2012 9 November :: 2.53pm
I have made close to five hundred dollars so far I think selling stuff after I meet in town tomorrow for some pick ups/ drop offs. I'm using a little of that money for a new couch that I am insanely excited about. I shouldn't be this excited about a damn couch. I'm happy to be getting a bunch of shit out of the house and making money in the process, but it is very time consuming. David loves our coffee table because the top lifts off and pulls up to eat at it/use the computer/whatever... but its huge and heavy. Someday I want a more reasonable coffee table. He's already sad about losing his huge comfy couch, but I hate that thing. The dog hair will not vacuum off of it, and the dogs pull the couch cover off, and sit on top of the fucking pillows on the back... the list goes on of why I hate that couch. I want more room in here. I'm thinking of getting rid of the huge glass case we have in the dining room too and just putting up a nice wall mural instead for visual purposes without taking up space. I miss space. Skylar's room is finally all done, but I havent taken any pictures of it because I keep pulling stuff out of the closet to sort through, and her crib is full of clean laundry... and her christmas presents are in there on the floor. Baby steps I guess. You know whats ridiculous? I sold over thirty dollars worth of shit from my BATHROOM in under an hour. If people want my random shit, I cannot complain. David is baffled by the money that people are paying me for used stuff. I still have at least 100 clothing items to get sold, and then I need to start on household decor etc. I also finally made my decision about vaccinations. She isn't getting them. With my medical history of adverse reactions to the pertussis vaccine, I'm not going to risk her health or her life over it, especially when so many cases of whooping cough now are in people that have already been vaccinated! When school time comes around, I can consider things again, but if need be I can get her exempted because of my philosophical views on vaccines. I still absolutely love cloth diapers. Still exclusively breastfeeding. Still bed sharing. Still irritated by my mother. Life is alright.
*watch the stars fall*
2012 8 November :: 1.31pm
I'm gonna corner the unicorn grease market, tell you what
*watch the stars fall*
2012 4 November :: 12.42pm
Big challenges right now, but fire strengthens steel.
3 *gazer*s |
*watch the stars fall*
2012 3 November :: 9.24am
done with sprint, got a call yesterday saying i start at the tool n die place monday at 9am
*watch the stars fall*
2012 31 October :: 12.38am
Can't sleep.. Not sure if it's because I don't feel good, or because my mind won't shut off.. 7 Years later and I still can't believe we are together.. Pretty sure neither one of us thought it would last this long.. We sure press each others buttons, and annoy the hell out of each other, we aren't perfect, and we both might be a little on the bipolar side.. But I am glad that I said yes to going on a date with him. I can't picture anyone else I would want to go to bed next to each night..
*watch the stars fall*
2012 30 October :: 7.02pm
Final update
2 days until nano! at which point, i will probably not know what to do with myself. be super busy? write a lot? guess we'll find out.
wrote another thing for work. they seriously keep asking me to write them. i guess it's a good thing. i mean, i enjoy writing, and i'm getting paid to do it. regardless, i had a lot of fun with this one.
theater room guide
i shall end with some lyrics (because i so rarely post them):
here's the truest thing i've ever known
the heart is just a muscle with a rhythm all its own
it doesn't stop when you decide not to move on
the heart knows nothing of your love or of your loss
so life just keeps on ticking by
compelled by instinct to survive
and love's the only thing worth being alive for
- how to rest, the crern werves
well, at least it explains my lack of will to live. i mean, i don't want to die. but i don't have much love to live for.
*watch the stars fall*
2012 27 October :: 1.39pm
:: Mood: working
so, cats and kittens, i will be updating this both less and more than normal in the coming month. i probably won't have a bunch of fun webcomics for you. i definitely won't have any stupid tangents about my personal life (i've been pretty uninteresting of late - okay, my entire life - anyway). what i will have, instead, are excerpts from the 'novel' i will be writing.

i don't know what characters will be in it. i don't know what it will be about. i don't know where it takes place. i don't know if i will be using omniscient third-person narration or not. i do know that i'm gonna try like hell to at least finish it. it will not be pretty. it will not be good. it will be a rough first draft to refine in the following months.
wish me luck. i sure as hell will need it.
2 *gazer*s |
*watch the stars fall*