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:: 2010 12 January :: 2.21am

I cannot believe that sick son-of-a-bitch had the odacity to show up and talk to me like nothing happened.

2 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 11 January :: 1.43am

Carl did this. Such a gamer geek. I love it.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 11 January :: 12.46am

Read more..

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 10 January :: 2.29am

Fuck you asshole. That's 3 days after my birthday. Way to go.

10 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 7 January :: 10.55pm


2 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 2 January :: 4.02pm
:: Music: All That Remains

2 Weeks

I need a cigarette, a case of beer, and Carl's face to punch in later. FUCK.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2010 2 January :: 2.43pm

Read more..

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 31 December :: 6.20pm

Swallow all the planet's, the profits of doom. Happy FUCKING New Year.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 29 December :: 7.04pm

I start school January 25th! =) I'm super excited.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 28 December :: 7.11pm

I'm fucking DARunk and it's not even 7:fucking30. Does that make me an alchy? Lord I hope not.

2 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 28 December :: 1.41pm

At work right now. Someone needs to come see me. After work my rainbow bright and I are going to applebee's. Long Island's, I cannot wait to drink you.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 25 December :: 5.49pm

Christmas was pretty sweet. Besides for being jumped on by Courtany at 9 in the am.

I got...

100 dollars
25 dollar gift card to logan's
A phillip's music player (it's pink)
I got a sweet pair of sweat pants. Detroit Lions FTW (that came from Rick)
I got a key chain breathalizer from Courtany
I got some clothes
10 dollar gift card to Best Buy

Lots of cool stuff right there.

Best bit EVER

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 24 December :: 11.37pm

Merry Christmas Fuckers =]
To get everyone in the mood...

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 24 December :: 5.53pm

Death is not your destiny today little sparrow.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 22 December :: 5.14pm

Fuck you, you cum guzzling thundercunt. OMFG. HAHA

I'm hot cause I'm fly | Random Journal