2007 21 February :: 11.15am
We have 500 tickets to The Colour at the Intersection on March 11th.
They're from Los Angeles (Oh, WOW!) and they sound pretty good. We're
supposed to try to get as many people as possible from GVSU to attend
this show. It is our partnerships with the Intersection on issues
such as this that gets us all those delightful free tickets.
Any ideas on how to distribute these tickets in a cool way are
definitely welcome. We'll try to do another mobile broadcast right
quick (this one with less 'I told you one thing, but now I'm actually
changing all of that!', which makes certain Promotions Directors a
little bunched in the knickers), but... I mean, we have 500 tickets.
Do you even know 500 people? I don't -- I haven't seen a solid 500
people all about doing one particular thing in one setting since the
Houston 500.
To listen to The Colour, get on that Myspace thing:
Love & Rockets,
J. Bennett-Rylah
16 my two centss |
your two cents
2007 20 February :: 11.00am
I can handle the embarassment
 Get your own CrushTag!
2 my two centss |
your two cents
2007 19 February :: 8.45pm
:: Music: the ladd mcintosh big band
shit shit shit.
i knew i was forgetting something.
sooo.... i'm supposed to be at the fucking place with the stuff right now.
and i'm totally not.
man, i'm dumb.
1 my two cents |
your two cents
2007 15 February :: 6.17pm
so I don't know how frequently any of you see Mrs. martino... but I am looking to talk with her. I left her a voicemail but I don't know if she checks them or whatever...
so if anybody reading this could, tell martino that I'm looking to talk with her about a project I"m doing, some pretty intense stuff...
give her my cell number 1-724-812-6724... and MAKE SURE TO TELL HER THIS because I accidentally gave her the wrong number
thank you whoever decides, if anyone does, to do this for me :)
4 my two centss |
your two cents
2007 15 February :: 1.15pm
I had a brandon boyd dream last night... maybe I'll write about it later...
7 my two centss |
your two cents
2007 12 February :: 11.01am
there is a FREE JAZZ show
from SEVEN to NINE post-meridian
you all should BE THERE
i even capitalized all of the important parts for your viewing ease.
10 my two centss |
your two cents
2007 8 February :: 11.57pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: Brian Bromberg - downright upright
i am completely and utterly whipped.
and all that that implies.
i am not looking forward to tomorrow morning.
i want so desperately to sleep in.
1 my two cents |
your two cents
2007 8 February :: 3.55pm
I fucked your grandma because I'm beautiful
1 my two cents |
your two cents
2007 8 February :: 3.39pm
So I had this dream, and I think that it's kind of relative to my life and my current mindset...
so I'm in a room of mirrors... and I see a bunch of things, what they are is irrelevant to you. THey were all things that I desire (make jokes, go ahead). I try my hardest to get a hold of everything I see, but no matter how real it looks to me, when I try to grab it it just ends up being the reflection. I cannot, for the life of me, find the real things.
you can imagine how frustrating this was for me.
so , to make me feel less wierd about this, lets make a joke...
Kevin, you were trying to get a hold of (fill in the blank).
2 my two centss |
your two cents
2007 2 February :: 12.29am
oh shit!
you're five years old a couple of weeks ago.
... how's it feel?
4 my two centss |
your two cents
2007 2 February :: 12.27am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: BnL - everything to everyone
hate on me if you want to, but damn ...
i really love snow.
it makes me sad that i'm too poor to go skiing this year.
3 my two centss |
your two cents
2007 31 January :: 9.46pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Eska Rock
Quotes are back.
CLICK HERE and add the journal.
your two cents
2007 30 January :: 1.41pm
:: Music: dave brubeck - time out
alright, since phil and tracey both expressed an interest, i think it would be a cool idea to get a group going to the intersection for this jazz thing. if i had any money, i'd say we could do dinner or something as well. since i don't have money i won't be doing any such thing, but for those of us who do, it's certainly a possibility.
here's the info (off of sectionlive.com):

Monday, February 5
FREE! 7pm - 9pm.
i'll plug it on my show tomorrow night as well.
and also, i may forget somehow between now and then. hopefully somebody will remind me, so i'm not a total asshole for ditching on my own party.
1 my two cents |
your two cents
2007 29 January :: 9.22pm
this is what happens when Mitch looks in the mirror
2 my two centss |
your two cents
2007 29 January :: 6.26pm
:: Music: the song on kevin's journal
so, i guess there's a free jazz show at the intersection, monday nights from 7-9. i'm strongly tempted to check it out.
winter camping is this weekend. i'm super-pumped about that.
in other news, it's hella-cold.
2 my two centss |
your two cents