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My Reflections

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:: 2004 29 July :: 12.20am

Entry From Work Today
So I wrote this at work today. Stupid me left it in box. Manager found it. ::shrugs:: Nothing harmful. Just yeah, have to post it. That's why I wrote it.

Mood: Bored

I'm writing this on a piece of paper. I'm at work right now. I'll probably type this up later. Why? I'm kind of slightly optimistic right now and I figure it'd benice to see me not totally out of it. So this is me- now. At 5>24 pm in the box office. Bored mindless. I'm glad I'm working though. And actually getting piad for beingbored. Instead if just getting a headache from the stupid computer screen. That's all I'd be doing now anyways. My knee hurts like hell. Thanks to The Moore ::hats off:: :-P You poo. Whatever though. It was an accident.

So. I should have ditched school today. I was incredibly crabby. I was about to cry because I didn't understand damn unit pricing. Sorry about that Jillian. So yeah, I went home and slept. And slept.
I had to be at work at 3. Had insane dreams about cars flipping over and being late for work and the such. Then when I really woke up, it was 2:45. But good ol' me managed to get there by 2:56 when I realized I still wasn't awake yet. I mean, not all the way.

A 30 year old just was hitting on me. Jokingly, I hope. He asked me how old I was. And when I got off work. I was just..ummm...sure...yeah. You know me. I was scared.

So yeah...apparantly the security camera was unplugged the whole time. He came in a yelled at me. Oh well. It happens. Yeah, this kid dyed his hair pink. I think it was supposed to be red, But not. Ha.

Ok. I don't know. There's onyl so much you can think abotu when you're in a plastic cage.
So yeah. I wrote a poem thingie too. But no one reads my creative stuff. Don't want to scare you.

Yeah, my mom got tickets to see Fiddler friday. She didn't tell me until today. When the schedule came out. And I'm working. I hate it. I could ask her to switch the days? I don't know. Just. Gr.


"No matter how many times you wash a turd, it's still a turd."

who said that?


:: 2004 28 July :: 7.12pm

[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? :::Jackie
Birthplace :::Hereish
Age :::17
Age you act :::Can be either older or younger
Current location :::Here, in front of my computer
Eye color :::Blue
Hair color :::Blonde
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :::Right
Zodiac sign? :::Scorpio
Height? :::5'4'' ish
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality :::I'm American... Part Greek though
Your hair :::Its long...and blonde...layered
Your fears :::Being alone, getting hurt... i dont like germs...
Your perfect room :::Eh dont care too much
What you practically do in a day :::Camp, come on the computer, watch Degrassi, then usually hang out with someone
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse :::Lately, a lot of bad words... Um... You tell me.
Phrases you overuse :::I know theres tons...but i cant think of them right now.
Your first thought when you wake up :::Shit...another day..can i stay asleep? Dreams are so much better than real life
Your greatest accomplishment :::I guess im not in a good enough mood to think about good things
Something you want to do :::Get out of this country, help the world, be happy.
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke :::Neither
McDonald's or Burger Kings :::McDonalds
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :::Eh... I like Christina's voice
Chocolate or vanilla :::Chocolate
Adidas or Nike :::Um? Adidas
Black or white :::Black
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :::Bills
Burgers or hot dogs :::Cheese Burgers
Egypt or France :::Hmm... Both...i really want to visit both
Rock or rap :::Rock
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke :::no
Cuss :::yes
Sing well :::Doubt it
Sing in the shower :::Yes
Talk to yourself --a lot-- :::not usually....
Believe in yourself :::Nope
Like taking these longass surveys? :::nope
Play an instrument :::nope
Want to go to college? :::Yes
Want to get married? :::not sure
Want to have children? :::yes
Think you're a health freak? :::Yes
Get along with your parents :::No
Get along with your siblings? :::No
Think you're popular :::No
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state :::yes
Drank alchohal :::no
Smoke :::yes
Get high :::no
Done any drugs :::no
Eaten an entire box of oreos :::no
Been on stage :::yes
Gone skinny dipping :::no
Been dumped :::no
Dyed your hair :::yes
Stolen anything :::no
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest :::Can I skip this section? I think i will
Loudest :::
Most shy :::
Blondest :::
Smartest :::
Kindest :::
Best personality :::
Most talented :::
Best singer :::
Most ghetto :::
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :::
Pain in the ass :::
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)):::
Funniest :::
Best person for advice :::
Dependable :::
Trustworthy :::
Druggie :::
Most likely to end up in jail :::
Person you've known the longest :::
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream :::Last one i can remember...was the one where 2 of my friends almost let me drown when we went rafting...then they ditched me
Last nightmare :::Above
Car ride :::driving home from work?
Last time you cried :::Yesterday...camp, home, Brittany's car, concert (in the seats) then concert on the blanket
Last movie seen :::Bourne Supremecy
Last movie rented :::Mystic River
Last book read :::Hm wow...don't know
Last word said :::Don't know..havent talked out loud for like an hour
Last curse word said :::Damn it.
Last time you laugh :::Last night talking with Scott
Last phone call :::About an hour ago
Last CD played :::Audioslave
Last song you listened to :::What You Are
Last annoyance :::My mom
Last IM :::Q
Last weird encounter :::Dunno
Last person you hugged :::Neil last night
Last person you yelled at :::My mom
Last time you wore a skirt :::A few days ago
Last time you've been evil :::Last night? Only because i was angry/ upset
Sarcastic? :::I don't know that im all that sarcastic anymore...but probably a few times today
Last time you fought with your parents :::Today
Last time you wished upon a star :::I'll do that tonight
Played Truth or Dare :::Long long time ago
Spent quality time alone :::Right now...i guess
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM :::Not anymore
Do you feel lonely :::Yes
Ever TP'd someone's house :::No
How about egging someone's house :::No
Do you not like dislike not like me? :::Huh?
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? :::No
Yo Momma :::No yo Momma!
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :::no
What do you think of George Bush? :::Ick
Any secret fetishes? :::...
Do you like to wear chains? O_o :::no
How many languages do you speak? :::1
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! :::no
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) :::not really...on to the next one

Bored? ((Over 100 questions)) brought to you by BZOINK!

2 persons said it | who said that?


:: 2004 28 July :: 1.03am
:: Mood: Ummm...

I need to sleep more. I think that's my problem.

I've been an idiot. Letting stupid things get me angry. Thinking stupid thoughts. And I'm so pissed off at me. And many other people too. It's just...I'm losing all my patience and I can tell that I'm going to just explode soon. The next thing that pisses me off..and boom. Fun, eh?

I don't know anything right now. Just...gr. I wish I could write in more detail, but you'd think I was stupid. So here is where I quit.

The concert was overall pretty fun tonight. Talked to Brittany. Which was fun. I haven't seen her in like 2 years. So yeah. Good times all around.

Poo. Ok. School tomorrow. Bye.

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:: 2004 27 July :: 12.31am
:: Mood: meish

So yeah, I don't like reality. And that's as far as that subject goes.

Happy Birthday To The Pants!!! He's a whole 18 years old. Gasp-p-p-p....

So I worked today. He told me to go home at 8, but I wanted to work more. So I asked to stay. I ushed more. Found $2.49 on the floor. woo.

Called my mom and told her to pick me up 45 mins past when I was really done. Tehehe, I'm a bad child. Oh well. Then sat. Talked with people. and yeah. Ok. Project time. Night.

who said that?


:: 2004 26 July :: 1.55am

I'm a terrible person.

Screw it. What can I do about it now?

who said that?


:: 2004 26 July :: 1.28am
:: Mood: bored

101 Things That Make Me Go :-)..dude

1.Meeting new people and being able to talk to them
2. Talking to old people and finding you have alot in common still
3. When your phone rings and the caller ID is someone other then Home
4. The text message sound. Means people want to talk to you. Still can't stand convos through texting though...
5. Singing along and knowing every word to a really bad/old song with someone else
6. Full out laughing. Not just because you feel like you should.
7. "Tainted Love" By Softcell.
8. Limeade. 3 days old. :-)
9. Chocolate so good it just melts in your mouth
10. Looking in the mirror and thinking "wow, I'm not hideous looking"
11. Getting compliments on something you worked hard on.
12. Reading a difficult book and understanding it.
13. Watching a movie for the 30th time and still laughing/crying at it
14. The feeling that you accomplished something.
15. Late night conversations where you can talk about everything.
16. Unexpected phone calls from someone just to see what's been happening.
17. A hug when you really feel lonely
18. Putting on a warm fuzzy sweatshirt after you've been cold for a while
19. Laying down in a soft bed with a comfy down comforter after a long day
20. Making dinner 100% on your own or with a friend and eating it. And it tasting good.
21. Random unexpected compliments
22. Overhearing people talking good about you when they don't know you're there.
23. Making someone else smile
24. Making someone's day a little easier
25. The beginning of a crush..before you get crushed
26. Realizing that somehting you dreaded isn't so bad afterall.
27. Dreaming
28. Laughing until you can't breath and your stomach is sore
29. Inside jokes that you never really tire of
30. Realizing you have alot going for you, especially after some bad times, realizing how much good you have.
31. Being able to say "remember that time.." in reference to something years back.
32. Peanut butter and FLUFF sandwiches.
33. Screaming parties at tech saturdays
34. First day of crew for a show
35. Getting flowers after a show you've worked on
36. Finding out random tid-bits that you have in common with others
37. Foam. Foam. Foam.
38. Getting covered in foam and hugging people.
39. Spatulas and microwaves. :-)
40. Pillow fights
41. Stealing from contenintal breakfasts
42. Seeing a good movie
43. Sheep.
44. Being insanely creative and making people go..wow..good idea
45. Crazy stupid dancing with the friends.
46. Vernon Hills style raves at 4am
47. The Tribe
48. Waking up after a long night of sleep and feeling refreshed
49. Actually havign an appetite. Being able to look at food without getting nasuas.(sp)
50. Geeky boys..tehehe, Lol.
51. Making random lists.
52. Relaxing with the cats.
53. Long striped socks
54. My people. The people who I can lean on and who can lean on me..who will catch me if I ever fall. And vice versa.

Blah di blah. I can't think of more right now. So that is 54/101 things that make me happy. Tune in later days for 55-101. I feel like the I Love The 90's people. Woo hoo! o that reminds me...

55. I love the 70's, 80's, 90's
56. Lord Of The Rings
57. Johnny Depp
58. Going to salvation army and finding a sweet shirt for 50 cents
59. These smilies faces on the advertisment that keep smiling randomly.....
60. Getting money after working your ass off.
61. Surprising people
62. Knowing that you are loved and have somewhere to go if it gets too bad.
63. Knowing people trust you enough to confide in you.
64. Getting personal email
65. Getting anonymous comments in your journal that aren't bad. That are supportive and nice. Even though you don't know who they are, it makes your day.
66. Sitting down and reading a good book.
67. Seeing a sappy movie and that makes you cry alot
68. Playing in the summer rain
69. Sledding
70. Acting like a little kid again
71. Disney movies
72. Sporks
73. Pippin
74. Hanging out with friends and just..hanging out. Enjoying each other's company. ::nods::
75. Those rare days where nothing wrong happens and you don't even think about the bad shit. You jus tlive.
76. Flipping to a random radio station and hearing your favorite song
77. Getting positive reviews on yuor stuff on fictionpress..even though they're probably lying
78.Doing something out of the ordinary routine
79. Being right on time for something. Not too early..not too late
80. Finding this many things that make me happy.
81. Monty Python and The Holy Grail
82. Looking at the stars
83. Cheese
84. Roasted garlic
85. The soap in Jill's house
86. People randomly showing up at my house(doesnt happen ever mind you)
87. Staying the night at a friends house and staying up all night and sleeping until 3ish
88. Random walks at 6:30 am
89. Hot chocolate after freezing your ass off sledding
90. Canoeing with no idea how to steer or paddle
91. Visiting the cats at PetSmart
92. Finding money on the floor
93. Did I mention chocolate cake?
94. My kitty cats
95. Uber awesome people who are uber awesome...too many to list
96. Whenmy cell phone gets reception
97. Being short
98. Writing/drawing something and actually liking it
99. Good times.
100. EEP! :-D
101. All my dudes out there. Lol. I love you all. :-)

Maybe more, I'm tired and lazy though. Lol. Okies. Nightsss.

1 persons said it | who said that?


:: 2004 26 July :: 12.27am
:: Mood: Um..

Yes. I decided sleeping is bad. So I might as well just write. Things right now are...different. I can't explain why or what, but they are. I can't even tell you how I feel about certain things anymore. I feel like a sponge and I've absorbed waay too much and I'm at the point right now where I'm just a wet soggy mess. And I need to dry out a bit before I can take in more.

It's like...a platau. Things go either up or down..then level off. Yay for endless analogies. Um. Bozo on crack. Haha. Had to add that one.

Before I go..just one big dramatic ::sigh::. we all need a good bit of dramatism in our days.

Boy oh boy. Am I a confused little person or what?



who said that?


:: 2004 25 July :: 11.56pm

Quick update of the journal. Weird weekend. Worked alot. Moon bounce yesterday. Sandy came over and it was fun. Saw Sandy and Goli and Matt sing today. They were uber awesome. Woo final 11! :-D Then I worked for two hours. Cleaned and such. Made pasta. Ate. Made a list. Only up to 35...it's getting tough. Started another book from the library. Decided I'm tired. So Sleep. Good night.


who said that?


:: 2004 25 July :: 3.57pm

What makes me happy:
Talking, hanging out but really doing nothing, being with friends, hugs, kisses, theatre, crew, props, getting a's, talking to people at 3 in the morning (which hasnt happened much lately) , getting mail and...

um...more to be added later

who said that?


:: 2004 25 July :: 3.55am

late night...goin to bed now

who said that?


:: 2004 23 July :: 1.45am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: fan ::zzzzz...fffffff...zzzzzz...fffff...::

Play-Doh (acutally fun-dough, but eh..)
im playing with play-doh yay!

i just wnat neil


thats all.

2 persons said it | who said that?


:: 2004 23 July :: 12.21am
:: Mood: Lonely

Um. Yes. I don't feel too good. Don't feel like going into details much. Whatever. ::shrugs:: Life will go on.

I love you all. And I'm sorry, to some of you,(well..most) for my uber-complainingness. I know it's not fun for anyone.


3 persons said it | who said that?


:: 2004 22 July :: 5.10pm

Guns & Roses

Shed a tear 'cause I'm missing you
I'm still alright to smile
Girl, I think about you every day now
Was a time when I wasn't sure
But you set my mind at ease
There is no doubt you're in my heart now
Said woman take it slow
It'll work itself out fine
All we need is just a little patience
Said sugar make it slow
And we'll come together fine
All we need is just a little patience
(inhale) Patience...
Ooh, oh, yeah

Sit here on the stairs
'Cause I'd rather be alone
If I can't have you right now, I'll wait dear
Sometimes, I get so tense
But I can't speed up the time
But you know, love, there's one more thing to consider
Said woman take it slow
Things will be just fine
You and I'll just use a little patience
Said sugar take the time
'Cause the lights are shining bright
You and I've got what it takes to make it
We won't fake it, Oh never break it
'Cause I can't take it

...little patience, mm yeah, ooh yeah,
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more pati... (ence, yeah)
I've been walking these streets at night
Just trying to get it right (Need some patience, yeah)
It's hard to see with so many around
You know I don't like being stuck in a crowd (Could use some patience, yeah)
And the streets don't change but baby the name
I ain't got time for the game
'Cause I need you (Patience, yeah)
Yeah, yeah well I need you
Oh, I need you (Take some patience)
Whoa, I need (Just a little patience is all we need)
Ooh, this ti- me....

who said that?


:: 2004 22 July :: 2.26am
:: Mood: crushed

Hm. Assumptions are fun. When you find out people are two timing lying sacks of shit. I almost was in a good mood for once in about two weeks. Almost. I almost didnt cry today. Thanks. Just....wow. Wow. Screw you. Bye.

who said that?


:: 2004 22 July :: 12.58am

So I worked today. Party. Concession. I was dying at first. Tiredness and blahness.

I'm now on a sarcasm diet. Mwahaha. Niceness/normalness..here I come.

Have fun peoples. Don't party too hard.

I should really try that sleep thing tonight. Maybe it'll work. O man. I can't wait to see. :-P My eyes burn. My skin feels oily. Because of...well..oil. Hm. Ks. Bye.


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