She is dangerous for all the ways she is harmless.And please, if they should ask you, tell them you knew a heart like mine.Relentless.


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:: 2005 3 January :: 12.32pm
:: Music: Senses Fail-Buried A Lie

Stuck in my head
Crap. Work.

2 huh | what


:: 2005 3 January :: 9.33am

being at school makes me remember how much i hate it.

6 huh | what


:: 2005 2 January :: 11.19pm

Who or what and more importantly why . . .

Every time I get a hand-hold on this she comes back with something <newOLD to swing at me. It's harder it's faster it's heavier and it seems to be getting harder to recover from [just in the past couple days. sure it'll smeg off eventually. emoemoemo]

sick of complaining --

Jim said, "You're completely terrified that I'm going to up and leave you at any second," to which I nodded vigorously, "and it's affecting the relationship."

[without a pause to wonder, don't be silly -- wait. we actually have a relationship? when did you decide this? not that i'm complaining, mind you . . .]

"Give me one fucking reason why you wouldn't!"

"Because I don't do that kind of shit."

Fine, but I'm still choking on my own shit. I'm sick of it, naturally -- who wouldn't be? -- but it's so ingrained in me. I'm not entirely sure that I want to give it up.

I'm afraid of pain to a ridiculous degree. The stupid part is, I know I could block it out pretty easily if I ever put my mind to it. I don't know if it was the alchohol or the state of mind or both, but I can shut down the physical side of myself with an eerie ease. He said he would have broken my arm if I bit him again -- fuck it, we were both drunk, right? Apparently it brings out our hidden monsters. -- and in retrospect, were I not owned by the government, I would so love to push it. See how far he would go [I'm sure that he would go all the way. He's training himself to become a weapon, right? And "Richard" doesn't care any more than effigy does.] how much I could take.

Well, no. I'm a fucking coward. Even as effigy. A fucking coward.

I could never hurt him, I realize. I know I need that at this point, I know he's the only thing keeping me alive and he'll be what pulls me out of this hole -- if anything does.

He's more mature at 19 than I probably will be at fifty. When he's fifty, he'll be a fucking master. I'll be lucky if I make to fifty. Shit, I'll be lucky if I make it to thirty. You're supposed to get over this stage in your life where you thing suicide is an option by the time you graduate high school, right. I rather haven't. Which leads me to the realization that it's going to be with me forever. She is going to be with me forever. However long that forever may be.

She says repeatedly that he doesn't give a shit, no one will, no one can. A laundry list of reasons why they can't, why I'm not worth it, etc. etc. I can't help but wonder if it's all just an excuse for her to die again. And make it last. She wants nothing else. I wish I could give it to her. But I need her.

I don't need her.

I need her.

I don't know. Ecch.

If I have someone to be strong for, I can. If I have someone to protect, I could probably take an insane amount of damage for their sake. Jim is entirely self-sufficient. He's a fucking stone piller. I can cling to it but I can contribute nothing. In the end, he's almost as crippling as she is.



:: 2005 3 January :: 12.30am
:: Mood: Homely
:: Music: Mellow sounds of "fuck" from Scarface

I figured you will understand
Man, i didnt think there would be so many offers for me. i guess i have more friends than i thought. today Stacys G-Unit (grandma) brought me lots of grocries that she bought. im very proud to have a girlfriend that would do so much for me. she helped me with my money problem dealing with my car. now, she's replenishing me with everything she can. we have a microwave, dishes, and food now because of her. i love her very much. things are already starting to look up. and about my money...i dont know who did it, but, whoever did, i want nothing to do with him/her. the money's gone and there's nothing i can do about it.

Well im just sitting around here watching scarface. heh, i got my own little chair here with my necessities on my little night stand. i have my own room with a bed (also from G-Unit). i picked up some stuff from my old house. things are lookinng good around here. well, i thank you all for the help. i appreciate it all. goodbye kids.


4 huh | what


:: 2005 2 January :: 7.56pm
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: snow patrol - somewhere a clock is ticking

I need something to look forward to. Something that will motivate me to keep going, to wake up even. If I'm not working toward something, then what am I doing? I need to figure some things out.

2 huh | what


:: 2005 2 January :: 7.19pm

I love him
I want everything.
I want it all to happen too soon.
Rushing everything.
I just need to be with him.
He doesn't know how much I need him.
Independent, yet to live I need him.

You take in everything with a certainty I envy.



:: 2005 2 January :: 7.15pm

When the sun came up,
we were sleeping in
Sunk inside our blankets
Sprawled across the bed.
And we were dreaming
There are moments
when I know it.
And the world revolves around us
And we're keeping it
Keeping it all going
This delicate balance
All knowing
You would kill for this. Just a little bit.
Just a little bit.
You would.
You would kill for this. Just a little bit.
Just a little bit.
You would.
Sing me something soft. Sad and delicate.
Or loud and out of key. Sing me anything
We're glad for what we've got.
Done with what we've lost
Our whole lives laid out right in front of us.

2 huh | what


:: 2005 2 January :: 1.46pm

well, this apartment is about completely bare. tom and his assfuck family took everything..even the paper plates nate bought. its sad, we have a camping chair and a shitty recliner for furnature. everything is on the floor because we have no end tables or anything. stacy is going to help me out with house things. at least someone's willing. we have 3 cups 2 spoons, no plates or bowls..almost nothing. but yeah, this apartment is going to be a memory soon. me and nate have plans. if you want to be part of them, talk to me. but anyway, this is just the start to something great. minus some fuck STEALING a hundred bucks out of my fucking wallet. that still pisses me off. and i know it was one of my "friends" too. it disappeared at the new years party. its good to know i have friends who care. im almost ready to confront each of them. i dont know who took it. i just want it back. give it back and it wont be as bad. but if i find out whoever took it and didnt say shit to me...its fucking on. i really expect more from my friends. fuck it, ill find out. fess up now, before its too late.

12 huh | what


:: 2005 2 January :: 1.00am
:: Mood: very fucking pissed

i will fucking kill you
Some mother fucker had the fucking get into my fucking wallet and take a hundred fucking dollars out of it. now im completely fucking broke. tell me who the fuck did it, i will strangle the fuck out of them until they fucking die.

8 huh | what


:: 2005 1 January :: 7.39pm

Best New Year's EVER!!!
I am not going to get into details. It was one of the most special nights. I will say this...a lot of people got sick at that hotel. And our next door roomies were keeping me up...And there weren't any refrigerators!!!! And I think Char is home now YAY!



:: 2005 1 January :: 7.37pm

If Maverick were to speak a language, I'm pretty sure it would be French...for some reason.
And Charlie...I'm about to feed your fish! Get home!



:: 2005 1 January :: 1.28pm


2 huh | what


:: 2005 1 January :: 12.42pm
:: Mood: in the dumps

Things are getting and nate have one month to get our shit together. either we take over the lease..or we find a new place to live. its just me and nate now..we have to be in it together and for good. WE NEED ANOTHER ROOMATE. the rent would be 3 ways. we need someone who can hold their own and wont bail on us. if you want to get away from mommy and daddy, this is your opportunity. it probably wont come this easy again. this is a chance to be on your own and see what the real world is like. think about it.

1 huh | what


:: 2005 1 January :: 12.41pm

I worry too much.

3 huh | what


:: 2004 31 December :: 12.27pm
:: Mood: Good
:: Music: Stealers Wheel - Stuck in the middle with you

chips and dip =)
Well, it's finally new years eve. party tonight, should be fun. no fucking drama this time lets hope. had the guys over last night, had some fun, watched some movies, ya know. everything's still good, so im a pretty happy guy right now. Stacy and I are great. today's going to be good.

Soon, i will be starting a poker night, once a week, all is welcome. not a party, its all about poker and money. bring $5 or $10 bucks and you'll be good for the entire night. we play nickles and dimes. chips will be used. so prepare for that, as soon as i get things set up ill give out more info.




:: 2004 30 December :: 2.38am
:: Music: Senses fail-buried a lie

like 50
A freaking 12 gauge ghauge

4 huh | what


:: 2004 29 December :: 9.12pm

New e-mail has been made.

If I didn't add you, it's not because I hate you, it's because I haven't talked to you in a long time and I wasn't quite sure if you were alive or not.



:: 2004 29 December :: 12.56pm
:: Music: A Perfect Circle - The Hollow

I realized I make a lot of pointless entries, this being one of them, but I'm bored.

I guess I'm going to Woodland mall today, with my mom and brother. It will be very boring, and I'll probably get angry. At least it's something to do.

I cannot wait until New Years Eve, it will be the highlight of the break. Only about two more days, then the fun begins.

I need a new e-mail. I get spam every five minutes it seems like, and there are a bunch of weird people I don't know always talking to me. I'm trying to think of what it could be, my new email, but nothing comes to mind.

1 huh | what


:: 2004 29 December :: 12.37pm
:: Music: My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

Ba ha!
Ok, so I have a story for my dearest Kate.. and whoever the fuck else reads this.

Well, around like 2am Kate and I decided to only communicate by writing words on our stomach then taking a picture and sending it to eachother. Yeah.. it was stupid, but we were bored and it was late. Anyway.. so this morning my mom asks about my rash (ya know the rash I got from having all that sex). I tell her it's gone, but she asks to see my stomach, so I'm like oook whatever. So I show her and completely forget about all the writing on my stomach. And in nice big black letters, it says "Well, fuck me!" And my mom is all.. *GASP!* "Stacy! What is that?!" And I quickly cover it up, and I'm like.. "It said.. puck.." So she buys it, and is then like, "Well, the meaning is still there! Wash it off." And there's the end of my lovely pointless story.

9 huh | what


:: 2004 29 December :: 1.42am

God, I love you so much.

1 huh | what


:: 2004 28 December :: 9.54pm

I'm bitter sick of sweet and pure. says:
I'm bitter sick of sweet and pure. says:
that hurts Kate
Oh please, oh please, reconcile me says:
that was my intent
I'm bitter sick of sweet and pure. says:
I know
I'm bitter sick of sweet and pure. says:
Oh please, oh please, reconcile me says:
I'm fat.
I'm bitter sick of sweet and pure. says:
I know.
Oh please, oh please, reconcile me says:
You're a fucknut.
I'm bitter sick of sweet and pure. says:
I know.
I'm bitter sick of sweet and pure. says:
So are you.
Oh please, oh please, reconcile me says:
I know.
I'm bitter sick of sweet and pure. says:
All is well.
Oh please, oh please, reconcile me says:
: )

2 huh | what


:: 2004 28 December :: 6.46pm

Char, I found an apartment!



:: 2004 28 December :: 6.26pm
:: Music: Modest Mouse- Dramamine

I said what I said and you know what I mean...
Oh man. Why am I so sad? Gah. It's like I want to rush everything.
I just want it all to happen now. I have this feeling inside me too. And it's weird. And I just need to talk to you.



:: 2004 28 December :: 4.16pm

I guess guys have to feel all tough and act like jerks around their friends and stuff. I've heard that from somewhere before...

1 huh | what


:: 2004 28 December :: 3.40pm

We have one thing everyone in the world strives for. And it is priceless. And it will always be ours.



:: 2004 28 December :: 3.36pm

There is one thing, one VERY important thing you have to learn before you die.
Time is the only thing controlling this life. Why?
That is not the one important thing you have to learn. It could be, but I don't think it is. I just think before we die we have to learn something. Something that could help us after death. In another life. No one really knows what happens when you die.
Have you ever wondered how big the universe is? If it ever ends, or is it infinite? If it has invisible walls, where once you hit them, you bounce back? This book is making me insane.

2 huh | what


:: 2004 28 December :: 2.48pm

just worked 6 hours...gotta work 6 more in about 2 1/2 hours...yay.

1 huh | what


:: 2004 28 December :: 2.38pm
:: Music: cursive. oh shit, it just stopped. well then, silence.

This is the second day in a row I've awoken to an empty house. I'm so alone.

YES! No nagging.
SCORE! No gay ass stupid fucking annoying as hell little brother.

1 huh | what


:: 2004 28 December :: 1.17pm
:: Music: Death Cab for Cutie - Song for Kelly Huckaby [Facts Version]

I got bored.. so deal with it.
Things I hate, are stupid, or annoy me.
Read more..

This list could go on and on. Don't worry..I'll add more eventually. :)

10 huh | what


:: 2004 28 December :: 10.19am
:: Music: L.A. Guns - Time

Hey.. sorry to everyone that tried talking to me yesterday on msn. I guess it somehow signed me on. I checked my chat logs and I had like 6 people pissed off or confused because I didn't answer.. heh. Sorry.

3 huh | what | Random Journal