~Every other minute I'm strong as I can be, It's just those lonely minutes in between~


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:: 2012 1 December :: 12.57am
:: Mood: chill
:: Music: javon jackson - compared to what

national novel writing month is over!

i did not make much of a showing, myself. less than 10,000 words. but thank you for the support that i'm sure would have availed itself given a more vociferous crowd.

it's okay, though. i accomplished a few other necessary things in the month of november, and this is 7k+ more words than i had in october. so, that's something. i plan to continue working on the project, and expanding what's there so far. hell, by next november i might be ready to actually write a novel. in the meantime, i'm glad to work with what i have. and keep learning how to write. if nothing else, i have learned that i'm not a writer yet. and fiction is really going to be the best way to garner some heavy duty chunks of words.

sorry to phil - and the rest of the world - that dr. sex and the sexy mayor of muscleville do not make any appearances in this material. but i appreciate the fodder they will provide me later. then it will actually be a novel. with like, characters and shit.

in the meantime, let me take you back to where i was 30 days ago:



THE. beginning.

of a supposed book that i'm writing. a chronic novel. of unknown proportions. i'm at the International House Of Pancakes, and i'm really fucking tired. so, i'm gonna go to bed, and write this shit tomorrow.

1 *gazer* | *watch the stars fall*


:: 2012 26 November :: 3.01pm

i want ALL of the books.


and an infinite amount of time with which to read them and sleep, alternately.

2 *gazer*s | *watch the stars fall*


:: 2012 26 November :: 2.28am

so here I am

constantly basing my life on other people. Need to focus on myself.

Can't do that... hate myself. Help me.

2 *gazer*s | *watch the stars fall*


:: 2012 24 November :: 4.19pm

forever aloneRead more..

1 *gazer* | *watch the stars fall*


:: 2012 16 November :: 12.22am

Im engaged!! I cant wait to start planning my wedding, looks like its going to be between novemeber 2013-april 2014. Im leaning towards february and Jordan is leaning towards November so will see. So glad I have parents willing to help, its going to be a amazing day!! I just need to find a cheap church, since neither of us go to church. Looked at a couple venue already, but still havent decided. Lots to look at and decide. Im so excited!!

3 *gazer*s | *watch the stars fall*


:: 2012 13 November :: 2.44pm

Today I remembered that I forgot to sign up for Spring classes last week, so I got a pretty crappy schedule.. But, I found out that I will be done Fall of next year.. Not sure what I will do when I don't have school anymore.. I will have to go back to work, because I have an ass load of student loans to pay back.. Maybe I can put off getting a job until Reagan is in school full time.. Seems weird that I will be done with college in a year..

*watch the stars fall*


:: 2012 11 November :: 1.56am

So I made the roller derby team here. Its called Mountian Town Mayhem. I'm pretty excited because I've been talking about this for awhile.
Feels good being part of a team again.

*watch the stars fall*


:: 2012 10 November :: 12.10pm
:: Mood: ecstatic

Love this time of year, I cant wait for black friday shopping. Cant wait for the holidays, even though I'm working christmas. This year flew by, excited for what the new year will bring!

*watch the stars fall*

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