2009 10 January :: 2.07am
Here is my rock band photo for my side project, CRUZ CNTL

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2009 7 January :: 6.32pm
Information warfare intrigues me very much.
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2009 6 January :: 10.51pm
I hate the internet and everyone on it.
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2008 29 December :: 3.02pm
The Nissan now has a new set of tires. It also had an oil change. Clutch is Wednesday, I'm pretty excited about that. I work tomorrow though. 4.5 hours, so it's really nothing to complain about. I get to learn how to open this coming Sunday, which is pretty damn sweet. It means I get my own security code to the store and everything. Our work X-mas party is the 4th and the 16th is Lauren's baby shower. If anyone knows where I can find a blue elephant, let me know.
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2008 28 December :: 12.28pm
Our power is out. Went out at 4:30 this morning Brenton said. 10:30 when we woke up and it still wasn't on. What a bitch. It was freezing and I couldn't see what the hell I was doing when putting my makeup on.
Also, the shit nissan is getting tires put on it today finally. yay.
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2008 26 December :: 12.00pm
(You are now reading this in the voice of John Goodman)
You are bad and you should feel bad.
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2008 25 December :: 5.59am
Working 7am to 3pm, yay .....
Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom ....
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2008 24 December :: 8.09pm
Let's see...decorated Christmas cookies. Brenton and I also opened our presents. He got me socks, and a fuzzy soft robe, and monkey gloves. :)
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2008 24 December :: 4.26pm
:: Mood: content
I'm home with the parents right now. I've been home for a few days since my seniority at work actually got me valuable time off for once. I've leaving tomorrow afternoon, though, because I have to work at five thirty on the day after Christmas, although Meijer doesn't actually open until six.
I'm going to be alone for a few weeks since Rueben is staying down here to work and I have to go back to Mt. Pleasant to work. I've already planned on going on a baking frenzy to take up my time. I think I'm also going to start working out at the student activity center now that I'm feeling better.
And I am feeling better. I've been able to actually eat for about three weeks now. I've gained about ten pounds back, so I don't look so scary any more.
Grades are in, I got all B's and a B+ in my English class, and I'm okay with that. If I can pull all B's while almost dying, I think I did well.
I'm not looking forward to driving home tomorrow, but I think I'll be alright.
It was nice having a few days off, and I'll be ready when next semester starts in a few weeks.
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2008 24 December :: 12.09am
Bowling Tonight
Game 1: 157 (Best Game Ever)
Game 2: 100
Game 3: 138 (3rd Best)
Game 4: 96 (practiced approaches)
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2008 23 December :: 3.55pm
The big boy knife is sharp
I bleed just like you ...

plus slipping cutting off a zip tie

Good thing I know my way around a First Aid kit.
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2008 23 December :: 12.28am
Just blame me, I'm the one you love to hate.
In recognition of this fact, Nate designed this:

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2008 21 December :: 1.27pm
One of those days.
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