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:: 2010 2 March :: 9.46pm

HAHA. Win.
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I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 2 March :: 2.49pm

Come on motherfucker, come on motherfucker, come on motherfucker, let's throw down.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 28 February :: 3.39am

Worst night of my life. I've had some bad nights, but, I really do not think anything can top this.

1 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 27 February :: 2.32am

3/30 Portland, ME @ The Asylum
3/31 So. Burlington, VT @ Higher Ground
4/01 Kitchener, ON @ Elements
4/02 Traverse City, MI @ Ground Zero
4/03 Columbus, OH @ Newport Music Hall
4/05 Rochester, NY @ Montage Music Hall
4/06 Flint, MI @ The Machine Shop
4/09 DeKalb, IL @ Otto's Nightclub
4/10 Madison, WI @ The Majestic Theatre
4/11 Des Moines, IA @ People's Court
4/13 Colorado Springs, CO @ The Black Sheep
4/14 Ft. Collins, CO @ Aggie Theatre
4/16 Lincoln, NE @ Box Awesome's Bourbon Theatre
4/17 Springfield, MO @ Remmington's
4/18 Indianapolis, IN @ The Vogue

6/12 Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo

Might need to roadtrip to Flint.

2 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 26 February :: 7.43am

Hung over and tired as hell.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 25 February :: 2.14pm

It's god damn 2010 and people still don't know how to do the most simple things on their work computers. Now I could understand if you don't use a computer much, but these people, it's a part of their damn jobs. The company gives them these machines that are a part of doing their jobs, they don't know anything about these machines so really they don't know how to do their jobs. Do your damn job.

2 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 19 February :: 9.00pm

Got to love drunken bar night drama.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 19 February :: 3.38pm

being able to RDP with DDNS amuses me

1 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 17 February :: 1.23am

oh shit bitch!

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 15 February :: 12.38am

I really need to stop drinking. It's real sad when all you think about is wanting a beer in the morning when you wake up.

4 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 14 February :: 10.54am

ha internet

1 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 11 February :: 11.54am

It's not that it happened, its that you don't understand why

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 11 February :: 12.32am

It is now Samantha's 22 birthday right now. In 3 years, she'll be able to drive rental cars.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 10 February :: 12.53pm

I said shit goddamn.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 10 February :: 10.41am

Iron Maiden - Man on Edge
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1 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly | Random Journal