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:: 2009 21 April :: 5.44pm

you want that mantra?

wanna drink that kool aid?

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:: 2009 19 April :: 5.18pm

I can't believe Brenton and I will have been together for 2 years in exactly one week. It feels like we've been together forever. It has been, by far, the best 2 years of my life.

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:: 2009 18 April :: 12.40am

pissed off
Soo, I am a little pissed. I bought Super Mario 3 for my NES from Play N Trade for 14.99. I also bought 3 other cheap games for it, too. Well, I get home and I go to play it, it doesn't even work. I blow in the game like you usually have to do anyways if it won't work, well, 30 trys later, the game still isn't working. I try the other games I got, they all work just fine.

I call up Play N Trade the next day, he told me to try cleaning it with q-tips and rubbing alcohol. So I did. Still doesn't work. They won't give me my money back. Guy said I can only get in store credit or trade it for the same game. I'm fine for trading it for the same game, except they don't have the same game. So I'm stuck for in store credit.

That is some god damn bull shit. I payed for it, apparently they test all of their games before they put them out, and as the guy said, it was working at some point. I don't want store credit, I would like my money back if I can't trade it for the same game.

I think I need a little help on this one...

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:: 2009 16 April :: 7.52am

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:: 2009 14 April :: 1.09pm

Rueben is at home and sick. He's not doing well at all.

I'm in band-aides. It's a small help desk/store for the music building. It's staffed by people from my fraternity.

University Band tonight. I practiced last night for a while and got some parts in shape. That's the first time I had practiced in quite a while. Drew, my conductor and my honorary little came knocked on my practice room door and was excited that I was practicing. No one in university band practices much-that's why we suck so much. Oh well.

Another paper down-I think I got it-had a french exam yesterday-barely finished it. I'm sticking with French. I only have one more year and then I'll be done. I'm starting to like it. I've finally figured out how to study for it and consequently am getting better grades.

That reminds me, I have vocabulary cards I need to make...

Au Revoir!

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:: 2009 12 April :: 4.14pm

You will never guess what I bought Brenton and I for Easter...

Give up???

An old school Nitendo. It was still in its original packaging and everything. I have Mario and Duck Hunt of course. It was only 30 bucks.

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:: 2009 11 April :: 2.55am

killing internet dragons


getting fat loot


drinkin moon mist


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:: 2009 9 April :: 4.18pm

my cousin who is about 15 years older than me, my dad, and I had a long conversation about farts at the dinner table this afternoon.

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:: 2009 8 April :: 4.14am

James Logan and Victor Creed were NOT related in any way.

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:: 2009 7 April :: 1.35am

This is what Brenton's dumb ass fat cat did...


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:: 2009 2 April :: 2.35am

I've been feeling a strong discontent ... for people ... for humanity

is this how the tyrants start off? do I become what I dispise?

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:: 2009 30 March :: 3.24pm

more pictures
Yay, more pictures.

Read more..

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:: 2009 29 March :: 12.00am

Sometimes you bite the bar and sometimes it bites you.

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:: 2009 25 March :: 1.06am

I'm thinking of bleaching my hair Saturday...I'm kind of nervous, seeming that I never had blonde hair before. Give me some feedback.

Also, what is the big deal with Oblivion? It doesn't look that exciting.

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:: 2009 24 March :: 6.53pm

stepbrothers is a movie about my brother and I, I am convinced of this

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