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My Reflections

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:: 2004 17 July :: 1.52am

How can i stand here with you
and not be moved by you?
would you tell me
it could be any better than this?
your all i want
your all i need
your everything

I miss you like the air i breathe
Words dont mean a thing
ive given you all my time
all you do is leave
theres nothing so precious
as something thats gone away

i need to know
why you feel the need to love me so?
i will remember you
will you remember me?
Breather again
you have a way
that makes it hard to sleep alone

here i am
alone again
when the world spins around
its out of my hands

your staning outside my window
rain pouring down
all i see is sunshine
on a rainy day

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:: 2004 17 July :: 11.10pm
:: Mood: Relieved.

Work is getting better. It's not hellish. I'm starting to kind of talk to people. Which is hard for me, dudes. Which most of you know.

So yeah. I saw Sandy and Goli and Wender-Pants and Jill and Chris and Jorie and Nick and Jackie and Benton and Lisa and probably more people. That's all i really saw saw. Yeah. It was cool.


Don't feel so peppy anymore. Deleted most of this. Does really matter anyways? Not really. Nothing does. Good bye.


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:: 2004 15 July :: 7.01pm

today was nice. Went to school made food...gave wender sleeping pills, beat him up for hating being small...psh. then went to VH days with jorie, hul, kyle, q and stunkel. well really we went to dominkcks then q's house. didnt spend too much time with carnies. o well. so yeah

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:: 2004 16 July :: 7.08am
:: Mood: Alive

Don't worry guys. I didn't go online last night, but I am still alive. Ha. I knew you were freaking out. Not really.

Yeah, summer school...we made cinnamin rolls. Yuuuum. Then Jill took me home. Then came back. Then we visted the Pants and annoyed him until I had to go run to work.

Work was hell. I did get to go home a half hour early. So I went home, scarfed down food and decided to maybe get some sleep.

Now its 7:11 and I have to find pants to wear to schoool. The Jillian will be here soon. Ks? ks. Bye.

PS- I wanna comment on people's journals. But Im too lazy. so just on big HII! To everyone.

Oh, and I want to go to VH thing. :-( I only have saturday off though. Poo. I know. Ah well. Ok I'm done. Adios.

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:: 2004 15 July :: 12.28pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: 106.7 ::drip, drip:: The Fish

holy awesome concert
so last night was the concert and it was awesome...

incubus always is!!!!!!!!

there was a like ten minute drum solo featureing brandon on bongos and i think his name is ben (new bassist) and of course jose. and after they came back out i agree with the kids we met at denny's (that'll be later) but it was kinda disappointing.

of course the lights were awesome, and they played a different version of drive which was awesome...and they played "pistola" and then a whole mess of morning view and then some science!!! woo science...not enough make yourself tho...it was sad!!!

i wish a few more from

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:: 2004 15 July :: 12.26am
:: Mood: None
:: Music: None

Strike and Spare..:-)
Well. I'm gonna give you a brief overview of the day. Without sharing any feelings. I might just start exploding. Ok?

So I went to school. Picked stocks opposite of Jills. We're competing. She earned more money then I did.

I went home next. Sat around, missed Johhny Depp A-Z. Jackie came and picked me up. I wrapped Q's present in the car.

We got to Q's house, we called him, he told us his house number. We went inside. Pirates was going on. I ate cauliflower and sat there. Then Q gave us cake. And lotsa lotsa good food. (BTW..HAPPY BIRTHDAY Q! Hope you had fun..)

Then Wender called me about bowling. I asked Jackie if she wanted to go. She said "maybe". Then she left. Corey showed up. Reid and Q and Corey were watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Sandy and I just kinda sat.

We went to get Sandy's car. We drove to Jackie's, she went with Corey. We drove to Q's. Got Q and Reid. Drove too far down 45. Had to call Wender to help us.

We got to the bowling place, Sandy and I joined the first game. Because we had to leave early. We bowled. I sucked. Everyone else did good. Second time around, I got a spare and a strike. (One moment of reaction..WOOO! NEVER GOTTEN A STRIKE BEFORE!)

Went home. Talked to Sandy in the car. Found out Bush's amendment to the constitution regarding gay marriages was rejected. (More YAY!..No, I'm not gay. I just think that taking away a basic freedom like who to marry is against what this country was built on)

So I'm home now. Writing all this. School tmorrow. Then work at 5:45. Till 10:45. It's a shorter day.

Ok bye.

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:: 2004 13 July :: 12.30am

Im watching Aqua teen hunger force, its the one with meat mountain. I dont get it but i actually like this show, and i love the ball or meat, hes so funny! yeah goli and melanies party today it was fun, sweaty smelly boys, and bugs, and tickling and i went to go see my spency...:( i hope he's better soon hes really sick. And i went to the scrapbook store today and got beach stuff, sooooooo cool! and i printed my pictures heeh theyre funny i have funny pictures espically this one of wender where he looks like a guy from baywatch, and hes running. and pictures of spency and our sandcastle :) good times!

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:: 2004 13 July :: 12.28am
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me

Just Another Day.
Just another fun filled day of school and work. Ate lunch with people. Then was home for about 20 minutes, went to work.

Then on break I stopped by Petsmart and pet the cats and hung out with the fish. Good times.

Was $12 under. I feel stupid. I hate working sometimes. Oh well. It's life.


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:: 2004 11 July :: 3.26pm

I don't feel good. I feel sick right now. I have to go to work soon.

I ate way too much for lunch. I thought I was more hungry I guess. Blech.

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:: 2004 11 July :: 2.33am
:: Mood: Crushed
:: Music: Yawn

Yes, I'm updating. I've been away from woohu for less then 24 hours. I almost died. ::sigh::

There's nothing to look forward to anymore. Just another endless routine to fall into. School...shower..work..online..sleep...and repeat.

It makes me..not too happy. I'm sick of routine. I'm sick of the same thing. I'm sick of not being able to wake up actually wanting to start the day. I'm sick of just wanting to sleep and never leave my bed.

I'm sick of being happy one minute then talking about something or just getting lost in my thoughts and not being able to smile for a long time. I want to be happy. As cliche as that sounds. I want something to smile about.


Fucking hell. Super heroes should exist. It would be nice. Oh no, I'm hurt. Don't worry, I'll save you! Thanks... You're welcome. Now go live your life. ;-)

I feel small right now. Alot smaller then 4'11".

If only I could fly. Then I could go awy whenever I needed too. I would still be thinking these bad thoughts, I would just be too busy flying over everything to really care either way.

Everything would look small from up there. I would feel bigger maybe.

I'm really not mad at anyone right now. I blame no one. I blame me. I hate myself. I can't look inthe mirrow without wanting to break it. I can't think about me without wanting to just run awau..but I l realize you can't escape from yourself.

The only way is to just forget. Forget about what's really on your mind and what's really bugging you. make up pitiful excuses. Laugh at the stupid things. What else is there to smile about?

Don't hate me. ok? I do enough hating of the self to cover the world over.

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:: 2004 10 July :: 7.17pm
:: Mood: hot
:: Music: 94.7 zone


i live in a sauna

enter the sauna

you may not return from the sauna

but the sauna has a fan

and three windows


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:: 2004 10 July :: 2.18pm

The intensity is settling down a little bit, but your mind is still buzzing with some leftover energy from the past week. You may be feeling angry or upset at the way things have gone down, but there is little you can do about it today, except keep your communication channels as open as possible. Phone calls, emails, social or business meetings -- whatever way you can. Be clear. Be inspired. And be direct.

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:: 2004 10 July :: 1.23am
:: Mood: Quiet
:: Music: Five For Fighting- One More For Love

Yeah. So my cat's butt is infected. I hope she's ok. :-( I'm kinda worried.

I had this insane dream today the third time I slept. K? I'll tell you. It's long, so this time it's the main points. Ha.

Jill and two pple from my work were wondering around an old house with butcher knives. and they're pretending like they're action heroes. And they're trying to get me to play along, but I feel sick. So I faint and it feels like I'm about to pass out..and i wake up and I'm watching a movei trailer on my cell phone. Then I realize it's not my phone. but a portable DVD player. And the girl in the movie sends images of dead people to my head.

Then I'm in school and Phelan and I are talking and there's a kid kickign a box around on the catwalk...so I have to go up and tell him to stop. But when I get up there, it's really a balcony overlooking a garden and the kid throws the box at me head and laughs.

Then I'm sitting by the edge of the balcony and start to cry...because I've been sitting there so long and no one came to get me down after I had just helped this little kid get down before me.

So I start to watch a DVD and its about a girl whose parents died and she's explaining how it happened..she has all the scars of a fire..but no one is listening really. So she looks at me and tells me not to listen to others. They don't listen to you.

So I get on this teacup ride and ti starts to spin and a voice starts talking to me about the ride and connecting it to life. Then I think I'm not really on the ride, it's just the movie, so I don't get scared.

Then I go on another ride and the same thing happens, but I realize it's a real ride halfway through the guy's speech and I start to pass out again.

Ok. My dream. I think I'll try to talk at work tomorrow. I will. You can't stop me. I can do this. yeah? Ok. ::sigh:: Woo. Ok. Be strong patrice. :-\. Ks.

Saw Now and Then. Why can't life be more like movies. "we're friends forever...." I always thought ti was possible, but now I doubt myself. People change and they change what they expect out of friends. I hate change when you still live in the same place. It'd be alot easier if I picked up and moved right now. Then everything would change atleast, and back here would always seem to be the same.

I don't know. I'm very....---------...right now. Not happy, not sad. Just here. Wo. Welcome here.

Good bye.

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:: 2004 9 July :: 12.21am
:: Mood: Pissed Off

I swore alot today. Thats how you know I'm mad. Work sucked. Shiity trainer who didn't do anything, then I got another dude who was nice, but I walked around like an idiont cuz he didnt tell me what to do when there was nothing to cleana nd I felt stupid and like an idiot and I didn't get a break and I got to leave at 9:30. Gr.

So I don't work tomorrow. Meaning I WILL get out of this house and I WILL have fun with people. Because I'm working Saturday-tuesday...then thursday. Woo. I get one day off. Fucking hell.

Ok, call me tomorrow, ok? I need to get out right now. My brains not liking me and I need to run away. Again. Yes I know. I can't handle things. I can't handle stress. Thanks for telling me. You fucking shit face.

So I made up a sogn at work today....
"I hate work..Oh yes I do...I ahte work...because work hates me. No onelikes me. I am ignored. Not that i mind much, its just a bore"

I sang it to myself as I wandered around trying to find shit to do.

Isn't it sad? School is the best thing that's happened to me all week. Well..one of the best. Tennis and some ceonversations rank high up there. But fucking hell. I need to get out of here.

I'm quitting before I say too much. Bye shit heads.
(the "you shit heads" and other comments were nto directed at you or anyone else. The last thing I need is controversy over this)
(By stating "you" above, I was refering to the general population, not making any kind of mean comment.)

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:: 2004 8 July :: 5.20pm

Yeah. I survived. Not too bad. class wanted to kick my ass because I wrote too much on the overhead. Ha. Screw them. Fun times.

Jilland I have our own kitchen. Party and a half. French toast was good today. Mac and cheese better be good. ::fingers crossed.

Okie...off to work I go. Yum yum. Yes, I'm off to eat work. Haha. I need help.


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