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The Shit Happening in my Life

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:: 2003 9 December :: 8.31am
:: Mood: depressed

I love KT, and that's all there is to it. I will never doubt my feelings for her.

I will no longer express my personal feelings on these journals. I will only use it to practice HTMLs, put jokes up, and put up surveys. I'm pretty much done with Woohu. Goodbye.

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:: 2003 8 December :: 8.42am
:: Mood: amused

Yet another funny cartoon

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:: 2003 5 December :: 10.23pm

Damn straight!

Wow. Didn't realize I was so power hungry. I like the look, however.

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:: 2003 25 November :: 8.00am

What do you think of Mexicans?:They are hard workers
Jews?:i don't know
Do you like Canada?:sure, why not?
I just got my own way, instead of you getting yours. Are you pissed?:yes
Does Britney Spears turn you on?:no
Have you ever gotten suspended or expelled from school?:no
If so, what for?:
If you had to,would you kill the love of your life, or 30 strangers?:30 strangers
What's better? An amusement park or a water park?:amusement parks
Do you like cats?:yes
Kruisenga's an ass, isn't he?:who???
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like your parents?:love them, don't like them
What do you think of retards?:they are people too
What do you think of fat people?:they like food
Fire = yum:hell yea

Your opinions and such. brought to you by BZOINK!

Coke or Pepsi?:Pepsi
Love or Lust?:love
tv or movies?:tv
cats or dogs?:both
meal or dessert?:dessert
east coast or west coast?:west coast
tall or short?:short
football or baseball?:football
soccer or basketball?:baseketbal
outside or indoors?:outside
blonde or brunette?:brunette
apples or oranges?:oranges
aol or yahoo?:aol
stars or moons?:stars

This or That brought to you by BZOINK!

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:: 2003 24 November :: 8.41am

+ Basics +
Are you emotional ::i dunno, have to ask KT
Do songs make you cry? If so, name a few ::yes, "Lady" by Kenny Rogers
What about movies ::no
What emotion do you usually feel ::anger
+ Sadness +
What does it take to make you cry your heart out ::KT, but thats happy tears
How many times have you done that ::2 or 3
Where do you cry ::usually my room
Do you hate crying ::no
Do you like it when others cry ::no
Do you think tears make eyes look pretty ::depends
Who looks good when they cry ::no one i've ever seen
How else do you express sadness ::i get depressed
Are you sad all the time ::no
+ Anger +
What does it take to make you mad ::not a lot
What do you do when you're angry ::punch random object, scream
How short is your temper ::very
How long does it take you to calm down ::not long
What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad ::punched a hole in my wall
Do you freak out when others are angry ::no
Has anyone ever recommended anger management to you ::no
What's the worst thing someone's done to make you mad ::my mom slapped me
Do you anger people ::probably
+ Joy +
How often are you happy ::a little
What makes you happy ::KT
What do you do when you're happy ::i smile, laugh
How optimistic are you ::not very
Do happy people make you mad ::no
What's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy ::annoy me
Ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone ::no
Ever been so happy you cried ::yes
Do you smile a lot ::kinda
Kiss people a lot::just KT
Who really makes you happy ::KT, my cats, Sherlock and Lady
Do you like doing things for people when you're happy ::yes
+ Fear +
What do you do when you're scared ::fetal position
What scares you ::something jumping at me from behind
Do you like scaring people ::yes
Do you like the trill of being frightened ::yes
Does fear accompany anger in your case ::no
Ever been so scared you couldn't breathe ::yes
How often do you panic ::not hardly
What's the one thing that scared you more than anything else EVER ::haunted house i went to
What do you do to calm your nerves ::i don't, i like adrenaline
Do rollercoasters scare you ::no
+ The strongest emotion +
What song never fails to get your strongest emotions going ::depends on the emotion
Movie ::none
Commericial ::none
Person ::KT
Thing ::none
Sight ::KT
Sound ::KT's voice
Food ::i didn't think people got emotional over food
Thing you're looking forward to/want ::seeing KT
+ What do you do +
When the emotion suck ::eat, watch tv
When the emotion rocks ::get hyper
When there's no emotion ::nothing
+ Would you rather +
Never feel again ::no
Feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life ::no
Be happy forever and never experience bad times ::no
Cause misery ::no
Feel misery ::no
Be alone ::no
Be with everyone you know ::yes
+ Who +
Cheers you up more than anyone else ::KT
Angers you more than anyone else ::my mom
Scares you more than anyone else ::no one
Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else ::KT
Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think ::KT

Emotions brought to you by BZOINK!

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:: 2003 24 November :: 8.05am
:: Mood: very tired
:: Music: "Right now" Korn

When was the last time you
were kissed:minutes ago
sang:couple days
read a newspaper:few days
danced:too long to care
wept:about a week
petted an animal:about an hour ago
How many
boyfriends/girlfriends have you had (or currently have if you're like that):one
websites do you have:none
CDs do you own:a lot
really close friends do you have:one or two
times have you been in love:once, and i still am
flown in an airplane?:too many to count

About You brought to you by BZOINK!

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:: 2003 19 November :: 8.59am

You are DORY!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

You are Ukyou Kenji!
You are Ukyou Kenji!

Which Ranma 1/2 Character are you??

Who in the world is this????????

You're a SKATER. You're pretty cool but need to
realise that there are sometimes more important
things than skating!!!

What stereotype are you?

Angel Gabriel
Gabriel, the messenger angel is keeping an eye on

Who is your Guardian Angel?

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:: 2003 18 November :: 9.08pm
:: Mood: blah

Whats is the point of me having a journal here on woohu? nobody ever says anything to me except Rachel. Thanks Rachel, i appreciate that. Maybe ill just quit.

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:: 2003 18 November :: 9.02pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Animatrix

Unreciprocated Love
Unreciprocated Love

Ummmm Katie?? Help

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:: 2003 18 November :: 9.13am

I'll admit to all of you. i never used to believe in God. I started to go to small group just to be with Katie more. But all of that has changed. I go because i want to speak my mind about God. i believe in Him now, regardless of whether or not you believe it. i understand Ben's pissed off fellings at this. he was the first to know that i didn't believe in God. But he doesn't know that ive changed. he doesn't know because he never even talks to me anymore. I have changed a lot since Katie has shown me the meaning of love. She has open up my mind and has made realize the possiblities that are out there. she has made me think outside the box.
Sorry for getting all mushy on you, but i had to speak my mind.

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:: 2003 17 November :: 3.19pm
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: "Hit it" by the Offspring

Where did these come from?

my boss hates me

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:: 2003 16 November :: 7.49pm
:: Mood: blahhh.
:: Music: DDR music

hi everyone. im back from my dads house. it was pretty boring except i saw T3, and i learned a bunch of HTMLs. Hope you had a fun filled weekend. The Bears lost unfortunately. The Lions were losing pretty bad. i gave up on them. Heard that the Crucible was good.

I missed you all.

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:: 2003 16 November :: 3.39pm
:: Mood: bored

Some Happy Noodle boy fun!

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:: 2003 15 November :: 5.05pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: "Lady" by Kenny Rogers

Your soul is bound to the White Rose: The

"I've been waiting in the dark for a long
time, shining my beacon of hope through the
shadow. If you see me, don't you hide your
eyes from me."

The White Rose is associated with purity, honor,
and chastity. It is governed by the goddess
Artemis and its sign is The Cross, or Agape.

As a White Rose, you are a person of your word.
You may have a strong moral code, but
regardless of your virtue, you always stay true
to yourself. To you, love is the most pure of
emotional forms and it's just a matter of
waiting for it to bless you. Some people may
say you are too idealistic, but it's only
because you don't want to mess things up.

What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2003 30 October :: 7.46am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: "I get knocked down" by Chumbawumba

Well, shatter-bones, you seem like a joker. Playing
pranks is funny to you of course. You like to
fool around with others and be, well, annoying.
Haha. Egg-throwing and smashing windows on
Halloween must be entertaining. If you're
having fun, then good for you. Just don't take
it too far or get caught. Happy Halloween,
Mr./Ms. Funny Bones.

What Halloween Figure Are You? (Fun Quiz! MANY RESULTS!)
brought to you by Quizilla

The Princess Bride
I'm sure it's no big surprise to you that your
romance is The Princess Bride. A heartwarming
tale of "Twue Wuve" that has giants,
Spainards and swashbuckling. You really do
think that love can overcome anything. You may
be a touch naive but your heart is certainly in
the right place. You've probably got one of
those relationships where proper nouns have
been replaced with "Snookums" and
"Pookie Pie". Eww. Beware a cuteness

What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
brought to you by Quizilla

hell yea!!!

Your Inuyasha! You are a punk, you like to pick
fights and hate being in school, your grades
are slipping but you don't care, you are having
to much fun to actually do anything about it!

What Inuyasha Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

i think KT wil like this.

Umm, you might consider suicide maybe a total of
about 10 times in your life. You think that
sometimes life can become too stressful and you
just wanna leave it all behind and die. But
don't worry. It will pass in time. I hope you
liked the quiz! Please Rate!!! `-)

Are you going to commit suicide? (PLEASE RATE) `-)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Captain Jack Sparrow
You're not always clear when you say something, but
you are trustworthy.

-x-What charater from Pirates of the Carribbean are you?(with pictures)-x-
brought to you by Quizilla

Harry Potter
Harry Potter...you're brave and all but you are
kind of boring...lol.

!!! The Ultimate Harry Potter Character Quiz !!!
brought to you by Quizilla

sorry for all of these quizzes everyone but i have been extremely bored in CAD class. i love KT!

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