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:: 2008 13 February :: 10.18pm

I aim for love, and come out stressor.

1 lover | pimp me, baby!


:: 2008 12 February :: 10.50pm

sail to the moon... brush the cobwebs off the sky.

1 lover | pimp me, baby!


:: 2008 12 February :: 11.58am

A can of worms has been opened I was hoping I could get away from. what am I going to do...

4 lovers | pimp me, baby!


:: 2008 10 February :: 11.08pm

who would of thought...

all in all not the worst weekend ever. bowling was great. the whole DD thing kind of killed the mood for me, but at the same time provided a new perspective onto the intoxicated times had.

moped around yesterday and today. Boo to that.

it's about a negative four degrees farenheit here. cheers.

2 lovers | pimp me, baby!


:: 2008 25 January :: 12.13am

To elaborate...

pimp me, baby!


:: 2008 25 January :: 12.05am

and all the while, I'm thinking....

I need a map of your head, translate it into english so I can learn to not make you frown
feel better if you vent? put your frustrations into four letter words.

Your communication skills are improving kevin-san, just take a chill pill and enjoy the moment.

2 lovers | pimp me, baby!


:: 2008 23 January :: 8.40am

I fucking hate this town.

4 lovers | pimp me, baby!

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