2014 10 August :: 7.30pm
how do you tell someone nicely to leave you alone?
i'm about to lose my shit.
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2014 7 August :: 9.41pm
i just kinda feel like i'm floating right now. through my life. i'm going through all the motions like a little worker bee. i feel a little lost, i know where i'm "going" but where am i really going? what do i want?
i mean, i want a better job, a college degree, and a nice car. ok, that's great, that's really just basic blah. why don't i start making more solid goals? start really figuring out what i want?
when do i wake up and say "oh shit, what am i doing? i've wasted x amount of my life doing something i don't love"? i'm afraid that my future self will regret the things my present self is doing. but what exactly could i be doing differently that would make me happy?
am i just trying to find things to worry about and be unhappy about? my doctor has given me some really good coping tools, which i am currently practicing. i'm sure after i go to bed and clear my thoughts and ground myself, i'll feel better.
i had a lovely day today. i spent after work with alexz and we watched supernatural and did the usual PB&J things, which is awesome. in addition to our usual shenanigans, we made the most delicious home-made ramen ever. it was so good. it was salty, but so good. its the first thing i've made in a long time that has actually turned out amazing haha.
i'm excited to try that curry dish my mom made. it was like.. chicken curry soup with rice noodles. it was so delicious. with cilantro and peanuts on the top.
i have so many crochet projects i need to do, but sometimes i just really lack the motivation to do something so repetitive haha. i LOVE crocheting, so so so much. i just need to start rewatching a show or spotify needs to stop being a turd nugget.
anyway, i'm full of trepidation. i feel very resistant. i'm scared and ashamed of that. but i will change, and i will be happy.
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2014 29 July :: 2.41am
This is a trailer for a film my ambitious friend Rone wanted to make, starring my friend BJ and myself.
Obviously, we are geeks, and No, I don't need glasses. It was Rone's choice of aesthetic.
Shot entirely on my old property.
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2014 27 July :: 12.28pm
for every second chance that changed its mind on me..
my head is to blame for all my heart's mistakes..
fucking essays. i hate school. one more year and i won't have to use this journal as a procrastination technique..
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2014 27 July :: 3.51am
This is a video a friend of mine shot at my old place when I was terminally single, and had no purpose or direction.
It's about two hours condensed into six minutes or us drinking Steel Reserve and cough syrup, shooting the shit, and eventually passing out after watching a movie.
This was a nightly ritual. Now you should have a clearer understanding of what existence was like for me in the Not That Long Ago. I'm the balding fuck on the bed (yes, it's my room, and it was FILTHY).
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2014 26 July :: 4.18am
:: Mood: Splendid
:: Music: The Misfts - Horror Hotel
My name is Sean. You guys are alright in my book. Except the ones with penises. They bore me. You that still post on this weak-as-fuck website that were born with a vagina are at the very least interesting as far as your posts are concerned...or brutally honest about the way your life is heading that week, which makes for some darned good reading. Kudos!
I am hammered. My typing skills are impeccable, so no drunk typing slurs to be found on my posts. In case you hadn't noticed, that is.
I'm getting married soon, so let's not all make derogatory comments about how I sold out and become what I said I never would be and so forth.
Joy, and etc.
And for the people I used to know...how's life? We don't speak, and probably never will. That's the way things go, innit? I imagine life for you is as dull and uneventful as it is for me, even with deaths and doldrums and the accumulation of desiderata and so forth.
Hope life is running smoothly. Kisses, once again.
For the rest of you, I wish nothing but the best.
--Sean (internet signature, and everything)
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2014 25 July :: 4.53pm
:: Mood: intimidated
:: Music: Book of Love - Jimmy Eat World
it is starting to sink in.....
this really is going to be the most difficult thing i'll ever do in my life... the cacophony of emotions rattling inside me. i think my mini-breakdown a few days ago was a temper tantrum from little me, a defiant act before she's extinguished and i rise like a phoenix into my real self.
oh god i love jimmy eat world. Ian Davis hates jimmy eat world. we started talking again a little big ago and he was everything i could have ever hoped for and more.. and then he told me that. and we kinda stopped talking... what a sick, sad world we live in. hahahahaha oh shit this medicine is strong.
i am staying home this weekend. i don't want to go anywhere, i don't want to do anything but be comfy, productive, and heavily medicated. i'm going to identify my emotions 3 times a day and not procrastinate too badly. (last night i mopped the kitchen floor at 9PM after getting medicated with alexz, without having taken any aleve all day. i was so sore to start, but then i was like 'i reeeeeeally don't wanna' and compromised that i would mop the floor before doing it. then i texted some people because it would have been rude to make them wait and then i realized that is completely ridiculous and my friends would never want me to put them in front of myself while i'm trying to heal. (i feel so so weird saying that. getting better is immensely complicated inside my head. i think way too much)
so i identified (i always spell that indentified. always. at work, at home, only at work i don't use spell check. i must look so stupid haha) 3 emotions and i marked them down (i didn't have to) but i wanted to see if there were any patterns during my experiences and what not. my only wish is that she would have printed it on anything but bright ass fucking yellow paper. i have no idea why it is yellow. i just wanted something i could take out at my desk and look at without getting any questions about it. sigh. hahahahahaha first world problems.
i feel like a whiny bitch. so many people have it so much worse than me, so i should just be thankful for what i do have. but should i feel guilty for getting help that is available to me? is it terrible to donate to alleviate this guilt? what are the alternatives? how is that perceived?
is that even something people that aren't celebrities worry about? nathan at anchored art and his finance are going to kenya (i think it's kenya) on their honey moon to help kids over there build a school or something like that? how amazing is that?? i would be so scared to go over there... knowing that all those girls just vanished there, and being a woman myself, i would feel extremely terrified the whole time that maybe this village would get raided too. i don't know, i admire that greatly, and i would if i could physically and mentally make that trip, but i just can't. does that make me a shitty person? i feel like a shitty person.
but i hate human beings so much. it's like.. over the years my hatred has gotten softer, as i see people more like myself than as an evil them army. i have realized everyone is fucked up. my doctor asked me if i knew any ''healthy'' people.. i told her no, every single person i know is a little messed up. and that's what attracts me to them. i know they won't judge me too harshly and we can commiserate with one another on our traumas and maybe help each other heal or at least feel a little bit more human. (i didn't get that deep into it with her, but that's what i wish i had said). and she looked at me as if that was a weird answer! idk... i really don't think i've ever met a "healthy" person!!
i think i'm going to sit outside. :)
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2014 22 July :: 5.23pm
:: Mood: confused
Well I don't have as many friends because
I'm not as pretty as I was
I've kicked myself at times because I've lied
So I will have to learn to stand my ground
I'll tell 'em I won't be around
I'll move on over to your town and hide
And you be the Captain
And I'll be no-one
And you can carry me away if you want to
And you can lay low
Just like your father and if
I tread upon your feet you just say so
'Cause you're The Captain, I am no-one,
I tend to feel as though I owe one to you
Well I have handed all my efforts in
I searched here for my second wind
Is there somewhere here to let me in I asked
So I slammed the doors they slammed at me
I found the place I'm meant to be
I figured out my destiny at last
Did I forget to thank you for the ride
I hadn't tried I tend to runaway and hide
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2014 21 July :: 2.55pm
I need to write again. I need more imagery in my life.
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2014 20 July :: 5.22am
:: Music: T. Rex - Ride a White Swan
I feel as though an earthworm is burrowing through my brain. Not a headache, doesn't feel like it's some throbbing from without my skull, and it happens at regular intervals.
Felt like muck at work on Friday; botched the whole thing and simply returned home feeling ill, but not in a germ-ridden snotty sort of way....more like drained-of-soul variety fatigue. Woke up today fine, went though my day, but as it drew to a close began to feel something akin to throbbing life in my brain. Odd.
Not worried, concerned, anything....don't care. Tomorrow is my last day off before I return to Limbo, and nothing else occupies my thoughts aside from that.
I don't necessarily still want to die, but I'd certainly like to go mad and have some time away from the world.
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2014 19 July :: 12.11pm
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2014 16 July :: 8.46pm
I am going to fucking rage-plode. All I want to do is punch you, really hard, in your stupid face.
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2014 15 July :: 10.23am
"I can't wait to wake up so I can go back to sleep."
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2014 15 July :: 10.11am
I suck at my job
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2014 12 July :: 9.34am
I miss my youth.
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