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:: 2009 14 May :: 1.31am

Bob Marley hair


Nail polish named after Sammy


Some girl was taking the nails off the display. What a bitch.


Saved the best for last, Sammy and I


I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 13 May :: 6.41pm

Real Fark Headline

"Man hits pedestrian at Home Depot and runs down a state trooper before leaving the lot. Hits a van, backs up and hits it again. Drives off screaming "WOO HOO" as he strikes several vehicles before crashing head-on with a semi. TA-DA"

Full Story

1 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 13 May :: 12.02pm

The sky is the limit.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 13 May :: 2.55am

Everything burns, especially the world.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 12 May :: 6.14pm

Nostalgic of the GRCC days

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 12 May :: 1.28pm

That old me is dead and gone.

I am feeling pretty good.

2 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 12 May :: 12.18am

Work the next 3 days. Only day I have off is this Friday. Volunteered to work at the Kentwood store Saturday. I'm getting 33 hours this week. I can't complain.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 11 May :: 7.45pm

I'm still depressed about this shit.

it seems that when i finally get my life back on track, i start getting my bills cought up i get kicked in the face.

what the fuck.. really?

i'm so sick of this shit.

to put the icing on the cake, today i got my insurence card... and it'll never get used because i don't have insurence.

why me?

3 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 10 May :: 8.01pm

That guy spent the night. That is all.

3 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 9 May :: 6.10pm

All I can say is WOW. My moms date is over right now...I don't even know what to say. He's FUCKING weird. He's 40 and my mom is 48. Apparently all of our animals are democrat, and I once had a dog that was republican and my mom shot it. Ummm, I don't even know.

2 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 9 May :: 3.37pm
:: Mood: creeped out

Is it weird that this creepy old guy across the street is staring at me nodding his head?

1 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 8 May :: 11.24am

Can anyone reach the knife that's in my back?

I was just laid off, a week before insurance starts, i can't get unemployment either.

this is bullshit.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 7 May :: 4.45am

You, flock of seagull's...

This is pretty much my favorite scene of the whole movie.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 7 May :: 3.14am

I woke the same as every other day except a voice was in my head.
It said seize the day, pull the trigger, drop the blade, and watch the rolling heads.

I'm hot cause I'm fly


:: 2009 6 May :: 7.53pm

Lions logo
New Lions logo:


Old logo:


I'm getting a little excited for the new season!!

5 ain't cause they not | I'm hot cause I'm fly | Random Journal