2012 23 August :: 4.06pm
:: Mood: creative
I've been doing alot better. Yeah, it sucks being secluded in a tiny town with no cell phone, but I now have a job, RJ has a job too, so things are getting alot better. I paint every day to keep stress, anxiety and depression at bay. And as hard as it's been, I still remain smoke free for over 4 months now. Things are coming together nicely :)
*watch the stars fall*
2012 22 August :: 4.52pm
6 months
Well were over the 6 month mark now and are officially living together :) I got the job at holland home and have been working as a nurse for 3 weeks now, loving it. Its a different feeling being in charge now, but def likeing the pay raise. Having two dogs is def been a struggle, hopefully they will adjust soon. Learning to share my house, has been harder for me then I thought since I have lived alone for so long. I just have to remember my sharing skills, I know I use to have them lol. House projects are coming alone, finally got my new floor in my dining room and painting the kitchen. Hopefully next month the new floor for the kitchen will be in. Already getting excited for halloween, thinking of having a halloween party this year. So happy with my life, looking forward to the future, maybe an engagement next year :)
*watch the stars fall*
2012 21 August :: 11.42pm
a few people are doing "in memory of andy" stickers....
My testament to my friend is buying a fucking camaro...
1 *gazer* |
*watch the stars fall*
2012 17 August :: 6.21am
My kid won't nap. And some people might think that, that is no big deal. But you've probably Never met Reagan. She is a major crab without a nap. She is sleep deprived and has been since she was about 4 months old. Her dad is no help with that. He contradicts everything I say or do.. She hasn't napped since Tuesday. And that wasn't a very long nap. Maybe a 20 mile drive. Wednesday, she fought it for 4 hours, and screamed bloody murder for 2.5 hours. I am seriously going insane. She doesn't ever let me do anything. Other than watch cartoons with her. I'm to the point where I'm ready to send her to day care just so I don't have to deal with nap time... But I would feel super Shitty about dumping her off on someone else when she wont go to sleep on her own.
And complaining and being this frustrated with her makes me feel like a Shitty mom and a Shitty person. Which just makes me cry along with her.
6 *gazer*s |
*watch the stars fall*
2012 14 August :: 2.01am
Hello woohu, how are you?
4 *gazer*s |
*watch the stars fall*
2012 6 August :: 11.22am
Comfort kills dreams so we have to stay hungry, or perhaps stay greedy, to keep moving in that direction.
*watch the stars fall*
2012 26 July :: 8.11pm
I'm so homesick today.
1 *gazer* |
*watch the stars fall*
2012 22 July :: 12.04pm
Set to the tune of happy fucking birthday:
Happy hump day to me,
Happy hump day to me,
At least I'll have Wednesday
And Thursday to sleep.
1 *gazer* |
*watch the stars fall*