. I don't wanna hurt him and I don't wanna leave all my friends.

~I've felt this way before, so insecure. Crawling in my skin, these wounds they will not heal. Fear is how I fall, confusing what is real.~

It's hard enough for me to make friends as it is but having to move to her house and start everything brand new.. it just kind of frightens me. But, it's a chance to wipe the slate clean. I can be.. who I want to be and no one will know if I'm being myself or playing someone else. And she's allowing me to paint my room and do all this other stuff myself. In another words, being an individual! Something my dad doesn't believe in.

~Discomfort in this thing ha pulled itself upon me. Distracting, reacting.. against my will I stand beside my own reflection.. It's haunting, how I can't seem....~

It feels like I don't know myself anymore. I want to be gothic, not freak. All black.. to express my sorrow. I've been in that mood for the past week now.White makeup, black eyeliner. Black, grey and metal.

~To find myself again, my walls are closing in~

And with this, I leave you with the words of my idol, Chester.

These are the places that I can feel
Torn from my body my flesh it peels.
During this ride we can cut off what we like.
Waiting alone I can not resist.
Feeling this hate I have never missed.
Please someone give me a reason to peel off
Mmmmyyyyyyyy... faaaaace.
Blood it is pouring.
Blood it is pouring.
Blood it is pouring.
Blood it is pouring

(Have a bad day ^.^)
~Little Dark Child

roll it


:: 2004 3 March :: 10.05pm
:: Mood: poetic
:: Music: Evil Aura

Wow, that test drained me.
Alright guys, my dad had surgery for his gull bladder and he's acting like it's a major deal or something just because he has like 50 staples in his stomach. (so disgustingly awesome) And he's walking around with a cane because he's to weak to walk himself around. You know, if I was him I would have been up and going in no time. Then, he winces when he looks at the staples, and I'm sitting there being tempted to poke them. Pansy.
Yes, so yesterday, my aunt, uncle, g-ma and pa came over to see if he was okay after the surgery and my grandpa has to play this huge freaking baby because I didn't 'pay attention' to him. So now, pretty much my whole family is pissed off at me because he was being a whiney bitch and it's suddenly all MY fault. And I was just told I HAVE TO WRITE AND APOLOGY LETTER. For telling him not to touch me! Bull shit, I say! Bullshit! He was the one being the fucking prick, not me. I was chilling wth Austin and Matt and he got all huffy and slammed the door to his car and my Aunt yells at me. "Give your grandpa a kiss!" Not when he freaking locks the door and ignores me. And you know what, I have good reason to hate him. He tried to bribe my mother for custody and then threatened her with lawsuits! I mean, would you like him?
Anyways, we had this huge test called FCAT yesterday and today and I am sooo tired. It was from like 10:15-1:05 today and it was later yesterday cause Mr. LaGrange was on tv. He won the Golden Apple award!
I love him so much, he's like my dad. ^__^ Then there was nothing left to do until four o'clock but go outside. Been working on my manga (see my profile on my screenname for details) and I have to say, it's coming along even though it sucks, heheh. Austin has been coming around lately. I gotta go so, later.

roll it


:: 2004 24 February :: 8.12am
:: Music: "lethal industry"- Dj Tiesto

Well everyone i know i havnt upadated in awhile, i've been busy as heck, AND ive been grounded >.< well anyway, bunny's single again now, im single again >.<; and now tylers dating brandy O.o. well anyway, Mojo's evil father wont let me call her or visit her anymore, but he cant keep me away from her at school, hell no, i am never going to ditch her.i recently told a few people about a certain secret, and they took it well ^^; i didnt get screamed at or anything :ish happy: and i met a few friends online who i talk to, tis a :names off people:

alex theres more but i forgot -.-

well im off to play rs...tty guys later!
:skidders away:

1 meter | roll it


:: 2004 19 February :: 6.38pm
:: Mood: artistic
:: Music: The World from .hack//SIGN

Been a good week I reckon!
Well, on Monday we had no school.. so I sat around all day on my lazy ass and talked to Bob. I felt like painting a picture on me canvas I got for Christmas but I never got around to it.

Tuesday was a very dramatic day, after school I mean. Well, I got home and everything was fine and I was talking to Jocelyn on the computer. She went to eat and when she came back she was bawling and telling me how her dad said she couldn't be friend with any of us anymore because of the way we dressed. All black isn't as bad as a girl hanging out with a mini skirt and a tube top, is it? They may think it's cute but I think the things of today are just a little whorey. also, they say we'll never get along in life because of our clothes. Uhm, I make straight A's and I think I can manage to wear a uniform to work. Speaking of work, he also said that we'll never get jobs. A, I am not old enough and my dad gives me allowance. B, Tyler has a job at a boat marina. And he's like : "I guess they weere pretty desperate then." That makes me mad cause Tyler is a good friend of mine. What brought about this whole thing? Her dad saw Tyler and Andy walking down the street and said they were "planing to steal stuff". What a bastard. I hope he realizes that he can't stop our friendship in school. The worst part is, she can't even buy a birthday present for Shannon and she has to act completely like a stranger with us to her parents. I cried for like the first time since I almost broke my hand on the fucking dresser cause my dad pissed me off. Shannon was hysterical. Margeaux and I were joking around about it after me and Shannon talked to Jocleny on the phone generally relieving us. Then, another thing happened.. Robert was crying really bad because of his dad. I swear, his father is fucking evil and I just want to shoot him in his god damn head.

Wednesday. Pretty good day. Nothing bad happened. Ryan kept pestering me to go out with him.. I'm really not ready for another bf and he's really ugly and a pansy too. Oh, and I accidentally cut my hand open putting a knife away. ::rolls eyes:: I feel so stupid.

Thursday. I hit my hand on the soccer ball in gym (after I hypervenilated cause we had to run a mile) and I ussed really loud, which was quite comical. I got Zach to give me a piggy back ride back to the gyn cause my legs were all achy and he's like: "Damn you for volunteering me for stuff I don't wanna do. You're just like my parents!" That was really funny. Lunch went by as usual.. Gabe gave me a cookie ::feels privledged:: Felt really drowsy in math and Spanish. I swear, that lady fucking annoys me. And she kept touching me and I'm like: Get offa me! Got home. Emptied out a dresser. Talking to Bob now.. he might come to visit me this summer! ::giddy:: Oh, and he cussed out Ryan. lol

As she walks in everyone turns to stare.
Hair so dark and skin so fair.
Eyes alight with a feiry glow.
The wings she has as black as coal.
They spread out like the crow at flight.
Everyone gasps for this is the plight:
The angel of death has so shortly arrived.
Her tangable hatred so thusly defined.
She has come below from hell
With bloody roses as her smell.
She will kill them off, one by one
Until her wretched job be done.
She'll take her sickle and swing it once.
Off goes the head, their body to dust.
The first victim lay dead, nothing but ash,
The others fall down in a deathly flash.
With a grin on her face, she gets her coat.
Her wings pump softly and she begins to float.
For her chariot awaits
And she must not be late.
Seven black horses paw the ground
She seeks them out, they drum the sound.
Attatched to the back are the souls.
To send them to the underworld is her goal.
And off she rides into the night.
Dimming off her sigil light.

roll it


:: 2004 18 February :: 9.38am

been a while....
sry... it's been a while.. guess what? it's my birthday today. hehe, 14... another age of where you are awarded with more responsibilities. ughh.... oh well. i updated a few days ago but that new layout wouldn't show up a new entry. it only showed the older ones i made.
oh well.... gotta leave for school in 6 minutes.
i wanted balloons... hehe! helium. lol just kiddin. well... i'm gonna go.

somewhere...anywhere..... just there....

1 meter | roll it


:: 2004 8 February :: 10.26am

i've finally heard it...
i've finally heard it form her mouth.....

"i dont care if he takes the damn medication or not... he can die for all i fucking care"

death awaits me

6 meters | roll it


:: 2004 8 February :: 9.03am
:: Music: Evanescence: Everybody's fool

I can stop the pain if i will it all away..... if i will it all away....
Another morning, another day in my life where nothing will appeal to me and nothing will seem right or "fair" in this world. A constant search for a meaning in this twisted and politicial world where lawyers rule.
Anywho.... a stupid candle fundraiser is currently happening and as usual, my mom doesn't care and doesn't want anything to do wiht it. if she's allowed to spend over $400.00 dollars in one store (Victoria's Secret) then why cant she spend $30.00 on a few candles and knick-nacks? so selfish. i hate it.
well..... of to think of a way to sell some stuff, i wanna support my band and give my life a future. unlike then, who don't even want me to go to a school Like Ft.Myers for their I.B program. GOD. they're lazy to drive me over the bridge..... it pisses me off.

angry and gone....and the list goes on and on.....

roll it


:: 2004 7 February :: 8.59pm
:: Music: Evanescence: Haunted

Blurring and stirring.... these thoughts in my head. always confusing the thoughts in my ehad so i cant trust myself anymore.........
a breakup...two friends against eqach other...they used to go out, both kool people by my book. that may not account for much but it does for me. i HEART my may sound...ermm...critical but it's meeh: EMO FOR LIFE. hehe.
but.... i'm forced to be between them, they can't undertstand how i tells me to not talk to the other and the other tells me that it's okay. i KNOW that i shouldnt be doing any of this but i'm forced to because writing about it helps me feel better. once again, that EMO shows. i feel that i should help...but at the same time i KNOW i shouldnt. what to do?

threads of fate intertwine and i'm left to decide whether i'll be at the end of the strings......

roll it


:: 2004 4 February :: 9.02am
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: the ringing in my head

happy for once.... but i feel like im setting myself up for failure. i dont want to get overly excited.... the more excited you are, the more it hurts when u fall....
me and elanna are on speaking terms again. if u saw us a couple of months ago, you'd think we were inseperable. but that's not what my subject is's about my birthday part at the skatium. laser it'll be awesome. almost too good to be true you know? so, i'm trying not to get too excited. hard habit to break since i've done it so much.
well.... im updating my journal and changed some stuff around. hope you like it.

forever and today

roll it | Random Journal