She is dangerous for all the ways she is harmless.And please, if they should ask you, tell them you knew a heart like mine.Relentless.


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:: 2004 26 December :: 5.39pm
:: Music: the crystal method

Oh man, she is going to end up really pissing me off.

"Can we do this?"
"Well how do you do that?"
"Show me how to do this again!"
"Why is it like that?"
"How do you do this?"

Gahh...I feel the headaches are going to come back soon.



:: 2004 25 December :: 3.47pm
:: Music: Switchfoot - You

I got a lot of socks..
like eight pairs.

That's about it.

6 huh | what


:: 2004 25 December :: 12.57pm

That's all I have to say.

Read more..

That's just the good stuff. I got a lot of other odds and ends, boxers, socks, black jacket. It seems like I got a lot more though, because my mom and Mark got things that the whole family will use. A DVD player, Canon Digital photo printer/scanner know. Anyway, I'm happy. I hope you all are too.

Merry Christmas, bitches.



:: 2004 23 December :: 11.27pm
:: Music: Linkin Park - Live in Texas

Linkin Park rocks.
So does Kate.

5 huh | what


:: 2004 23 December :: 10.07am
:: Music: Bright Eyes - Burn Rubber

Let me try this again.
A lot of these are old and I don't really take quotes anymore, but I decided to post what I have anyway. They aren't very good this time, I'm slack'n]

Read more..

11 huh | what


:: 2004 22 December :: 8.35pm

When I'm at the mall, I like to take the elevator more than the escalator. Because once when I was shopping, I tripped on the escalator and fell down for an hour.

2 huh | what


:: 2004 22 December :: 7.28pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Johnny Cash - I walk the line

Life's no game.
Work, work, work. The past 2 days i got let out early. starting next week. i will be working 2 shifts a day. so on tuesdays, im going to be working 11 hours. and on wednesdays, im going to be working 8 1/2 hours. and on the weekend im still not sure. probably 5 hours for weekends. thats a lot of fucking hours in one day. ive never worked 11 hours for a day. but yeah, this is going to go on for about a month because one of the employee's is getting surgery. i get paid in 2 weeks. the check should be rather large. i made $23 bucks in tips last night. i didnt collect tips from tonight because i didnt close. but ill probably pick it up tomorrow morning. going out with friends tomorrow so im gonna need money for that. once i get my first check, im going to start paying rent, so there's $175 gone right there. plus whatever other bills like phone and shit. plus, paying people back and all that other stuff. my mom is giving me $100 for christmas, and my dad's giving me a gift certificate for the mall, not sure how much for. but im going to use that money on stuff i need, such as clothes and whatever else. ill probably start saving money soon. once i get large amounts coming in. *sigh* life is good, things are going well. finally.

1 huh | what


:: 2004 22 December :: 7.02pm

because she's safe.
because she'll never know.
because she's more fucked up than i am, and i need that right now.



:: 2004 21 December :: 9.07pm

I just got back from shopping, and it went alright. Well, nothing went wrong anyway.

Hah, I was just watching Reno911! and there was this guy hiding under a kiddy pool. I thought it was quite funny, and my parents didn't get why. Good times...

4 huh | what


:: 2004 21 December :: 11.39am

so..another night, writing letters..ryan, kelly, my parents. thats all i got done last night.

im getting this william s. burroughs book today, "Junky" i bet its good. and this really big hardcover notebook that i want to write a book in..or maybe a collection of shit, i don't know.

im bored. i need a car. this walking is getting old because my feet hurt all the time.

chuck i've been trying to call you since 4 o clock this morning my time, but no luck.

i can't wait to do something with my life..i was thinking about it all night. my own place in the foothills of the sierra nevadas, my own car, my own..everything. mine. all mine. it will be phantastic. i want to move out of my uncles place in the summer because he is really starting to hate california because they keep fucking him with probation and shit. and im his little stressball or something and he tells it all to me, getting pissed off while he is talking about it (he is a very high strung man) so he ends up yelling all his problems at me. but hey, if anything, im a good listner. so i do what i can.

i have to go get some books. toodles.

matthew james hinton.

5 huh | what


:: 2004 20 December :: 7.36pm

got some books..more Kerouac and some Hunter S. Thompson..i wish he had more fiction, but stuck reading the gonzo letters volume 2 and fear and loathing: on the campaign trail '72. i got my cell phone. 1-916-899-4888. call me whenever, i have unlimited minutes all the time.

i've been playing my guitar alot..wrtiting some songs..i need more though, my acoustic just sounds so..empty. chuck i will call you, ryan i will call you too.

have a merry christmas chilluns.

matthew james hinton.



:: 2004 20 December :: 6.10am
:: Mood: real content
:: Music: Elvis Presley - From a jack to a king

Nothing better
*sits back and relaxes as The King eases his troubles*



:: 2004 19 December :: 6.52pm

It's like driving along those winding mountain roads. It always scared the shit out of me.

Yeah, I'm in control. But there's still the possibility, the chance of going over. And if you go over, all is lost. You die. The End.

I don't trust myself with that much responsibility. "Are you going to cheat on me," he asks, and I don't fucking know. No, no, fuck no, I say, a knee-jerk reaction, but I can't fucking tell. Her words echo in a way that drops the floor from under my feet: You're too goddamn retarded not to. I'm a fuck-up. I'm a tremendous fuck-up and I know it and this is the most important thing that ever was [to me] and I don't trust myself with it.

And all I want to do is lie in his arms until it all goes away. He makes me feel so safe. Like nothing else matters. [What a fucking cliche. I sicken myself.]

He doesn't and I think won't ever understand her effect on me. I don't know what'll happen if I fall into a rage directed at him. I fear I might hurt him. Physically, emotionally, I don't know how. I fear, undirected.

& selfish little prick that I am, I worry more that he'll realize he doesn't have to take it anymore than that I might do actual damage. Well, no. I'm pretty sure I can't hurt him that bad, I guess. Certainly no more so than Pam. So it all comes down to his willingness to take my shit, how honest about myself I can be around him, if I'll ever know where the line is or that I've crossed it until it's too late.

I mean. This is the normal shit people worry about in relationships. I'm just a coward, crippled by it.

He asks, will I cheat on him. I don't know. Sex means so little to me. I can't get around that. Even with him, it's nothing special. I derive more joy from falling asleep next to him than fucking him. I keep thinking back to fucking random friends for no good reason, asking myself why why why, what what going through my head . . . I can't. Bring myself to care about it. And that scares me, because I fail to realize the risks.

He asks, were you even attracted to him, and I say, yeah, sort of. I guess. It's wierd. I have no basis for it. Yeah, I'll fuck my friends . . . they're my friends. I don't care in the least about it, why should they? I fail at human understanding. I fail at empathy. Dan did an insanely good job of hiding his feelings for me, and I did an insanely good job of killing mine for him. And in the end despite everything that Sab has said, it just ended up screwing us both over. We may never recover.

Lost trust, lost love. I am not virgin territory. Why does he even stick around.

I'm not monogamous, I don't understand monogamy, I don't understand jealousy, I don't understand "making love," I am not

[what he needs. or even wants.]



I am

[kivarth pukkukku. antuoth pukkukku. akh pukkuk!
Translation: Fucking idiot. And she slams me against the wall, hiss-grinning for what we both know is true. Defective. Inhuman. Wrongwrongwrong.]


The part that bothers me most is that, aside from the lack, I can feel nothing wrong with it. It is how I was made. I cannot be any other way.

Unfortunately several of my modules seem to be mutually incompatible. The conflict must be resolved or I will lose my life.

1 huh | what


:: 2004 19 December :: 6.24pm

I hate what this journal has become, actually . . .



:: 2004 19 December :: 1.52pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: my chemical romance

I hope to move soon. I should be out of here by March. I'm tired of this tiny place, I have no room to myself.

4 huh | what


:: 2004 19 December :: 12.30pm
:: Mood: Good for once

All mine.
Well, today, its official. me and stacy are together and everythings good. had a double date kind of deal today, it was really good. went to the mall and out to eat, came back and watched a movie. i loved it. but driving home was not good. ran out of gas on ice, had to be towed to the apartments. i guess its all ok now, my car pisses me off though. oh well. work is good, everything seems to be good. well, i think im going to go eat some left over pizza. later people. stacy, i do love you.

5 huh | what


:: 2004 18 December :: 2.47pm

i got my job. fantastic. its sad that i had to move out of state to find a well paying job. the lady that lives with me and my uncle for the time being is really loud, i don't like it.

i realized last night that drinking a bottle of robotussin isn't as fun as i remembered. therefore, i will not do it again. i just laid awake in bed all night very confused about everything. complete diorentation.

ryan i wrote about that time this summer when you and i went to the beach. ill send it to you when i call and get your adress.

i know i had something else to say..

oh yeah

i read an entire book in the bookstore, The Basketball Diaries by Jim Carroll. really good. even though it had a picture of Leonardo Di Caprio on the front..though i guess hes not that bad because he was in Gangs of New York, and i'm starting to think thats on my top five for favortie movies ever.

but yeah, the book was really really good..about jim carroll growing up in new york in the sixties and just being fucking crazy man. crazy.

"i just want to be pure"

thats all, i must depart.

matthew james hinton

3 huh | what


:: 2004 18 December :: 5.01pm
:: Music: keane

I now have xanga. My name is maniacal26, add me.

2 huh | what


:: 2004 18 December :: 12.01pm

Well, worked 7 1/2 hours today. its been long as fuck. made decent tips thats for sure. i need to get christmas gifts, quick. i cant believe christmas is already next weekend. *sigh* im tired as fuck. cant wait for payday, in 2 more damn weeks. oh well. but yeahh, gah nevermind, i need rest or something. later.



:: 2004 17 December :: 10.09pm

Hey, I was wondering if anyone would like to come with me to my sisters wedding tomorrow. It's from about 9am - 11pm. Please! I don't want to suffer alone. If you can, call me.. 696-9764

9 huh | what


:: 2004 17 December :: 12.27pm

Totally the last day. Totally excited. Totally saying totally like a total valley girl.
Oh my gosh.

1 huh | what


:: 2004 17 December :: 4.24am
:: Mood: *shrugs*

Worked a good 5 hours today, not too bad. tomorrow i get to work 7, from 4 to 11. its going to be alright. i had to wash dishes all today. tomorrow im actually bussing the whole time. ill probably end up with some good tip money by the end of the night. there's a few things i need to get. i plan for an excellent weekend this week. i get to spend it with my one and only. i shall make the best of it. just watched american history x again, great movie. lifted weights like a mad man. toning up a bit. i finally get to talk to my dad tomorrow. its ok to call him now that i have a job. i wont get any lectures about anything. im finally paying my way through life by honest, simple, hard work. i never knew dishwashing was such a hard job. no breaks, no sit down time, straight busy work. when im washing, i make around $6.25. but yeah, everything is going pretty well. relationship's having its ups and downs, but things are finally started to look up a lot more. things are so much differant this time around. and everything will be perfect. but anyway, thats my latest news. i get to work all day tomorrow while people are having a "movie party". have fun with that.. later.


1 huh | what


:: 2004 17 December :: 3.55am

Jake and I went on top of D&W's roof

6 huh | what


:: 2004 16 December :: 11.09pm


thank you thank you fucking thank you. you have no idea how much this one stupid thing means. thank you. for everything.

tears almost, but the good kind. it flows in me like reverse drowning.



:: 2004 16 December :: 7.13pm
:: Music: Cursive

Meijers, Family Fare,
Fun night tonight. Got caught stealing donuts. Well, not me, but those two bitches did.

And serenity. Whew. We laughed and laughed, and rolled on the ground...and laughed some more. It was even better that we had been making fun of those EXACT kind right before.

2 huh | what


:: 2004 16 December :: 9.33am



sarah + jessica = best elf/giant friends ever!

1 huh | what


:: 2004 16 December :: 1.49am
:: Mood: FUCKED UP

MY FUCKING GOD! i have got a fucking story to tell here!

Ok, well, i went to meijer to get some soda right? so everythings cool and i leave. i decide to go to McDonalds. so i order and everything, and i notice that the car in front of me has like 4 mexican dudes in it. i thought to myself "man, if i accidently hit their car..i would get my ass beat" (because there was small space to pull forward) so they pay and now its my turn right? so i pull forward counting my money not paying attention and i accidently hit their car. im like "oh god..oh god". so two of them get out all "what the fuck!?" im like shitting my pants at this point. so then im like "fuck im sorry, i didnt mean to blah blah blah" to save my ass. so they get back in the car and pull forward, get their food, and pull off to the side not moving. i was like "uh oh, this isnt good". and the worker there was like "just dont go the way they do". i was like yeah. so i pull forward, get my food, and go to the exit. low and behold, so do they. so now im scared. "4 mexicans following me this is great" so i turn and gun it, as do they. but the thing was, they turned off their headlights. i was like "im so fucked right now its not even funny". so i speed more, as do they. but then i was like fuck this. the next thing i thought to myself was "the only fucking way i could ever get out of this is if somehow they got pulled over for their headlights out". so i keep going sweating and shaking. next thing i know, all i can see in my rearview mirror is the outline of their car in front of red and blue flashing lights. i was like "this cannot be true, this cant be happening, im not this fucking lucky". surely enough, they were getting pulled over for their headlights. the rest of the way home i was like "there is a god, fucking thank you!" im still shaking from this fucking miracle i just witnessed. the fucked up thing was, i predicted every single thing that happened. but i thought i would just share that miracle story with you all. hopefully you're impressed. it was probably by far the most fucked up experience that ive ever had. thank you ladies and gentlemen, and goodnight.


6 huh | what


:: 2004 15 December :: 7.12am
:: Music: taking back sunday - you're so last summer

it wasn't a snow day and i am not sick

I just missed the bus, have a good day at school suckers!

2 huh | what


:: 2004 14 December :: 8.53pm

Lost inspiration
Panic on the rise



:: 2004 14 December :: 8.45pm
:: Mood: uncomfortable
:: Music: AFI- Perfect Fit

I can't be a part, be a part, I can't be a part.
I can't be a part, be a part in your modern world. Gotta be apart, be apart, gotta be apart...I don't grasp your values!

Total fest. Gosh. Nose running, shoulder hurting, procrastination...

I'll wait...
I'll give you nothing but a mirthless laugh

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