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:: 2008 20 December :: 4.55am

Bowling scores from tonight
Game 1: 143 new personal record
Game 2: 98
Game 3: 117
Game 4: 99

Overall I am getting much better
Bowling makes life alright

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:: 2008 19 December :: 2.33am

I'm back in the mitten and very tired.

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:: 2008 18 December :: 5.33am

I'm in Chicago right now assholes.

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:: 2008 17 December :: 3.59am

Bowled a 130 tonight, not good but a personal best.

On another note, Fuck haters yall suck.

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:: 2008 14 December :: 5.44pm

Brenton was kind of funny last night. 4 in the morning he had to wake me up because he was thirsty. Then he asked if I was thirsty. Well, at that point I was and I told him I wasn't getting up to get us anything to drink, so he finally got up and got us some grape pop. Then my little Martini sass had to climb all over me.

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:: 2008 12 December :: 3.53pm

Jimi sent me this today

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:: 2008 12 December :: 1.48pm

My dad bought a new TV, gonna watch Batman on it.

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:: 2008 12 December :: 1.53am

I'm really getting a kick out of people on the internet.

Anyone familiar with my journal knows that I speak in generalities in my journal and it is often quite open ended in style, I do not speak of specific names or occurrences in my writing. Chances are if I am writing something and you read it, then it has nothing to do with you specifically.

With that said, someone read a 2 line entry of mine and it was somehow more inflammatory then a very long flame war, really that is flattering that my writing has that kind of impact but that is really giving me far too much literary credit. The said entry did was not in reference to said person that was upset, it was a recollection of the whole day and the childishness of the flame war that was previously mentioned. And to begin with, most of the things I write on here should really be taken with a grain of salt.

But hey, let's all get pissed off on the internet.

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:: 2008 11 December :: 7.33pm

Well I must have done something wrong. Now I don't get to read the daily updates on the happy lives of the Rainbow Friends and their residence in the Gingerbread House Paradise.

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:: 2008 11 December :: 3.30pm

Heh, so I guess some people don't like what I have to say.

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:: 2008 9 December :: 12.10am

People are showing their true colors.

Rather disappointed with folks.

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:: 2008 8 December :: 8.13pm

Totally can't wait til the Clutch concert. As far as I know, it's Me, Brenton, Jay, Jay's brother, and I guess Jay said something about sam ham going. Should be fun. Will probably be the DD, but that's fine with me.

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:: 2008 8 December :: 12.52pm

I want to be pickles the drummer

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:: 2008 7 December :: 12.18pm

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

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:: 2008 6 December :: 10.19pm

Already got my tickets to Clutch for the New Year's Eve bash thing. I'm excited. It's going to be the most kick ass new year's ever. Also, I hate the snow, I hate driving in it, I hate looking at it, I hate being in it.

Also, I love my Fluffykins aka, my Brenton.

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