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:: 2009 26 February :: 10.56am

I fucked up, and I feel so bad. :(

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:: 2009 22 February :: 5.20pm

I'm not really sure as to what to say at this point...

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:: 2009 21 February :: 11.05pm

My way to work...now that was a bit of a nightmare. So many heros on the road. Thought they could drive like they weren't going to get into an accident. There were 3 fender benders, 2 slide offs, and one that was an idiot and somehow crashed into nothing, but yet, it's back in was smashed in.

It just amazes me how many people decide that they need to shop on a day where it's shitty out. There's no point.

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:: 2009 18 February :: 11.42am

So... I'm a lot less grumpy than I was this morning. I finally finished my paper on Structuralism, although it's not a full two pages. I think it'll be fine. Who cares how Torodov uses Saussures concepts in order to analyze narrative plot?!?! Gah.

So, I have to work tonight, still have a few more classes today. I have a french oral exam tomorrow, then I have Literary theory, band, meeting, then I get to sleep in on Friday morning. Woot!

I hope i get my grade back for my political science (foreign policy) exam. I'm not sure how I did.

I'm super busy and I've been grumpy to Rueben. Sorry, dear!

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:: 2009 17 February :: 11.18pm

Sunday sunday sunday
Let's see...Went to the movies Sunday night. Went to see Friday the 13th. It was pretty kick ass. Anyways, after the movie, we start walking down the hallway and these 2 guys start fighting. One was punching the other in the head. Then they were on the ground fighting. There was this one chick who thought she was a fucking hero and could break them up. Next thing you know, usher of the month comes running down the hallway and starts to break them up by telling them if they don't quit, he was going to call the cops. Highlite of my night.

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:: 2009 17 February :: 9.40pm

:) I read in a magazine a mention of Woohu.com and I thought I haven't been on in like years so I decided to check it out. :)

Man o' man do I miss blogging. Time is not easy to come by these days but I think blogging would make me smile occasionally!

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:: 2009 15 February :: 12.08pm

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:: 2009 11 February :: 4.03pm

new pictures
A few new pictures...I love the last one where Martini is holding onto my arm sleeping.

Read more..

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:: 2009 11 February :: 2.55pm
:: Music: Metallica- Breadfan

Yesterday started my 6 days in a row of work. I can't really complain because of all the hours. It's going to make for one fat pay check.

Anyways, I recolored my hair, it's still reddish, just a shade darker. I'll take pictures sometime soon.

Not really sure what else to say...

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:: 2009 10 February :: 7.31pm

can I play with madness

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:: 2009 10 February :: 6.34pm

Love it

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:: 2009 10 February :: 3.05pm

Rueben, I'm sitting up at a computer on the fourth floor of the library by the big windows because our phones don't work. Again.

Ahhh. I also forgot my literary theory book. See, I thought I was suppose to write a paper on this horrible forty page article about reader response theory and it turns out it's on the eleven page less scary one that I actually understood, except the only problem is that I didn't bring my book, so I can't do that paper. But, I did do my paper that is due on Friday for my Victorian Literature and Thought class, so I'm a little ahead, but still behind :(

It's super nice out today and I feel like I want to be outside but I'm stuck in here in the library because that's where Rueben knows I will be because our phones don't work because SOMEBODY didn't pay the bill. I guess we probably should have checked that out after what happened last time. Oh well. I think I'll go through and plan my future now. I'm not doing French anymore. Well, I am. I'm in French 102 this semester, but I'm NOT fulfilling my BA requirement and taking a whole nother year of it and killing myself. No siree. So, that means that I'm switching to a Bachelor of Science which won't be quite so bad and I really only have english class, political science classes and three science classes to take for it. Yippee.

AHH. I'm sick, too. bah. I'm feeling better since I wrote my paper and I know that it's fanfuckingtastic. I feel a little crazy right now. AHH. Woohudotcom. bah. Fifty more minutes until Rueben is done with his lab. Then I can go to the store, get my pills, buy some cookies, go home, write my other paper, maybe, go to uband, go to the concert, go home, go to bed, go to class, go to work, go home, go to bed......

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:: 2009 9 February :: 4.20pm

A lot has happened since October 12, 2006.

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:: 2009 6 February :: 6.37pm

So it's looking like if I keep my nose to the grindstone I'll be graduating next summer with 2 Bachelor's of Science degrees. Two degrees in 3.5 years isn't bad. Then possibly graduate school.

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:: 2009 5 February :: 5.33am

I've been staying up real late and not doing anything productive in that time

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