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reid's Journal

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:: 2009 28 June :: 2.16am

I am not very tired, and I need to be up in 6 hours.

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:: 2009 27 June :: 12.03pm

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

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:: 2009 27 June :: 2.35am

Will you die on your feet or live on your knees?

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:: 2009 26 June :: 2.49am

It starts here, where I used to have a full tank of gas...

Best ATHF episode ever

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:: 2009 26 June :: 12.26am

You are now breathing manually.

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:: 2009 24 June :: 12.30am

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

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:: 2009 23 June :: 10.32pm

"Maybe this is the new Cafe Racer macho. My bike is so much faster than yours that I dare you to ride it, you lame little turd. Do you have the balls to ride this BOTTOMLESS PIT OF TORQUE? " Hunter S. Thompson

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:: 2009 23 June :: 9.13pm

It's decidedly too warm outside-especially for our apartment which doesn't have air conditioning.

Just working all summer; trying to study my french and read a bit.

Rueben is standing in front of my fan and it makes me angry.


"Until the become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they they have rebelled they cannot become conscious."

-two points for whomever gets where this is from without searching for it.

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:: 2009 22 June :: 4.00pm

"yeah she's a little rough and has some issues but what broad doesn't ya know" - PhilHimself

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:: 2009 22 June :: 3.20pm


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:: 2009 22 June :: 1.51am

Selling my desktop, here's the craigslist link. I would make it a better deal for any folks that I know.

I'm much more interested in motorbikes and outdoors adventuring these days

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:: 2009 21 June :: 11.13pm

new pictures
New pictures. Mostly being bored at work.

Read more..

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:: 2009 21 June :: 1.33pm

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:: 2009 20 June :: 10.44pm

To my alcoholic friends!

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:: 2009 19 June :: 8.52pm

Make sure you aren't out driving tonight. Also, don't take a shower, or run around in an open field waving forks high up in the air. If you fly a kite with a key on it, electricity has already been discovered. Sorry. High five to thunderstorms!

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