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:: 2009 26 August :: 12.10pm

Let's see...for starters, I should be fucking drunk from last night still or at least have one bad fucking hang over.

Guy at Taphouse looked at my vertical I.D. for...about 2 minutes and then slapped a wrist band on my arm. What a complete fucking idiot. Well, I was excited and had to celebrate with these drinks of choice all within an hour (yes, I said within an hour of each other, like a fucking idiot):

Vodka and lemonade
Jack and coke
Long Island ice tea
2 Sex on the Beaches

This caused a lot of stopping on the way home...

I puked in the parking lot.
I puked on the freeway.
I puked in a church parking lot.
I puked on fuller.
And, finally, I puked in my own toilet.

4 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 24 August :: 11.57pm

I don't know if I should be laughing or if I should be cringing with pain myself...

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 24 August :: 9.12pm

i hate "reality" tv.

these stupid love shows.

8 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 24 August :: 5.14pm

You think you're gangster cuz you did time, well listen ya gangster...

that treadmill is on. FAIL.


I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 24 August :: 4.36pm

Going to see Inglorious Basterd's.

It's going to be a date.

I am very much nervous.

It doesn't help that he is 28 and I am 20.

But, he asked me out tonight. Both knowing the age difference.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 23 August :: 10.25am

Get your hands off me, you don't know who I am. I'm a power player, I'm a power player.

::I'm not giving you attitude, I just want another drink::

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 22 August :: 10.00pm

Efffff you fuck face. Right in the ass where you like it. Like that fucking faggot that you are. Your nasty flea infested ass can eat shit and DIE for all I care. You are nothing to me. I spit on your name in pure hatred.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 22 August :: 12.17am

Inglorious Basterds is absolutely glorious

2 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 21 August :: 6.31pm

This is what happens when little kids try to bug me in online games

4 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 21 August :: 2.01pm


$1200 or best offer

15 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 21 August :: 1.08pm

Epic Quote
"It penetrates deep into the wood to lock in moisture."

I heard this on a Menards commercial last night...

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 20 August :: 3.18pm



Read more..

2 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 19 August :: 11.41pm
:: Music: DJ Mad

Put your fucking drinks up!

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 19 August :: 12.52pm

Classes this fall:
Database systems
Unix using Linux
Cisco Wireless Network Administrator
Computer Security and Assurance

This semester is either going to be really fucking cool or really fucking hard.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 19 August :: 12.45pm

scooter riders.
dear trendy hipsters,

fuck you and your goddamn moped. your not cool because you ride a fucking scooter, most of you arn't even legally riding them, 150cc's with a moped sticker slapped on it, its classified as a moped you queer.

i hate these fuckers riding down the road at 35mph that you can't get around because they ride in the middle of the lane.

fuck you moped guys.

11 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly | Random Journal