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:: 2008 10 November :: 3.46pm

Lawls my insurance company gave me a PT Loser to drive while my chevy is getting fixed.

This has been a fun afternoon of abusing someone else's car.

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:: 2008 10 November :: 2.58pm

I haven't updated in a while. I haven't had time. No. That's incorrect. I haven't had the motivation.

Something is wrong. I'm sleeping all of the time and always tired. It's not depression. I went to the doctor's and they told me I had a viral infection and anemia. A week later, it should be better, but I slept for over twelve hours last night and I've been laying down every chance I get.

I went home on Sunday for a family reunion and the only things people said to me is that I look like a poster child for anorexia and I look tired. I've lost almost eighty pounds. I'm trying to stay stable at 130.

Although my test came back negative for mono, I still think I probably have it. Why else would I be so tired all of the time? Everything is suffering because of it: my grades, my attitude, my dealings with my friends and brothers.

I just want to wake up and be okay.

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:: 2008 9 November :: 3.34pm

Free Beer and Hot Wings
I'm not sure how many of you listen to free beer and hot wings or like them. But if you do, I'm not sure how many of you know about the Omlette Shop breakfast thing they do on Fridays. If you know about it, I won. Brenton and I get to eat breakfast with free beer and hot wings November 21st at 7:30 in the morning. I can't wait.

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:: 2008 9 November :: 12.27am

More bullshit, a fucking car wreck. Fucking Hell just what I needed tonight.

I would really like to be able to talk to a certain someone right now.

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:: 2008 31 October :: 3.37pm

I FINALLY got my ring!! It's sooo pretty. Let's see, I also won a nitendo ds with guitar hero on tour. Yes, that's right, I won it.

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:: 2008 26 October :: 1.22pm

Not going into work today till 6:00pm because I have the flu. Such a shitty week this has been.

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:: 2008 21 October :: 10.50pm

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one laughing, the only one aware. I just can't shake the feeling that sometimes I see things in a way that no one else can even comprehend.

Central won against Western. For those of you who don't know, it's a big deal. There are five state troopers parked about two hundred yards away from my apartment to keep things "under control." This is probably the quietest Saturday night of the year as of yet.

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:: 2008 15 October :: 4.25pm

I am withdrawing from chemistry. It is going to make me a happier person.

I'm taking French and three literary theory classes next semester. Probably.

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:: 2008 14 October :: 1.31pm

I think there is something fundamentally wrong with this country that Beverly Hills Chihuahua is the top film right now. Well it's better than Oliver Stone's piece of shit making money, apparently people aren't sheep enough to buy into his sack of garbage.

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:: 2008 13 October :: 3.38pm

Where do I even begin! Last night Brenton and I celebrated my birthday even though it's today. He was gonna take me to the mall but they were closed by the time we got there, so we went to Khol's. He ended up buying me a 200.00 dollar ring. Then we went out to eat at Mongolian BBQ. When we got home, he got down on one knee and proposed to me!! I am soooo happy right now. I can't even begin to explain it. I love Brenton sooo much. Now he's mine forever.

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:: 2008 16 October :: 7.58am


Math at nine. Chemistry exam at ten that I feel like I'm going to fail, but I can't afford to.

French at one.

Follow up appointment with the doctor at three. Maybe I'll know what's going on then.

SGA at seven, meeting with Brothers at eight, eboard at nine, membership education meeting.

Oh, and I have to buy toilet paper sometime.


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:: 2008 13 October :: 12.12am

If you see the Metrodome Referees, they are wanted for Robbery. That is all.

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:: 2008 8 October :: 4.45pm

where's the beef
A Vegetarian Diet Shrinks the Brain
According to a new study, vegetarians and vegans are six times more likely to suffer from brain shrinkage than meat eaters.

The link was discovered after scientists at Oxford University ran memory tests, physical checks and brain scans on 107 people between the ages of 61and 87, and then retested them five years later.

Researchers speculate the loss of brain mass in vegetarians and vegans is due to a deficiency of Vitamin B12, which is found in meat, fish and eggs. This type of brain atrophy is linked to Alzheimer's Disease and other cognitive failings.

The decision to eat meat is often attacked by veggies, but it now seems as though these kinds of affronts may just be a product of small-mindedness.

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:: 2008 7 October :: 12.27pm

I got a straight A on my contemporary theory paper about Existentialism.


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:: 2008 6 October :: 3.57pm

I'm finally getting into the swing of things this semester. My French Prof. told me I was doing fine in response to my comments about how I don't feel comfortable speaking in class or volunteering yet on my first participation review. I have things going with the Fraternity and I went to Mu Delta's (the chapter at Western) first degree on Saturday night. I have everything prepared for the chapter field representative visit when she comes the first week of November, and all in all, things are going well.

I have my follow up appointment with the gastrointerologist in a week and I turn twenty one in two months.

I still hate chemistry, but I'm going to stick it out because I have to. I'm doing alright in math, and I still don't have a graded paper back from my English class.

If I could live without the thought of death,
Forgetful of time's waste, the soul's decay,
I would not ask for other joy than breath,
With light and sound of birds and the sun's ray.
I could sit on untroubled day by day
Watching the grass grow, and the wild flowers range
From blue to yellow and from red to grey
In natural sequence as the seasons change.
I could afford to wait, but for the hurt
Of this dull tick of time which chides my ear.
But now I dare not sit with loins ungirt
And staff unlifted, for death stands too near.
I must be up and doing -- ay, each minute.
The grave gives time for rest when we are in it.

-Wilfrid Blunt

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