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:: 2010 4 August :: 9.33pm

Some kid on Dahmer's page: I'll fuck your mom and never call her again.

Dahmer: Wolfe is the good one. De Salvo is going to fuck my mom and not call her.

Me: That's terrible. If I were to fuck your mother, I'd call her.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 3 August :: 7.25am

Power Slave (iron Maiden)

Tell me why I had to be a Powerslave
I don't wanna die, I'm a God,
Why can't I live on?
When the Life Giver dies,
All around is laid waste,
And in my last hour,
I'm a Slave to the Power of Death.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 1 August :: 11.36pm

This song is absolutely amazing. If you don't like it, go to hellll.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 31 July :: 7.45pm

Happy Lunghnasadh
Hello again Woohu. Life for me has been hell for the past month. I feel like I've been broken down into my base elements with only myself to look to for re assemblage. It hasn't killed me yet at least. The good news is that I've become a better person because of it. Here's to new beginnings, and the growth that we've seen in the past year. Happy first harvest festival.

1 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 18 July :: 8.24pm

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 18 July :: 2.11am

gettin drunk and yellin at my dog, classic

4 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 6 July :: 10.00pm

Kinda want a mullet mobile, don't have money for it right now.

4 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 6 July :: 2.02pm

things are more different than they have ever been before, i'm scared out of my mind.

1 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 5 July :: 7.57pm

"There's two kinds of people in this world when you boil it all down. You've got your talkers, and you've got your doers. Most people are just talkers, all they got is talk. But when all is said and done, it's the the doer's that change this world. And when they do that, they change us. And that's why we never forget them. So, which one are you? Do you just talk about it, or do you stand up and do something about it? Because believe you and me, allll the rest of it is just coffee-house bullshit."

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 3 July :: 4.50am

5 in the morning and still awake...not cool.

Although, what's cool is BLS and Clutch are coming in November. Woo. Yeah.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 27 June :: 2.59am

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 22 June :: 1.49am

Worst. Storm. Ever.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 21 June :: 12.22am

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 18 June :: 10.57am

i actually like getting up these days.

i get up, get around, go to work, enjoy what i do. i get to hang out with cool people at work, i have an awesome girlfriend. great friends.

this is my bfffy's birthweek so we get to celeberate. fuck yes!

i'm going to buy a motorcycle soon and sell the chevy, its a 60 mile round trip drive to work, gas is expensive in a jeep that only gets 16mpg

2 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 15 June :: 10.35pm

I might have peed a little

I'm hot cause I'm fly | Random Journal