~Every other minute I'm strong as I can be, It's just those lonely minutes in between~


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...stars dont always shine forever...

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:: 2012 4 October :: 6.48am

Cock Nozzle.

1 *gazer* | *watch the stars fall*


:: 2012 3 October :: 5.18pm

The liquor is calling the shots bud.

*watch the stars fall*


:: 2012 2 October :: 11.27pm

Since this entire "teething" thing started, Skylar has been on a semi-nursing strike. She fights me about eating. I have to act like a contortionist sometimes just to get her in a position where she will stop being mad and stay latched. I'm worried this is going to negatively impact our weight check in two weeks. It will make me physically ill if I have to give her formula. I will do absolutely everything in my power to not have to do that. She's a tall skinny kid. She doesn't seem unhealthy to me. She has plenty of wet diapers, she's just slow to gain. Its hard enough to make myself feel ok with it, and I have a feeling its going to be even harder at the doctor now that they know I haven't made a decision about vaccinating. When I called to ask about her low grade fevers today the phone nurse was grilling me about not having her shots at her well visit.

2 *gazer*s | *watch the stars fall*


:: 2012 2 October :: 10.48pm
:: Mood: happy

8 months
Well this month is 8 months for me and Jordan. Still working on house projects. The basement is coming along and the counter tops will be done next weekend. So excited for red flannel weekend, always a good time. Seems like its the one time of year everyone can get together, even with how busy everyone is. Im excited to take Jordan, so getting him arrested. Shadow puppy is getting so big. The dogs are learning to get along finally, so having two dogs is not such a problem. Im getting use to my new job, just wish I got weekends off. So life is going great :)

2 *gazer*s | *watch the stars fall*


:: 2012 30 September :: 7.48pm

This is where I would write some self congratulatory bullshit. Oh wait, this isn't facebook!

8 *gazer*s | *watch the stars fall*


:: 2012 30 September :: 12.32am

Having a child that starts teething at 2 months is a punishment that should be saved for the extremely wicked. I can deal with crying, and drooling, and the general hatred of everything, but man I definitely appreciate it more when she smiles and laughs now. I'm working on being a better wife. I know we're not "married" but I think I can also speak for David here when I say we've considered ourselves married for a few years now. He wears a ring also. When I complain about being broke, it has nothing to do with David. He is a great provider, we have everything we need, we just no longer have money for "fun" like really nice phones, or going to the bar, or out to eat to real places etc. On another note, people are really grinding my gears. I'm not sure certain people know how crass and rude they sound with every single thing they say..... Maybe I just take things the wrong way. Hard to know.

1 *gazer* | *watch the stars fall*


:: 2012 29 September :: 1.09pm

i'm writing these up for work.

they want us to make a procedures manual for the maintenance department, since they never made one initially, and there's been quite a bit of turnover in the department over the last 5 years. also, todd and i are not going to be sticking around here forever, which is no secret to anyone.

so, i'm looking for feedback. primary concern is readability and conciseness, while being amply descriptive. the idea is that whatever knuckle dragger comes here after us will hopefully at least be able to read, maybe even have some experience in the trades. but they need to be able to perform these tasks, whether they have experience or not. thus, these procedure instructions.

please let me know what you think.

LED wall

Filter change

Paint guide

2 *gazer*s | *watch the stars fall*


:: 2012 24 September :: 4.57pm
:: Music: the crane wives - the fool in her wedding gown

so, i've realized that while i bring a lot of specialized knowledge to the table, which i use on a virtually daily basis, it is extremely unnecessary for the job. good to have. really not needed.

there are ultimately only two critical aspects to holding down a maintenance position (aside from the social politics of whatever company you work for. that's a much bigger, separate can of worms):

1. Fix whatever broken stuff they bring to your attention.
2. If you can't figure out how to fix it, either:
a) have them call in someone else who is more specialized to fix it.
b) make damn sure it leaves your care broken enough to justify buying a new one.

that's pretty much it. simple. the only thing that makes this job difficult is me. which would happen at any job i have.

*watch the stars fall*

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