2007 1 April :: 10.35 am
:: Mood: pleased
Back by popular demand
I got this weird hang over
It's not even bad I feel pretty damn good
Too bad it didn't turn out that way last night
I almost died on Division
But you know what they say
Life is too short to dance with ugly women
Or something like that
8 ain't cause they not |
I'm hot cause I'm fly |
2007 7 February :: 8.50 pm
haha too bad for me
i keep forgetting i have woohu
i'm not that good at updating things in my life anyway
nothing is that interesting
well there is one thing that is new
and interesting
i'm liking it
thats the end of my annual update
2 ain't cause they not |
I'm hot cause I'm fly |
2006 10 July :: 1.23 pm
I forgot I had a woohu. Oops. So I haven't done much lately, just working and hanging out with people when I can. I went bowling last night and I got a 58.. Not too bad but everyone else beat me. My sisters msn name has something about yo ho ho and a bottle of rye, what is rye?
1 ain't cause they not |
I'm hot cause I'm fly |
2006 31 March :: 10.00 pm
Haven't been on here in a long time, I've been on my myspace a lot more. I went to eden today, pretty cool.. Except for everytime I played a game I got beat. Tomorrow I'm going to Birch Run, then Tuesday I'm going to Chicago. Anyone want to do something over spring break let me know!!
5 ain't cause they not |
I'm hot cause I'm fly |
2006 1 January :: 6.40 pm
I did say something in my last one but then I deleted it and didn't know what else to say.
Besides that, Happy New Year.
I hope you've all missed me, because Tuesday is coming up and I'm excited to see everyone again.
2 ain't cause they not |
I'm hot cause I'm fly |
2005 7 December :: 4.04 pm
:: Music: Eminem- Criminal
2 ain't cause they not |
I'm hot cause I'm fly |
2005 26 November :: 10.26 pm
Just sitting here, doing nothing.
Shows how much there is to do in Cedar SPRINGS
But really, I had things to do today, all in which got canceled because I am tired and don't feel good.
1. Paintball
2. Sledding with Mike and Dustin
3. Club with Cortney and Katie
4. Party at Jessica's
5. Hang out at Chad's.
I could have fit it all in there somehow, but NOOoooo.
So instead I played dominoes with 50+ year old ladies
Yeap. Now i'm going to go hang my self
(except for not)
7 ain't cause they not |
I'm hot cause I'm fly |
2005 25 November :: 2.02 pm
:: Music: Eminem- Role Model
Don't you wanna grow up to be just like me?
I went shopping today. (Christmas)
Ended up buying another CD for my self.
I worked over night on Tuesday into Wednesday. (11 hours)
I made 120$ so not too bad. It was easy.
Accidently spent it all, well most of it.
2 ain't cause they not |
I'm hot cause I'm fly |
2005 11 November :: 9.10 pm
:: Mood: ecstatic
I <3 Friday
So I guess it's been a while since I've updated.
This one's for you MISH
I can't believe I'm home right now.
HAHAHA I guess I'm a loser
But I gotta stay
till I
2 ain't cause they not |
I'm hot cause I'm fly |
2005 27 August :: 12.00 pm
:: Music: Eric Clapton- Cocaine
Football likes girls
I went to the game last night
(I was an hour late)
Hung out with.. Kevin Meek, Randy Smith, Lee Drum, and Katie before the game. Yeah it was f-u-n.
Then I went to the game and RON WASEN'T THERE--anymore. So then I saw a lot of my friends.. Yeap. Then I drew another picture and put it on my xanga so I guess if you're bored you can see it. It's not really that great but. It's cool. I didn't know if penguins had beaks but, thanks Phil for filling me in on that one. :-)
Link to my XANGA
I'm hot cause I'm fly |
2005 24 August :: 8.54 pm
:: Music: ACDC- Back In Black
Stay off the road!
I passed my road test!
Here are some pictures that I drew.
Go me.
(Well you have to go to my xanga to see them)
Or they would be too big on here.
5 ain't cause they not |
I'm hot cause I'm fly |
2005 22 August :: 6.22 pm
Ever wonder how it feels to be grounded?
Something like this.
Yeah I'm grounded for a couple days I guess.. (Off the computer) haha
I think I'm going swimmin on Thursday if the weather is nice.
Call me if you want to go! 308-8717
2 ain't cause they not |
I'm hot cause I'm fly |
2005 20 August :: 12.29 pm
:: Music: Underoath- Some will seek forgiveness, others escape
Well. I'm guessing that not too many feel bad for animals that are suffering. It's just an opinion. I woke up yesterday and didn't feel good. Now I still don't feel good, I feel worse. I must be being punished for loving cute little animals.
14 ain't cause they not |
I'm hot cause I'm fly |
2005 19 August :: 11.56 am
:: Music: Edwin McCain- I'll be (Acoustic)
Show me your boobs and I'll give you a badge

Guess what I did.
Nothing today, yet. Tonight I have to go to a baseball game because I fricken love baseball.. Oh and yesterday I went to Tony's and Jimi was there and Brit when too. Then we went to the park. Tomorrow it's just going to be me and Brit because Tim and Kaylee will be gone and my mom decided to work. Party! :)
I wanted to take the time out to give a shout out to Justin A.. Because I want him SOO bad and I'm SOO obsessed with him...

20 ain't cause they not |
I'm hot cause I'm fly |
2005 18 August :: 12.03 pm
:: Music: Wakefield- Unsweet 16
I <3 Woohu
My first woohu!
I'm honored.
Lets see.. oh today I woke up.. then I walked up stairs and saw Brittany. Then Tim came home and I didn't know why and then I said.. Why are you home and he said "I got fired". So then I got a drink of orange juice. Then I looked for a job for him. Then I coulden't find one; so I got on woohu.
I went to Meijer last night, because that's where all the cool kids hang out. Then I went to Codi's house.. Then I went home.
11 ain't cause they not |
I'm hot cause I'm fly |