2011 4 December :: 4.37pm
:: Mood: happy
Susie Home Maker <3
It's official, let the inevitable happen. I have become more domestic and wifey :) And you know what, I don't mind one bit. I honestly don't mind doing the housewife thing, I actually really like it. I'm surprised, I have actually caught myself wanting a recipe book for Christmas. Not one already filled with recipes, but one I can build as I go along. I want to cook, which is odd considering I've never had the urge to do so in the past. I'm eager to learn so that way I can be a good housewife. I don't know, it's a change from the way I was as a teenager, and I like it alot. Mood: Happy, Content, Joyful, Loved, Good in general :)
6 *gazer*s |
*watch the stars fall*
2011 2 December :: 11.36am
Sometimes I like to sport a hearty rager and try to get people to look at it.
4 *gazer*s |
*watch the stars fall*
2011 1 December :: 8.40pm
I am extremely lonely. I am so grateful for Brenton's job, but I miss him.
2 *gazer*s |
*watch the stars fall*
2011 28 November :: 11.30pm
Well... now that there's a hole in my door I think moving out is the only option I have.
1 *gazer* |
*watch the stars fall*
2011 27 November :: 4.16pm
so, friday didn't go very well. i still enjoyed myself, to a certain extent, but it definitely did not go like i had hoped. i just have too much faith in people being open-minded. i really need to learn to keep my trap shut, because not everyone is as accepting of differences as i am. or as tolerant of stupid shit.
thursday was fine. there was food. the lions lost. my family sat around. the highlight of my evening was playing liar's dice with the alspaugh guys.
last night was fairly epic, if uneventful.
and i got my scooter fix for the weekend. so that's good.
*watch the stars fall*
2011 25 November :: 12.54pm
Thanksgiving was good with the exception of the reffing in the lions game. What the fuck was that? I guess if Aaron Rodgers can't actually produce the yardage to get to the red zone you have to give it to him.
Other then that everything is gravy :)
I dont' think I've ever been this full in my life.
Is someone really going to hire me?
1 *gazer* |
*watch the stars fall*
2011 23 November :: 11.35am
I may retire from this site.
7 *gazer*s |
*watch the stars fall*