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:: 2009 22 September :: 1.31pm

PhilHimself is my xbox live for all the XXXBAWKSSS folks

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:: 2009 22 September :: 1.09pm

Bring back memories??

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:: 2009 21 September :: 5.49pm

Top 10 Lessons for Surviving a Zombie Attack

1. Organize before they rise!
2. They feel no fear, why should you?
3. Use your head: cut off theirs.
4. Blades don’t need reloading.
5. Ideal protection = tight clothes, short hair.
6. Get up the staircase, then destroy it.
7. Get out of the car, get onto the bike.
8. Keep moving, keep low, keep quiet, keep alert!
9. No place is safe, only safer.
10. The zombie may be gone, but the threat lives on.

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:: 2009 21 September :: 4.32pm

Good Song

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:: 2009 20 September :: 11.33pm

To start off a lovely afternoon at Sally's, I ended up with a staple in my finger. You can see right where the staple stopped. I had to slowly take it out as my eyes started watering. Later on in the day, I had to argue with a customer about returning hair accessories and how why we aren't able to bring them back. Did you know you can argue over that for 5 minutes? Really, it should have been less than a minute with no arguing.

::Intern Meatloaf from WSNX and I at Taphouse::

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:: 2009 20 September :: 9.13am

Lions game today! Will be listening to it at work. Yelling at the radio. Let's hope I don't scare the little old ladies.

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:: 2009 19 September :: 9.32pm
:: Music: Richard Cheese

Can you feel that? Oh shit.

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:: 2009 18 September :: 8.02pm

Best cover EVER.

I heart Avenged Sevenfold. M. Shadows is mmmm.

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:: 2009 18 September :: 5.33pm

Epic blog?

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:: 2009 18 September :: 7.00am

7 in the AM is way to early to be awake. I need some more sleep, I need some coffee, and I need a blanket because it's freeeeezing.

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:: 2009 18 September :: 12.25am

This thread sucks, prove me wrong.

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:: 2009 17 September :: 8.20pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Norouet

So, Wheatland was good. I discovered a band that I absolutely love. They are called De Temps Antan and play traditional French-Canadian music. I didn't actually get one of their CD's because the guy at the booth told me that the two I got were their CD's, but it turns out they are different members of the band in different bands. Ugh. It's alright though, the one I'm listening to right now is quite relaxing. Guitars, flutes, violins and such.

Everything has been super busy. I got a new little in Kappa Kappa Psi on Sunday. Her name is Shanique and I absolutely adore her. I can't wait to help her develop her potential within the group. I loved helping my other little, Dave, but he already knew everyone, was already a part of another music fraternity and was well versed in leadership. Plus, he is older than me. Shanique is a sophomore. Tonight is her first business meeting and I am giving her her BIT binder. So exciting!

French has been going well. I got a 76 on the first exam, which was exactly the average of the class, so it wasn't that bad. It's about what I got on my first exam in French last semester. We have another exam coming up and an oral exam. I need to work on my articles. AHHH!

I'm listening to a song in French that's talking about dreaming during the night....hmm.. can't understand much more than that.

I'm also taking a Linguistics course which is SUPER difficult. I took it for fun as an elective; that was a mistake. It's good to know these things about language, but it's really hard to transcribe words into the IPA then figure out where the syllables are and then figure out which syllables are stressed and do it all correctly. I'm not evening going into phonemic and morphemic inventories...

Two semesters after this, hopefully, and then what? Je ne sais pas!

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:: 2009 17 September :: 6.12pm

Some facebook get to know me crap. Now you know.
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. Plus, the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. (To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people, then click publish.)

1. I love war history. I love learning about war. I love reading books about war. I love watching movies about war. We are talking WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Civil War. Any war. I love learning military strategies, what happened, how it happened.

2. I DO NOT like Cool Ranch Doritos. Sick.

3. Until 2nd grade, I lived in Ludington. Moved to Belmont and lived there until 6th grade. Finished school in Cedar Springs.

4. I have never been the one to do my hair and make up when I was younger, now, I work at Sally Beauty Supply.

5. I have blue eyes with a brown streak in my left eye.

6. My favorite time of the year is fall.

7. I collect elephants. I have over 50.

8. My favorite band when I was younger was N*SYNC.

9. I am going to be 21 years old next month and I still sleep with a stuffed animal. A stuffed elephant named OEO.

10. I would love to finish cosmetology school or go to school for war history.

11. I used to play the bass clarinet in middle and high school.

12. I hate those nextel phones with the walkie-talkie feature that you can silence and no one has figured this out yet.

13. My dream car is a Shelby GT 500.

14. I love music. Music is my life.

15. If I could bring back any body from the dead to have a conversation with, it would be Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison.

16. I told myself I would never play Farmville. Guess who's playing?

17. I have a huge celebrity crush on Neil Fallon from Clutch. I love his beard.

18. The above brings me to 18. I am also a fan of Neil Fallon's beard on myspace.

19. I own Mein Kampf and have read some of it.

20. The only book I live by is the Zombie Survival Guide.

21. I have eaten breakfast with Free Beer and Hot Wings.

22. I have 10 piercings. 9 altogether in my ears and one in my nose.

23. I have one tattoo. It's a letter B.

24. When I sit in the back seat of a car, I have to sit behind the passenger. If I don't, I tend to freak out.

25. I am deathly afraid of moths.

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:: 2009 17 September :: 3.29pm

Breaking news! Kanye West just interrupted Patrick Swayzes funeral to let everyone know that Michael Jacksons death was better.

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:: 2009 16 September :: 10.06pm

Goodbye nights. Hello days.
This is my last day on nights. Made me sad. It won't be the same on days.

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