2009 1 July :: 5.25pm
Well, while everyone is heated up, I will say what I want to say.
Yes, it is depressing people have died this past week. I am sure they will all be missed. But, seriously, they died. Nothing will bring these people back. I am sure they have touched many of you in some way. But, come on, everyone loves some jokes now and then. It's nothing to get that upset about.
I think everyone needs to just shut the hell up and not start shit. If you want to say something, don't bring it up on here and get upset when people say something about it. You are the one who said it, expect something out of it. Just a bunch of bull shit in my opinion. You start shit, you're gonna get shit.
That's the way things go people. Don't get all whiney and bitchy because, it's not going to help you. This is not high school anymore. We are all much older than that.
I'm hot cause I'm fly