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:: 2009 23 March :: 11.27am
:: Mood: anxious

C'est Lundi.

It's the middle-end half of the semester and I can't wait for summer to get here. I feel like this semester had way more work than any previous semester. I'm writing over 16 papers, having over 15 exams, and over 2000 pages of reading (one being an 800 page novel entitled "Middlemarch"). Add to that the fraternity and working twenty eight hours a week; it's been trying.

I have class in about a half an hour: political science. It's about foreign policy, which is alright, but not my favorite. I get to take the better classes next year.

I figured it out, I only have three more semesters left, so it'll be four and a half years in total. I think I'm going to do an internship, too, since I'll be finished in December and Grad school doesn't start until August. I was thinking about doing an internship in Lansing with a congressman and seeing where that takes me. Lansing is only a fifty mile drive from Mt. Pleasant, and a few day a week wouldn't be that bad. We'll see!

For now, things are going good. I'm able to eat again and that's making me gain weight back...not too much, though. I'm still much more little than I was. C'est la vie!

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:: 2009 20 March :: 12.57am

saw a guy's truck that had a Stroh's license plate today in Cedar.


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:: 2009 17 March :: 4.18pm


Who would you rather listen to?

Flogging Molly
The Dropkick Murphey's

Personally, I'm all for the Dropkick Murphey's.

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:: 2009 17 March :: 1.41am

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:: 2009 16 March :: 5.53pm

I'm going to the museum in one of the following weeks for my sociology class. anyone interested in going to the museum with me?

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:: 2009 16 March :: 3.08pm

Yea, a few days ago I got pulled over by a Sparta fuzz. It was my first time getting pulled over since I got my license 4 years ago. I wasn't speeding anything either. So that was good.

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:: 2009 15 March :: 1.35pm

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:: 2009 13 March :: 9.51pm

Sooo, yea. Went to the Women's Expo today. It was fun. I looked at all the wedding booths. I'm getting excited. We just need to set a date now. Uggghhh.

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:: 2009 12 March :: 2.35pm


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:: 2009 12 March :: 2.02am

Epic night at Northfield, all I can say is <3 boobays

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:: 2009 11 March :: 12.07pm

At Brenton's moms right now. Gotta leave soon and go home. I've got work tonight and tomorrow. Friday is my only day off this week. After Friday I work Saturday-Tuesday.

Found out my stepmom and dad are getting a divorce. Not sure what my dad is going to do. It sucks. My stepmom is awesome. Her family is awesome.

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:: 2009 6 March :: 10.19am

go see The Watchmen now

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:: 2009 5 March :: 4.07am

The Watchmen

seeing The Comedian, I see a lot of myself. hmm, he's not really a good guy.

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:: 2009 28 February :: 3.17am

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:: 2009 27 February :: 2.58pm

gone insane, but the memory remains ...

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