2004 6 September :: 5.57pm
F U I still love you even though you're a meanie.
Hope ya'll like the new layout cause I lovvvve it!!
PS. Fudgesicles rock!~!
Price is Right contestant
2004 6 September :: 1.23am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: Ashlee Simpson - Autobiography
Got bruises on my heart, and sometimes I get dark...
Hey everybody...yesterday pretty much sucked. I got grounded cause of somethin really retarded and I wasn't supposta use the phone or internet all day. Oh well, i'm on here Crazy. I really wanna re-arrange my room and tidy it up. Make it prettier. I wanna make it feel like...ME. Right now, it's so piled up with junk from many years ago. I hardly have room to move in there. Somethin is gonna hafta be done once I get satellite in my room next week, and I get my computer fixed...who knows when? lol. Anyways, I really want Ryan Cabreras CD. He is such a hottie. I can't wait to get it...hopefully i'll go to Wal-Mart sometime soon. I also want Maroon 5 and maybe Matchbox 20...yea i've noticed I may be slipping back into my punk phase from the end of 9th grade. I listened to my Good Charlotte yesterday, been listenin to Ashlee a lot and now I actually want the posters of GC that I have on my walls. LoL...don't get me wrong, I LoVe country, Emerson Drive will always be my #1 it's just at that point when there aren't many new songs out. Oh well. I wanna know who wrote the second comment in my last entry. That's odd. It makes me wonder...whoever wrote it should really tell me who they are. What am I sayin? It's probably not someone bein serious, just someone bein a dumbarse. Anyways, i'm thankful for labor day tommorow. No school! I'm so sick of it already. Nothing is the same anymore, everything has changed. We're gettin older and I guess it's really weired to think that in less than 2 years I won't ever see half of the people that I talk to now. Ninth grade was so fun with the exception of a few things that had to do with Cody...I just miss the feeling. I hate thinking about that stuff it makes me wanna cry. So I guess i'm gonna move on now...meh. Girls don't like boys girls like cars and money...lalala. All of these boys yeah, and all of these girls, losing their souls through the material world...haha. I love that song it makes me happy. It reminds me of the in 2003. They need to come out with a new CD. Hold on was like 5 months ago. It's hard to believe that be and Cody have been together for like 8 months and a week. We would have already broken up if it wasn't goin to work out. I've never had a relationship last over 6 months. So, go me! lol. I think i'm gonna go now I don't even know why i'm still up. This is the longest entry i've written in awhile, hope y'all enjoyed it. But yeah I have this cute forward thing for ya. C-YA.
Natural Highs
1. Falling in love.
2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.
3. A hot shower.
4. No lines at Wal-Mart.
5. A glance from someone special.
6. Getting mail.
7. Taking a drive out a pretty road.
8. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
9. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.
11. Finding out the shirt you want is on sale for half price.
12. Your favorite milkshake.
13. A long distance phone call.
14. A bubble bath.
15. Giggling.
16. A good conversation.
17 The beach.
18. Finding a note in your coat from last winter.
19. Laughing at yourself.
20. Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
21. Running through sprinklers.
22. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
23. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
24. Laughing at an inside joke.
25. Friends.
26. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
27. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
28. Your first kiss (either the very first or with a new partner).
29. Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
30. Playing with a new puppy.
31. Having someone play with your hair or rub your back.
32. Sweet dreams.
33. Hot chocolate.
34. Road trips with friends.
35. Swinging on swings.
36. Putting the Christmas tree up and wrapping gifts.
37. Song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid.
38. Going to a really good concert.
39. Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
40. Winning a really competitive game.
41. Making cookies.
42. Eating home cookin'.
43. Spending time with close friends.
44. Seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends.
45. Holding hands with someone you care about.
46. Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
47. Riding the best roller coasters over and over.
48. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you.
49. Watching the sunrise.
50. Getting out of bed every morning and being greatful for another beautiful day.
Ah...I love that!
"Hold on if you feel like letting go, hold on it gets better than you know..."
1 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 4 September :: 8.32pm
:: Music: Def Leppard- Torn to Shreds
Hey!! I've been busy a lot lately. I hardly get anytime to stay home. Thank God for this weekend tho but I have to go to a family reunion 2morrow. I'm SO excited...cant ya tell? is gonna be really hard for me this semester. I have to remember a lot of stuff for my nursing classes. Advanced Anatomy is gonna be hard...I think i did good on the 1st test tho...Calculus= F...i'm so gonna fail that class. I love the way I don't understand nething. It depresses me....I hope I start understanding. Oh guys...I got me some glasses. I am so pimp now...haha. I'm really crazy...I'm thinkin about lookin up information on a brain transplant. I need to invest in one. Well I'm gonna go talk to my greatness on AIM...bye bye!
Price is Right contestant
2004 4 September :: 3.22pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Warren Brothers - Sell a lot of beer
We sure sell a lot of beer...
Hello. I haven't updated in a while but I don't think much of anyone has. Got a lot of stuff to do now, with school goin on. I hate my classes. I dread them all! First isn't bad, Human Services. Second, Ag is really boring but yeah...Chemistry is really hard. I don't understand like, anything. It's pretty sad. You know it's bad when Ben doesn't even understand it that well. Fourth is kinda fun cause theres alotta loud mouth people in there and Mrs.Richardson doesn't care lol...but I hate speakin in front of the class. Last night we had our first home football game. I think it was like 14-32. We lost...oh well! After the game the 11th grade (my class) had a dance and Dustin DJ'd. He danced to 'Yeah' just like Usher does...he's gonna be famous one day and i'll be like hey, I know him! haha! had to be the highlight! Either that or the newest odd couple at Hannan high. HaHa anyways. Today hasn't been great i'm bout to beat someone down. Bad day, don't ask! Well i'm gonna go i'll c-y'all...later.
3 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 29 August :: 11.53am
:: Mood: lazy
Hello! I haven't updated at all this weekend. I think this is where I do that.....
Friday - Got Anatomy changed to Chemistry cause I found out I needed it for my major. I like it so far, it's a smaller class. Then we had a game that evening and Me and Cody were gonna follow Sarah and Adams mom up there and we ended up havin to go get he rode with Cody and I rode with Sarah and Linda. Ohh and let me tell ya it was a wonderful trip up there! I'm not even gonna go into it! HaHa...anyways, I think it was mid 1st quarter Adam got hurt and they had to take him off in an ambulance. My dads talked to him a few times and they sed it's gonna keep him outta football for awhile. =[ That's NOT a good thing! We lost really bad. I was very dissapointed...I know it coula been better than 0. On the way home that night I rode with Cody and got all sickly. UgH! We stopped at Wendys and I ate 2 chicken strips and I shouldn't have...blah. Pretty much, came home and went to sleep.
Saturday - Got up at like 12 and watched TV til like 3 and started gettin ready to go over to Tabis...I looked at a million pictures and got some of em to copy. I'll get em back to ya sometime this week Tabz. The resta the night, Jenn talked to Mr.Michigan and Me, Tabi and Kim talked. It was great I had fun!
Today - I got up at 11 and mom came to get me at like 11:30 and I got home and now i'm pretty much on here talkin to Tabi...I think i'm goin to go see Princess Diaries 2 with Cody today. I don't think he wants to see it but I do and yeah he wants to take me to see it.....LoL. Yay!
Well i'm gonna get offa here and go watch TV then get ready! TTYL!
1 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 28 August :: 3.42pm
:: Music: A Recording of Me and Tabi singing songs
Hey guys! Pretty much I don't like school at all. It's depressing and i'ma fail. I don't think i'm going to like vocational but yeah I have a class with Amanda and I sit in front of her and the teacher said we are allowed to pass notes so thats good. We had a volleyball scrimmage Thursday...hmmm...I suck. haha. Oh...I hate people so much...Kim...thanks for taking up for me sometimes when u have to...haha. It was all great. Last night there was a Football game at Hamlin. We was sad. 30 something to 0. I'm glad I didn't have to cheer...but I wish my chest would feel better. I'm hoping I can start back doing stuff Monday. Omg I'm so glad it's the weekend even tho I did have to go to volleyball practice this morning. I didnt socialize with too many people. Just Summer and Rachel...maybe becuz Tabi and Kim think they are too good to go to practice!! LoL. Happy Day-Late Birthday Tabi. Yesterday at the game was great...Didn't u love me yellin.."HAPPY BIRTHDAY TABITHA BOWMAN!!" It was great...u know u loved it. Yeah well I guess i'ma go to Tabi's in like 20 minutes for her party. I know Shama is going I dunno about Kim tho. We should all have fun being crazy n such....haha. I see me doing nothing 2morrow. Except talking to greatness and :) bye bye!!!
2 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 26 August :: 6.49pm
:: Mood: Sickly
1st day of 11th grade...
OmG I am so freakin Sarah gave me the address to the site that has all that edible dessert stuff that Jessica Simpson did the commercial for n such. They have edible lotion, lip gloss, body spray....and so much more. It's not exactly cheap but it's $32 for the whipped cream lotion w/ Sarah ordered some and I think i'm goin to too. That's so! I want it now!
Okay, anyways...I dunno what to think about my classes. There are only 7 of us in first period, 5 in second (which will probably change), like 30 in third, and I hate fourth...I don't ever wanna go back. It's speech and theres people in there that I know but not really any that I actually talk to. And therez alotta people in there and I think we might hafta do speeches and such. Ugh...I hate school. Anatomy seems like it's gonna be really hard. I'm not lookin forward to it at all =[ Well anyways, tommorow is the first football game and it's at Hamlin. I guess me and Cody are gonna go. Ryans not gonna be happy cuz he wanted Cody to take him to Points game but oh well...I guess he'll get over it. LoL! Well i'm gonna go talk to ya'll later!!!
1 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 25 August :: 3.21pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Billy Currington - Off my rocker
School SUX!!!
I can't believe the summer is almost over =[ it's really depressing! Less than 9 hours left of the summer. That's so sad. School causes depression. LoL, I can't wait til thanxgiving break! hehe. Anyways, i'm pretty aggravated with my mom she was supposta make me a nail apt. i've been asking her to since May and back then she was like why don't you wait til school starts. Well school is starting tommorow and I asked her to call for an apt. a week ago and she ALWAYS has an excuse. It really makes me mad. I would do it, but mom is good friends with the woman who does em, and she has to call her house and I don't know her so I don't wanna call. Also, i'm mad cuz I want to get my hair cut before school and i've been tellin her this for like 2 weeks and the last time we were at the mall she was like just wait til sumtime next week, you have plenty of time. Well, I asked her to take me today and she threw a fit. I am so sick of this BS. I can't wait til I get my lisence in a few months...then til I turn 18 so I can do stuff by myself and not have to rely on any1 else. I have no idea what to wear to school tommorow. It's supposta be almost 90 degreez. I was hopin to go to the mall so I could get a few more shirts...cuz I have like $80. I hope I have all my classes with my friends. I know I have at least 2 of em with friends this semester. I dunno about the other 2 though *crosses fingers* LOL! I can't wait to see all my friends tommorow. I've only seen Ben like 3 times, and I only talked to him twice. Once at the store, once at the mall and all I sed was Hey! Great huh? I miss all my other people that I haven't even seen once. Well, i'm gonna get off here and go do somethin productive. Yea right...Bye!!
Price is Right contestant
2004 24 August :: 2.32pm
:: Mood: thankful
:: Music: Rodney Atkins - Sing along
I <3 Rodney!
This is great. I actually feel older. I dunno really if it's that, but i've been lookin forward to it forever sooo. Now that it's finally here =] yay. LoL. Guess i'll tell ya what I got.
Mom and Dad got me a 20" flat screen TV, A care bear comforter for my bed, a watch, some body lotion, and they gave me a's driveable but it needs a lil work to the engine...other than that it looks awesome. It's a Silver 95 Chrysler Cirrus. YAY! I could get my liscense now (if I had all my hours in.) but I think i'm gonna wait until the first of the year to get it. My aunt got me some lil Care Bear figurines to sit in my room, and this lil coat like thing. Jenn n know what i'm talkin bout cuz I dunno what it's called lol. Jenn n Tabi gave me $10 each, Cody got me a I have 2 now!, Rodney Atkins CD, A big stuffed Eeyore with a beanie butt lol and a change purse thingy. His Grandma & them got me a stuffed Eeyore, and a sweater thingy. Becky, JD and Zoe (lol) got me a cute T-shirt that has a bazooka Joe bubble gum van on it. I guess his mom and Jeanne got me sumthin too...or that's what he sed. They jus hadn't given it to him. I wish none of them woulda bought me anything. I'm glad they did I liked everything they got me but I didn't really deserve it. LoL. cake was really pretty! It had Care Bears on it =] i'm so childish...haha. Jenn, Tabi, n Cody came over last nite. Cody didn't leave til like 11:45 or later. After that me n Tabi watched CMT and Americas Funniest videos and laughed our butts off. It was greatness! Jenn was talkin on the computer to a certain sum1 til 2 ;) hehe. We didn't go to sleep til almost 2:30 and Jenn went home at like 10 and Tabi went home at 11:30 or sumthin. I kept dozin off after she left and I didn't get up for good until like almost 2. LoL. Anyways....i'm gonna go and watch TV. I got some great lyrics here for's a very goofy!
[Rodney Atkins - Sing along]
If you could read my mind, you might slap my face.
If you could see inside my heart, you'd see it's in the right place.
-See, it's like bunnies in a Bramble, or honey bees in a hive.
Whenever I'm beside you, that's my paradise.
Might be a twisted way of sayin', I ain't proud, an' no offence,
But I been thinkin' 'bout you, baby, in the future tense.
-We'll take it slower than a broke-knee'd turtle.
Yeah, we'll get tighter than your grandma's girdle.
Oh, I want you, I need you, an' I'll never do you wrong.
If you're feelin' what I'm singin', baby: sing along.
-Ain't no moonshine maker, ain't no man of the cloth.
Ain't no kangaroo lawyer, but I will get you off.
'Cause anything worth doin's worth doin' again,
An' again, an' again, an' when,
-We're dancin' slower than a broke-knee'd turtle.
Gettin' tighter than your grandma's girdle.
Oh, I want you, I need you, an' I'll never do you wrong.
If you're feelin' what I'm singin', baby: yeah, sing along.
-I want you, I need you, an' I'll never do you wrong.
If you're diggin' what I'm singin', baby: just jump on in an' sing along.
-Slower than a broke-knee'd turtle.
Tighter than your grandma's girdle.
Don't say a word:
Mmm sing like a bird.
-Don't say a word:
Yeah, sing like a bird.
-Slower than a broke-knee'd.
Tighter than your grandma's.
1 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 24 August :: 2.03pm
:: Music: Emerson Drive- I'll Die Tryin'
Hey! Well Shama's big ol' 16 now....Tabi ur SO young....LoL. Well Me Tabi and Cody went to Shama's house. I didn't talk for a long time. I was an outcast...:( After awhile I started talkin' cuz I couldn't be quiet any longer even tho I felt Tabi and Cody were like glued to the and Shama were like But yeah after Cody left they watched Funniest Home Videos and omg I never heard anyone laugh so hard in my gosh u guys were great sounded like u were dying from laughin. Sorry I talked on the computer a lot Shama...but hey....I still was close to u...u were like 5 feet away....Neways this morning I had to leave Shamas early it was depressing cuz I had to go to the big bad doctor. He said the ligiments...or however u spell that....that are connected to my sternum were messed up...and if i keep doing a lot then yeah it will take a long time for it to heal so he gave me medicine...and i'm gonna take it easy on the practices...I guess I will have to skip the game Friday...that depresses hurts to move...but hey thats ok!! LoL...well i'ma go so I can talk to Tabi Shama n Crystal on the net....bye bye!!!
3 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 22 August :: 11.58pm
:: Mood: anxious
Happy Birthday to me...
Hey everyone. I'll be 16 in jus a minute. LoL! I wish it was 18 instead of 16 though. Oh well! Only 2 more years. HeHe! I got my pics back of ED from Wednesday night. They are awesome, I bout cried when I looked at em. There are lots of good ones of them all but luckily I got 3 REALLY close ones of Brad. In one of em he's standin there with his arm around me...and in another he is signin someones autograph and in the other he is looking right at me and smilin =] he is so beautiful. Gahhh... Bradley Lydell Mates...i'm livin in fantasy land. But that's okay...anyways, today we ate at the Olive Garden, then went over to the mall and I got a skirt in Sears and some sandals in Payless. After that, we went n saw my Grandma in the hospital again for like an hour, then we had to run to Wal-Mart and on the way home mom had to stop at the grocery store. I guess tommorow afternoon my aunt is comin over n bringin the kids. I am sooo excited to see them. I haven't seen em for like a halfa year cuz of dumbass Jeff. UGH! Jenn, Tabi, Cody and I dunno who else (LoL) is gonna come over here around 7. And i'm supposin the gurlies are gonna spend the nite if their parents are allowing them. Tonite I had mom & dad watch School of Rock. I love that movie, hehe. I think they liked it too. Well i'm gonna get off of here and talk a lil then go to bed. Cody's being so difficult *shocker* lol. UgH!!! Bye-Bye everyone!
1 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 22 August :: 11.36am
:: Mood: ecstatic
Hey y'all! Carter Caves was pretty fun, even though we got rained on...we got there at like noon but it didn't start up until like 10 that night. It stormed bad! The tents were floodin! The next day we didn't get home til almost 2. I got here n got ready for the scrimmage n my brother and Britt were here so I visited for awhile. Hannan won in the scrimmage. I'm so proud of them!!! I got to bed at like 1 and mom woke me up at like 10:45 and sed we are gonna go out to eat at Olive Garden (My fav!) for your birthday cuz dad can't go tommorow so right now i'm waitin on every1 to get ready. Anyways I may have a few friends & family over tommorow. You guys tell me if u can come over or not! Get online later today! I g2g! Byes!
1 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 21 August :: 12.55pm
:: Music: Ying Yang Twins- Whats Happenin'
Hey Guys! What is up!? uhuhuh!! Ain't that grand? Yeah well...hmm....I dunno if I said already in here that i'm playin volleyball...but yeah I am....I made Kimmay play too. I didn't say I play good tho...cuz yeah...I suck....really bad =( The ball slammed me in the face today...but hey! thats ok! It hurt really bad...It depressed me cuz there were tears in my eyes....just thought i'd let ya know! Well me and Kimmay went to the Meigs Co Fair last night. My momma and poppa took us. It wasn't as great as the Mason Co Fair of course but it was grand becuz yeah it was a fair. Big Bad Bill was there...he is grand. Pretty Much Yeah! Kim talked to her Good Ole Steve...and Scott was kinda just there. Um...yeah Big Bad Bill waved at me but I kinda turned my head cuz i'm retarded so Kim had to wave....I did smile back at him tho. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Bud....we had to leave at 9:30 tho cuz the rain started pourin' down. Oh but I love the way it stopped as soon as we got in the car.... =( Ummm I'm gonna go cuz Kim is here...and I know she is bored. There's good ole cheerleading practice at 5...then the scrimmage is at 6, so hopefully it will be fun. uhuhuhuhuh!!! bye guys!!!! Yeah!! What?! OK!! <<< I had to say that...sorry...LoL...well bye!
1 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 19 August :: 1.26am
:: Mood: I can't describe it! It's GREAT!!!!!
:: Music: Emerson Drive - I'll die tryin!
Emerson Drive!!!
Hey guys. Tonight was awesome...I am soo lucky to have gotten to see my favorite band 2nite! (and meet em!) For me...they beat Jimmy Wayne. They are all so adorable but ya know Brad was the best cause he's ma man! In his John Deere shirt hehe! We got seats in the 6th row I took about 10 from there and this nice woman let us go up to the stage in frontta her so I got about 10 more pics of Brad lookin right at me almost every time. I found out sum stuff bout them I did not know 2nite. I'll Die Trying is going to be their new single after November (which came out a couple days ago) and they sed it's the #1 most added songs on the radio right now. I am soooo happy for them. They deserve to have so much more than what they have right now. They are the best ever! Also I found out that Mike's last name 'Melancon' is pronounced like...Mellinsun. All along i'd been sayin Mellincon. Some fan I am...haha j/k. Also when I was gettin autographs I was talkin to Dale about our last names cuz we have the same (made that I told him we had the same last name n he was like Cool! Is it A-C-E too and i'm like yeah and he asked me if i'd ever did any reasearch on my family tree and I said well kinda n he told me bout just finding out who his greatx2 grandma was. I was like hmm then I should really look that up I could be related to you n he said anythings possible...ofcourse, I made a fool of myself when I was talkin to him cuz I was tounge tied. LoL but Newayz, then Patrick Boroque (The bassist) told me that he's originally from Australia. I did not know that! He has the accent n everything (like Keith Urban) Almost everytime i've met sum1 this year i've embarrassed myself. When I met Rodney Atkins after the show he put his hand out n I grabbed it n knocked the marker outta his hand n it fell n almost rolled offa the table lol. Then I was gettin a pic with Jimmy Wayne and he was talkin to Tabi and I thought he was talkin to me about her mom and I was like Oh she's not my mom and he was like Oh I wasn't sayin to you that she was I was jus talkin straight so I didn't have to turn away from the camera and I was like aww i'm sorry and I got all embarrassed and he was like aww come here and he put his arm around me n they snapped the pic. LoL! Anyway...Brad got offa the stage n sang in the audience. It was like flies on crap. 4 real. LOL! He was lettin people sing into the mic I wish he woulda came over to us. Brad sed every1 could come up to the stage for the last song...and when they left every1 chanted "One more!" and they came back out n sang Forever young and Still got yesterday I ended up gettin to touch Danicks hand cuz him and David were in frontta me the whole time. After the show we waited in line for autographs for like 45 mins. They didn't have any shirts I wanted so I jus decided to get this one on their site I found that has all the 2004 tour dates on the back. They had this awesome hoodie but it was $60 so I was like haha dream on. I got a pic signed and my What if? CD. Then at the end of the line I asked Brad if he would take a pic with me and he was like Sure! So mom took it. We were very close HEHE! I can't wait to get em developed. Cody's supposed to do it for me tommorow =) I can't wait to see them again. I wish the best of luck to them in the future they've really got somethin good goin for them!!! But yeah, we kinda got lost on the way home but we made it! I didn't get home til like 12 sumthin. I guess i'm goin to Carter Caves now. Bobbi wants to go so we're gonna go with Cody n follow Jeanne and Eric up Friday morning. Tabi might be goin also but we're not 100% sure yet. I hope so though! I think i'm gonna get goin now tho, cuz i'm really tired! I hope I dream about my boys cause that's all i've been thinkin about all day. GOSH!!!! Tonight was friggin awesome! Can't wait til the next time! Ahh! =) TTYL! Byez!
1 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 17 August :: 5.48pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: Ashlee Simpson - Shadow
Watchin TRL...
Hey everyone. Yesterday was great...Cody got alotta stuff. A guitar, and alotta stuff for his truck and some clothes. I got him a hoodie, a CD, and I made him a cake. =) Everyone thought it was! Today I went school shoppin. I did a lil shoppin last week too tho. Guess i'll tell ya what I got lol...
Maroon athletic-ish pants
White SO shirt to go with em
Unionbay jeans
SO jeans
SO khaki-ish pants
Blue Care Bear shirt
Red Strawberry shortcake shirt
Leo <~ my sign...sandals
Pink carrying bag...back-packish thingy. LoL.
Blue Care Bear PJ pants
Turquoise shirt
Long sleeve black shirt
Pink hoodie
Light blue sweater w/ white tank underneath
Brown cargo pants
Pink/White/Maroon sandals
American Eagle
Blue/White/Purple purse
White tank
Pink, blue, green striped long sleeve shirt
Finish Line
K-swiss shoes...with red stripes, CUTE!
A few notebooks, pens, pencils & binders
Some new make-up!
We saw Jeanne [Cody's aunt] in Kohls today and I felt so bad for her. Some girl came up to them in the mall and told them her dad used to be a police officer and that some guy was like following her and Luke and they were all freaked out...I think I scared her when I yelled her name when I saw her...LoL. Tommorow is Emerson Drive @ Meigs. Mom called today and you can start buyin tickets at 5 so I think we are gonna leave here around 3:30 or so. Cuz it takes like an hour to get there. I am sooo excited! I haven't seen Brad (in person) since May 13! LoL! I can't hardly contain myself! HaHa...i'm so pitiful! Oh well I guess a girl can dream! HeHe! Oh yeah I went out to the school to get my schedule today. I saw Mr.Dewhurst and I cried...i'm really gonna miss him! I guess i'll tell ya the classes I am signed up for.
-First Semester
1 - Mrs.Pyles...Human Services
2 - Mrs.Mullins...Ag & Natural Resources 1
3 - Mrs.Matheny...Advanced Chem
4 - "Teacher"???...Advanced Communications
-Second Semester
1 - Mr.Barr...Advanced Biology
2 - Mrs.Hagley...English 11
3 - Mrs.Edmunds...Algebra 2
4 - Mrs.Shaw...20-21 Century History
I'm pretty much gonna be changin my 3rd period for 2nd semester cuz I told Mrs.Romans that I wanted to switch to Trig with Linger. Hopefully I can get that worked out sumhow! Well i'm gonna get goin. TTYL! Bye-Bye!
1 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 15 August :: 11.59pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: [Me singin Jimmy Wayne - Are you ever gonna love me?]
UgH! The fair is over...i'm always depressed a few days after it's over! Oh well...only 360 some days til next year...haha. Well I guess i'll highlight my past week.
Monday - Worked FFA booth, showed my pig, got 54th place out of 111.
Tuesday - Rode rides...thas about all!
Wednesday - Worked in the morning again, watched Tabi & Jenn show the moos, watched the lip sync, and watched Rodney Atkins with mom, dad and Cody...Me and mom got to meet him afterwards, got a cup holder autographed, and got a pic with him. And he also posed for a few pics for me while he was on stage! AwEsOmE!
Thursday - This day was BLAH! I slept a lot, it rained and stuff then Billy Currington ended up cancelling but David Lee Murphy filled in for him. Me, mom, Cody, and Tabi watched him. He was awesome n i've always liked him. =) It would sprinkle every now and then thru the show just a lil but we sat out there and he congratulated us for that hehe! Ne ways...After the show I had him sign a dollar bill and I got a pic with him.
Friday - I sold my pig 215 lbs. $2.50 a pound then when I got done I watched some other sales. After that rode some rides...watched a lil bit of Rick K. and the Allnighters and then acted all depressed the resta the night. was very sad!!!!
Saturday - Picked up my check. I got $533 dollars outta that pig! HEHE I'll only get to keep about $200 of it though. Oh well...I'll be okay! LoL! Rode rides from like 1-4 then went to the camper with Tabi and well...we were sittin in there and saw Jimmy Waynes tour bus pull in and yeah we ran outside and Travis <~ Tabi's bro was like "Omg I just saw him!" and we ran over there n looked and he was sittin in the front of the bus wavin at us so we went n got cameras n took pics! He mentioned it in the show later that night. We were like THAT WAS US!!! haha! There were LOTS of people there. I was in the 2nd row but he ended up tellin us to come up to the stage-side and I got some really good pics cuz I was right in front. I got em developed today. =) He had me laughin, cryin, singin...ahh he's a really great entertainer. And might I add. VERY HOT! lol...ya'll know this! Afterwards I took my CD up for him to sign then afterwards he took a picture with me and Tabi with her camera, but we don't know if they're gonna develop. But it'll be okay if it don't. I have a pic of me huggin him on my camera that I got developed and plus he's gonna be in Gallipolis on Oct.10 and i'm gonna try to go! The resta the time til the fair closed (until next year) awww =( Me n Cody walked around n then went back to the camper til 12:15 or so when he left.
Today - Came home from the fairgrounds around 10, then went to town around 1 and ate at Chili's for my mommys birthday. I got her peony body spray and lotion and a pumpkin spice candle in B&BW and dad got her a shirt and Victorias Secret perfume "Very Sexy 2" It smells awesome! I also went shopping for Cody's birthday...which is tommorow! He will be 19. I spent like $50 on him. I hope he likes what I got him. I shall tell y'all bout it later. I have a surprise for him tommorow. I think i'm a'goin over to his house tommorow. Should be greaaaaat! LoL. YAY! I went to see my Grandma today in the hospital. She fell Friday and ended up breakin her shoulder. They have her on morphine now n she didn't have enough oxygen in her blood so she's a lil loopy as of now. So, she really needs everyones prayers right now...
My birthday is a week from tommorow. I can't freakin wait. And i'm goin to see Emerson Drive on the 18th YAY! My Braddy! I love ED =) I want a picture with Brad sooo bad! AHH! Well I guess i'm gonna go now and get in bed soon. I'm tired. C~Y'all around! Bye Bye!
Price is Right contestant
2004 15 August :: 7.17pm
:: Music: Petey Pablo -
The Fair was great...I miss it a lot :(
Tears...Kimmay....u and ur Stevie....haha member what I said about staying the D*mn here...haha... Shama and Tabi...u guys know why I was running from u...if u dont just ask me...I have a reason. Hopefully Me and all u guys will get to go to Meigs Co. Fair next week...Well I will talk to u all later...i might update more about this past week later....oh how can I forget BIG OLE BILL...haha...bye guys!!
Jimmy Wayne is a Hottie!!
2 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 8 August :: 9.45pm
:: Mood: excited
Woot! Fair Week 2004!
Hey guys. Well I guess this is the last time i'll be updatin for a week or so! I am sooo excited! Today I got up at like 8 and we loaded my hog and cleaned it and such then we finally left around 9:15ish. We got up there and yeah, my pig barely made weight. (Only by 5 pounds) Kim's didn't make it =[ poor Kim! But yeah...I saw my old flame Joshua Lions today. LoL...he talked to my dad and I was like omg! I hate him right when he was standin there. I felt like havin a heart attack. After we got my record book turned in we went over to the camper and Jenn came runnin over to me n we decided to walk over to the livestock area for a min. and I saw him again. GRR! beatins. Hopefully stalkinz go on so Cody can whoop up! HaHa...i'm just playin!! But after I got home we decided to go to Wal-Mart to get some last minute stuff to take up there. Mom bought like 3 airfresheners (the fan thingys) for the! They're awesome. We got pop and all that stuff. I got my Joe Nichols pics developed and there were 5 that were really good. I'm jus gonna put one of em up at the moment. I transferred em onto here from the digital there's a glare. Jus don't pay attention to it! Also, sorry it's really small. I dunno how that happend...but still you get the idea! Anyway, I have to get up at like 8 in the morning to be at the fair by 9 so i'm gonna get outta here, call Cody and talk a few then take a shower and get myself in bed. I will be seein ya'll...hopefully this week =] Ta~Ta for now!
I show my pig tommorow and sell Friday...wish me luck!
3 days til Rodney Atkins!
4 days til Billy Currington!
6 days til I see my babe Jimmy Wayne =]
Aww what a cutie?! I believe he is signin his autograph for me here...

Price is Right contestant
2004 7 August :: 10.26pm
:: Music: Ashlee Simpson- Pieces of me
Hey guys! Yesterday was a rough day. Right Tabi?! Haha...I'm so sore. Cheerleading try-outs. But yeah...I made it...Shock! haha...Yeah well... I need to lose weight. Neways, after that I went to the mall with Kim Shama n Grace. We got shirts made for when Jimmy Wayne is gonna be at the fair. We made one for him too and we all signed the back of it. It's great. I was so tired and in pain walking thru the mall. We didnt walk that far but becuz of cheering and jumpin up and down from like 9 in the morning til almost 6...yeah well that gets ya tired and sore. LoL...Tabi knows cuz shes bout to die too. Well, this morning we went up to the fairgrounds and put our campers up. All the people from around here are like together. It's like a big ole group. We own that camper spot! Haha...Me Tabi Shama n Kim are like all real close, and of course we have our walkie-talkies...isnt it great? Haha me aka Shiniqua....Tabi aka cant wait to talk to the traffic directors again...that was so much fun. Haha...well I will be going...oh one more thing..I just finished my Final for English..I'm so glad!! No more English!! I have to get up early and take My calf Co-Co to the fairgrounds tomorrow...ttyl!! bye bye!!
4 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 7 August :: 5.16pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: [Julie Roberts - Sweet dreams]
Jimmy Wayne is SO hot! and dad took up the camper to the fairgrounds this afternoon. We are right behind Tabi and diagonal from Kim & Jenn. So yeah, that's good. I'm glad we are all close n such =] I sooo have to start packin when I get offa here cause I think we may be stayin up there tommorow night too cause they're makin us pay. Ehh...who knows! Yea I won't be talkin to Cody today, he went to Ohio I guess...I got on here and I had an e-mail tellin me he'd be home late tonight....bleh. I'm sittin here watchin the 100 greatest love song concert on CMT. Joe Nichols and Sara Evans are the hosts. Why does Joe have to be so darn good lookin. I am such a sucker for that shaggy hair. Myyyy gosh! I hope Jimmy Waynes hair has grown back by now. HeHe. [He got it cut off a couple months ago...rumors were that he cut it cause people kept getting him confused with Keith Urban. I actually don't think his real fans would, and that's all that should matter but oh well.] Oh yea, also I found out that Rascal Flatts new CD comes out September 28. I can't wait! Well i'm gonna show ya a pic of Jimmy Wayne (and his straight fro Jenn...haha!) Ahhh! I get to see him exactly a week from today! Oh yeah Tabi when you get on remind me to show you a pic I found. It's freakin hilarious! I'm gonna go y'all! Later! 
3 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 6 August :: 12.56am
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Joe Nichols - Brokenheartsville
Joe Nichols is VERY great =)
Tonight was soooo great! We left around 5:30 to go to the fair and first we stopped at Sam Goodys so I could get Ashlee Simpsons CD then we got to the fair, went and talked to Bobbi and then rode the Typhoon and some other ride, then we went over to the stage and got some eats...then we pretty much just sat there til he came out. It was awesome! He sang til like 9:35 then he went offstage and everyone kept yellin n like 5 minutes later he came back out and sang til 10. It was the best when he sang "Family Tradition" though =) hehe! After he went offstage me and Tabi went lookin to see if he was doin autographs cuz we bought pics. He said he wasn't going to sign any but there was a big crowd on one side of the tour bus, and then me and Tabi were on the other side where there were only like maybe 15 people. Well he went to the big crowd first and then all of us girls were like chantin "We want Joe!" & "We love you more!" So he finally came over to us and I got my pic signed and he let us take pics so I got like 6 or 7 pictures of him where I was in touching distance...I can't wait to get them developed! He is amazing & looks SOOO much *better* in person! He reminds me of Cody when I jus glance at yeah, that's perfect for me! After we left me and Tabi really hadda pee sooo Cody went to Point but everywhere was closed so we went back to Gallipolis an went in Taco Bell. Well, we ended up seeing Kim, Grace, Annie and Keshia there so we talked to them for a few minutes. Well we were almost to R&L and we found out we had been behind Joe's tour bus which was AwEsOmE! Cody layed on the horn and Tabi put her autographed picture up to the window when they turned off! Awww...this is sad. I can't even imagine how sad it's gonna be after I see Jimmy & Billy...then Emerson Drive. LoL! Tommorow i'm gonna go shoppin a lil for stuff to weat at the fair. Should be fun =) I dunno if we're stayin with Kim tommorow night but I hope so! I'm glad I decided not to cheer, but best of luck to Tabi and Jenn. It's gonna be a good break for me, then ima try my senior year! Well i'm gonna get outta here y'all.
-3 days til the fair!!!
1 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 5 August :: 1.34am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: Emerson Drive [Running back to you]
Oh yea. Just wanted to update and tell ya'll what i'm up to. Today was $h.... (need I say more, don't think so!) HaHa...I just added this gurl from Cody's MSN list to mine and I actually didn't mean to. I was on his name lookin at profiles and I found out how to edit my profile and I typed in the same adress after I got onto my name and it didn't work so I thought oh i'll just add her e-mail then find that site again from her profile I gonna be like what the h% when she gets the message that I added her. Oh well, maybe Cody will see this and tell her what happend even though that's really embarrasing! Maybe I just make too big of a deal outta everything. I think that's Okay i'm gonna stop obsessing =]
And so on...
I soooo need to start packing for the fair! Tabi told me she packed a lil the other day. I haven't even thought about all the stuff i'm gonna need. This will be worse than packin for the Beach. Only + side to that is if I forget anything I wouldn't have to drive 10 hours to come back and get it =P But yeah, I know i'm gonna have to get that packing done soon cause tommorow i'll probably be helpin get the camper ready, and then in the evening goin to see Joe Nichols. I think it may be possible that i'm more excited about seein Bobbi Jane than I am him. My gosh it took a stupid guy and a lil argument to realize how much I miss one of my best friends! Then Friday we're goin to get our Jimmy Wayne airbrushed shirts YAY!...then Kim said sumthin bout Me, Tab and Jenn coming over but i'm thinkin it won't work out...but I hope so =] ...I might go to church Sunday night if we defi. don't go up to the camper that night. I haven't been in a long time. It makes me feel terrible, ehhh...I think i'm gonna get outta here now, it's time for me to go bed. I still dunno what i'm gonna do about Cheerleading. It's not lookin too sunny! Well TTYL! <3.Shama.<3
1 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 3 August :: 11.59pm
:: Mood: discontent
:: Music: Ashlee Simpson - Pieces of me
My Favorite song right now...
~On a Monday I am waiting
Tuesday I am fading
And by Wednesday I can’t sleep
Then the phone rings I hear you
And the darkness is a clear view
Cause you’ve come to rescue me
~Fall, with you I fall so fast
I can hardly catch my breath
I hope it lasts
It seems like I can finally
Rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It’s as if you know me better
Than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
~I am moody and messy
I get restless and it’s senseless
How you never seem to care
When I’m angry you listen
Make me happy it’s your mission
And you won’t stop till I’m there
~Fall, sometimes I fall so fast
When I hit that bottom crash
You’re all I have
It seems like I can finally
Rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It’s as if you know me better
Than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
~How do you know?
Everything I’m about to say
Am I that obvious?
And if it’s written on my face
I hope it never goes away
~On a Monday I am waiting
By Tuesday I am fading
Into your arms
So I can breathe
It seems like I can finally
Rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It’s as if you know me better
Than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
I love how you can tell
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
Today Sarah called and wanted me and Cody to go bowling but I didn't feel up to it plus I was gonna help out with the camper. I layed around mosta the day. I guess Me, Cody, Jenn and Tabi are gonna go to the Gallia County fair tommorow, jus for something to do. I may go shopping in the morning though and i'm not sure what time i'll be home. I can't wait until this week is over I am so bored. I hate this boredom...I think this could possibly qualify as one of the worst summers i've ever had if it wasn't for all the great times i've had with Cody. I dunno, I guess it has just went by too fast. It doesn't feel like it's been 2 months already, it feels like 2 weeks. And it's so hard to believe I have to deal with 9 more months of HELL until I get the next summer break that feels like 2 weeks. Ahh, maybe next summer won't be like that. I should look on the bright side =) LoL. Well i'm gonna get outta here. Farewell!
-6 days til the fair starts!
Oh yeah, I found out how to make my entries friends only and i'll be doing that to some of them from now anyone that wants to read it and doesn't have woohu...let me know and if my heart desires, i'll getcha in =)
2 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 3 August :: 6.00pm
SuRvEyS! EnJoY!
Question time! | First: of course: Name: | Shama | Age: | 15 | hair style: | Well...layered and dark blonde, shoulder length | do you have one or two eyes? and what color are they?: | LoL I believe I have 2 eyes and they're blueish green | do you have all your body parts?: | Yea | do you like those body parts?: | sure why not | If yes: what's your favorite part?: | Ugh I dunno | what about your toenails? Are they painted or not?: | yeppers | your fingernails? long/ short?: | short cause I have a bad habit of chewin em | do you wear contacts or glasses or neither?: | contacts | if you made a survey what would one of your questions be?: | Do you love me? haha | do you like dogs?: | yeah | do you have dog?: | yeah, 5 | Cat?: | yep, 1 | can you drive?: | yeah | legally?: | yeah | Are you legal (18): | no | Are you an adult? (21): | no | Have you had your golden birthday?: | What? lol | What is your golden birthday?: | golden? | Are you bored with my quiz yet?: | no | ok.. Relationship stuff | do you have a boyfriend?: | yeah | A girlfriend?: | no | If yes: how long have you two been together?: | 7 months and 3 days | If no: Have you ever had a boy/girl friend?: | ... | If you don't have one.. I could hook you up with someone.would u like that?: | ... | do you like dancing?: | yea sumtimes | Define 1st base: | i'd say kissing | 2nd: | um...touching "things" | 3rd: |, touching things, with your mouth...haha I dunno | and finally home and a homerun: | whatta you think | have you ever gotten home?: | nope! | where's the farthest you've made it?: | I don't think I be sayin this where every1 can see | have you ever kissed in a park?: | nope! | in a pool?: | yep! | on the beach?: | yeah! | in your bedroom?: | yep! | Single people | do you like to dance?: | uhh i'm not single but i'll answer these ne wayz... | can you sing?: | I don't really care if I CAN but I love to | do you have any talent?: | I duno | how many boy/girl friends have you had?: | Ever? probably about 10 | Just Stuff | what color do you wear the most?: | PiNk and Blue | do you believe in love or lust?: | Love | what's more important: love or lust?: | Love | One or the other: | dollars vs. pesos: | dollars | peanut vs. plain: | wtf | snapple vs. kool-aid: | snapple | can you always get what you want?: | no | Dell vs. Gateway: | well we have 2 Gateways | PDA vs. blackberry: | what | YES or NO | public displays of affection: | no | dancing in public..: | why sure | by yourself: | maybe so | masterbating: | it's not bad for guys but gurls...ew | gay marriages: | no | Bush being president again: | i don't care | Kerry being president: | once again, don't care | that's the end.. hope you enjoyed it!: | okay! |
Love, Life, and Happiness... A random long survey brought to you by BZOINK! Get paid to take surveys!
type any lyric that comes to you .. | aaliyah: | dust yourself off and try again | ac/dc: | you shook me all night long yeah you shook me all night long | Alabama: | down at peaches corner | Alicia Keys: | if it aint you baby if i aint got you baby | Avril Lavigne: | he was a skater boy she sed see ya later boy | The Beatles: | we all live ina yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine | Beyonce: | i love to love ya babyyyyy | Black Eyed Peas: | shut up, just shut up, shut up | Blink-182: | what's my age again, what's my age again? | Bryan Adams: | look into my eyes, you will see....what you mean to me | britney Spears: | baby can't you see i'm callin a guy like you should wear a warnin | Cher: | do u belive in life after love | Christina Aguilera: | ooh i'm overdue gimme some room i'm comin thru | Clay Aiken: | this is theeee night | Dido: | there will be no white flag above my door i'm in love and always will be | Dixie Chicks: | wanda looked all around this town and all she found was earl | Eminem: | it's like my mother always told me renerenerene...GD it u lil MFer if you ain't got nothin nice to say then don't say nothin | evanescence: | i'm so tired of bein here supressed by all my childish fears | Everclear: | DUNNO... | Faith Hill: | someday i'll find a way to show you just how lucky I am to know you | Garth Brooks: | 3:30 in the morning not a soul in sight citys lookin like a ghost town on a moonless summer night | Greenday: | another turning point a fork stuck in the road, time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go | Hanson: | penny and me like to gaze at starry skys close our eyes pretend to fly it's always penny and me tonight | j.lo.: | i'm still, i'm still Jenny from the block | Jessica Simpson: | boy I think that i'm in love with you got me doin silly things when it comes to you | Ashlee Simpson: | how do you know everything i'm about to say am I that obvious? | Jimmy Buffet: | just a cheeseburger in paradise | John Mayer: | if you want love we'll make it swim ina deep sea of blankets | Journey: | you're still the one I wanna talk to in bed, still the one that turns my head, we're still havin fun and you're still the one | Kenny Chesney: | well she ain't into cars or pick up trucks but if it runs like a deere man her eyes light up | Lillix: | that's what I like about hold me tight | lonestar: | she said it's just a woman thing and pulled out of the drive, advicin not to worry im an understandin guy | Mariah Carey: | I can make it thru the rain I can stand up once again on my own and I know that i'm strong enough to mend | Mandy Moore: | Sweet sweet lovin got me goin to the extreme, bodys in control this vibe has got a hold on me | Maroon 5: | I was so high I did not recognize the fire burning in her eyes | Martina Mcbride: | the sun is shinin every day clouds never get in the way for you and me | Mest: | DUNNO... | No Doubt: | you know some real bad tricks and ya need some discipline | n*sync: | baby I don't understand, just why we can't be lovers | outkast: | shake it like a polaroid picture | ozzy osbourne: | she's my baby, i love her so...but it's too late now i've let her go, we're goin thru changes | Rascal Flatts: | don't know how you do it, I love the way I lose it every time, what's even better is knowin that forever you're all mine | Relient K: | AGAIN, I DUNNO! | sarah mclaughlan: | I can't think of any at the moment...but I do know | Savage Garden: | i'll be your dream i'll be your wish i'll be your fantasy | Seether: | ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! | Shakira: | underneath your clothes theres an endless story theres the man I chose and thats my territory and all the things I deserve for bein such a good girl.....honeyyyy | Simple Plan: | I heard you're doin okay but I want you to know, i'm a dick, i'm addicted to you | Switchfoot: | we were meant to live for so much more, but we lost ourselves | tim Mcgraw: | shes' my kinda rain like love from a drunken sky, confetti fallin down all night, she's my kinda rain | Toby keith: | I'm not talkin bout lockin down forever baby that'd be to demandin, i'm just talkin bout two lonely people that might reach a little understandin | Usher: | she asked for one more dance and i'm like yeah how the hell am I supposta leade | Whitney Houston: | anddddd I will alwayssss love you |
lyrics --kinda long brought to you by BZOINK! EmotionDump - 100% Anonymous Emotions and Confessions
Oh yeah, jus thought i'd add this too!
Wildcat Football Schedule 2004
Burch - August 14 - Away - Scrimmage
Harts - August 21 - Home - Scrimmage
Hamlin - August 27 - Away
Montcalm - September 3 - Home
Bishop - September 10 - Away
Burch - September 17 - Home
Southern - September 24 - Away
Wirt - October 1 - Home
Harts - October 8 - Away
Buffalo - October 18 - Away
OPEN - October 27
Gauley Bridge - October 29 - Homecoming
Duval - November 5 - Home
Price is Right contestant
2004 3 August :: 12.11am
:: Mood: blah
Terrible, Terrible Day!
Today sucked! UgH! We went to the mall to shop with my grandmas card and well we picked out clothes...shopped for almost 3 hours, and her card got declined cuz the payment she sent out last wednesday wasn't in yet. So yeah I had to put back all 3 pants and a few shirts and my mom n dad had got some stuff too...but we are gonna go back tommorow or wednesday to get em. Mom did get me a pair of shoes without the card tho cuz she felt bad and wanted me to have Oh well...I guess it's kinda like havin sumthin on lay-away. (Oh yea, today also sucked cuz I haven't talked to Cody on the phone all day) But anyways, after the great experience at the mall, we stopped at the school to take my dad a burger we got him at DQ and they were havin the first football practice and it was cool. I didn't really talk to any1 but I watched for like a half-hour n got to see some of my friends I haven't seen for awhile. I may go again sumtime, like...after the fair. Tommorow we're gonna try to go shoppin again n if not then, Wednesday. Then when I get back i'll probably go to church. Thursday, I think i'm gonna go see Joe Nichols at the Gallia county fair with Cody and Tabi...Friday, Kim, Grace, Me, Jenn & Tabi are supposta be goin to the mall to get airbrushed shirts. All for Jimmy Wayne =) LoL. Then Saturday I might go see the fair parade then Sunday...gotta take the pig up to the fair. BRIGHT & EARLY! Then Monday...YAY! The time has finally come. LoL. Ima post some surveys I stole from the wonderful Kimmay...Bye-Bye!!!
~¤~AbC sUrVeY~¤~
A - Act your age: Most of the time
B - Born on what day of the week: I think it was a Tuesday
C - Chore you hate: doin dishes
D - Dad's name?: Mike
E - Essential makeup item?: eyeshadow
F - Favorite actors/actresses?: Jim Carrey/Kate Hudson, Reese Witherspoon
G - Gold or silver?: gold
H - Hometown?: Ashton
I - Instruments you play?: piano? lol
J - Job title?: ain't got a job
K - Kids?: umm kinda don't have kids lol
L - Living arrangements?: I live with my mom and dad
M - Mom's name?: Renae
N - Number of socks you own: i'd say about 20
O - overnight hospital stays?: none that I can remember
P - Phobia?: spiders and blood
Q - Quote you like?: Hmm...i'd have to think hard about that one
R - Religious affiliation?: dunno what that means but ima Christian
S - Siblings?: older brother, Justin
T - Time you woke up today?: Around noon
U - Unusual Habits?: I have to sleep with one of my legs bent, or I can't sleep lol
V - Vicious thing you have done?: Ha...I dunno!
W - Worst habit?: going to bed late, biting my nails and forgetting to take out my contacts
X - X-rays you've had?: my chest when I had bronchitis like 2 years ago and my back cuz I had somethin wrong with my back when I was 3 or 4...I almost had to have surgery
Y - Your favourite season?: summer
Z - Zodiac Sign: Leo
type your name with the plam of your hand --- shaama
type your name with your chin--- wwwsytANMJa
type your name with the back of your hand---asdhamssa
type your name with your foot--- sha ma
type your name with your nose--- shama
type your name with your tounge--- (ima do this with my lips cuz other ppl touch this keyboard...ewww) shamaa
type your name with your elbow--- sddddddhjsam,saa
1 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 1 August :: 10.28pm
Hey guys! Just got back from an adventureous day with Shama n Cody. LoL. It was great. At first, me and Shama were angered at Cody because we were going to watch a movie, but people were working on his truck so yeah...we didn't have enough time. Anyways, we went to the Super China Buffet beside the Mall...and Cody hates chinese...haha. Me and Shama own so we went .... He wouldn't go up and get his own me and Shama had to get a plate for him. We piled it so high up with food. LoL. I hate egg drop soup tho...blah!! We had to force him to eat. And yeah, he was acting like a 5 year old...right Shama? Haha...and yeah Shama threw a strawberry on him and it got on his shirt...haha. Oh...and Cody laid down $5 dollars down for a tip..and all he ate was like 1 and her were like omg dont give that! and Yeah...the waitress was standing right by us the whole time...OOPS! Me and Shama took 2 back out from it...I got one and she got one...LoL...we r great. After that we went to the mall...well actually JCPenney, I bought a shirt to wear for when I show my calf at the fair. It's purdi. =) We were gonna go to church...but Cody wanted to go to the mall instead...we kinda forgot that it was a Sunday and that it closes at 6 tho...oh We decided to go to the new wal-mart. It was ok...I seen Tabis aunt Sis...and her cousins Chandler and Dylan. Omg Me Shama and Cody were so poor...we didnt bring that much yeah...we ran out. He paid for Shama's dinner so he didn't have enough money for a game he wanted...he borrowed $14 from that cleaned me out and when he bought the cleaned him out...Shama had like 10 and 2 in change. She bought a caboodle...and we seen a key chain...we had to get ..when we were walking outside...i was all excited about our key chains...i was looking for them...and her caboodle dropped to the parking lot...and we opened it up and it was i had to go back in the store...and we exchanged it for another There was a Kenny Chesney look-alike in front of us in line...he was great! Right Shama? lol...well on the way home...Cody let me drive ...he said he had a headache...I didn't think he was serious about me driving tho. I was like omg really?! when he said I could drive...He said that I wasnt a bad driver. I was kinda nervous cuz it was the 1st time for me driving after dark and after all it was his new truck...but yeah...I pulled over at Ashton Upland Rd and he drove the rest of the way to my house. We were kinda driving illegal cuz yeah he is not 21 but oh I only got up to 65 . I had a lot of fun 2nite...Shama...did u?! LoL...well im gonna go...almost 7 days til the fair!!! woot woot!! well bye bye!!
7 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 1 August :: 10.41pm
:: Mood: tired
Hello. Yesterday sucked...I cried a lot and pretty much wanted to die but i'm a bit better now even though I wish Jenn coulda stayed the night. Parents are such a drag!!! But yeah, today was fun...Me, Jenn, and Cody went to town. We were thinkin bout goin to see The Village at 4:15 but Cody's truck was gettin worked on so we didn't get to leave til like 3 somethin and there was no time cuz we wanted to eat. Well we ate at China buffet by the mall, and it wasn't pretty at all me and Jenn were sooo ready to kill Cody cuz he was bein VERY picky! We had plans on goin to church but Cody's Grandma wanted us to meet her at the mall so she could buy him some clothes sooo yeah, we did that and left there and went to the new Wal-Mart. It's pretty there I got a Caboodle (cuz I wanted one) and well we get out to the parking lot and Jenn grabs the bag from me and drops it and breaks the mirror. So, me and Jenn venture back into the store to exchange it. (Where we are "stuck" in line behind a Kenny Chesney look alike!) Greatness. Then Jenn gotter done on the way home. Jenn & Cody you know what i'm talkin bout, I musn't speak of it outside of the circle...only to Tabi n Kim. HAHA. I was gonna getter done but I decided not to. I got a lil sick on the way home. It was depressing...I had fun n all today but i'm glad to be home =) As long as i'm not gettin yelled at, that is. Oh yea! A week from tommorow i'll be at the fair. YaY! Can't wait!!! Oh yeah, we were like right beside Luke on the road in Milton and he had his windows down actin all cool. I busted out laughin n hid myself. I duno if he saw us or not but i'm thinkin he had to have cuz we were side by side, lol. I think ima pretty much go and talk a lil then go to bed soon cause i'm tired. I will talk to ya'll later! ..::sHaMa::..
-8 days til the fair!
-22 days til my birthday!
1 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant
2004 1 August :: 3.18am
I have to put this song in here I love it...
Gary Allan is greatness...I love him
Here's his new song called ...
Nothing On But The Radio
I sure do hope this is a long night
Cause I have never felt one so right
Each look into your eyes, I'm falling
A little more and more
Looks like we started us a fire
Wrapped up in flames of desire
With every touch, they're burning higher
Two shadows dancing on the wall
With nothing on but the radio
Feel the music playing soft and slow
You and me and the lights down low
With nothing on but the radio
We'll fall asleep here in the moonlight
In tangled sheets, we'll be here all night
And when we wake up in the morning
We might stay like this all day
Two people meant to be together
Two lovers dreaming of forever
And it just keeps on getting better
With every tender little kiss
Nothing on but the radio
Feel the music playing soft and slow
You and me and the lights down low
With nothing on but the radio
Two people meant to be together
Two lovers dreaming of forever
And it just keeps on getting better
With nothing on but the radio
Feel the music playing soft and slow
You and me and the lights down low
With nothing on but the radio
You and me and the lights down low
With nothing on but the radio
Wasn't that greatness?
Price is Right contestant
2004 1 August :: 2.16am
Hey Guys! I was bored and Shama told me to update....
OmG That last quiz was depressing!! LoL!
 you are the "you're so dumb" happy bunny. you are brutal in your words and enjoy putting others down.
which happy bunny are you? brought to you by Quizilla
-Child of the 90's Poll
-Put an X beside the things you have done.
X 1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCH!"
2. You watched the Pound Puppies.
X 3. You can sing the rap to the "Fresh Prince of Bel Air."
4. You wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylish.
X 5. You yearned to be a member of the Baby-Sitters Club and tried to start a club of your own.
X 6. You owned those little Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls.
7. You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on Blossom.
X 8. Two words: M.C. Hammer Can't touch this, bebbeh.
9. If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock."
X 10. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars.
X (useta)11. You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales."
X 12. You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons. This is so true, both cartoons and Nickelodeon went down the tubes.
X13. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head.
14. You saw the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on the big screen.
X (4th grade)15. You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail day in class at school.
16. You played the game "MASH".
X 17. You wore a Jordache Jean jacket and you were proud of it.
X 18. L.A. Gear
19. You wanted to change your name to "JEM" in Kindergarten.
X 20. You remember reading "Tales of a fourth grade nothing" and all the Ramona books.
21. You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF."
22. You wanted to be a Goonie.
X 23. You ever wore flourescent clothing.
X 24. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off.
25. You have pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.
X 26. You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes to school.
X 27. You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap bracelets.
29. You remember Hypercolor T-shirts
28. You still get the urge to say "NOT" after (almost) every sentence.
30. Barbie and the Rockers was your favorite band.
31. You thought She-Ra and He-Man should hook up.
X 32. You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you exchanged friendship bracelets.
X 33. You owned a pair of jelly sandals.
X 34. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept saying "I know you are, but what am I?"
X (omg how could i 4get?)35. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up!"
36. You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates.
X (almost broke my arm)37. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip 'n' Slide.
X 38. You have ever played with a Skip-It.
X (2nd Grade and when I was like 3) 39. You had or attended a birthday party at McDonald's.
X 41. You remember Popples.
X (BOB MARLEY) 42. "Don't worry, be happy."
43. You wore like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights.
44. You wore socks scrunched down.
X (aww kindergarten!) 45. "Miss MARY MACK MACK MACK, all dressed in BLACK BLACK BLACK"
46. You remember boom boxes vs. CD players.
47. You remember watching both "Gremlins" movies.
X 48. You knew what it meant to say "Care Bear Stare!"
49. You remember watching Rainbow Brite and My Little Ponies.
50. You thought Doogie Howser was hot.
X 51. You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from Melmac.
52. You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool.
X 53. You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By the Bell," the ORIGINAL class.
54. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - "YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME".
X 55. You played and or collected "Pogs"
X 56. You used to pretend that you could transform into a Power Ranger
-Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band: Queen
Are you male or female: Killer Queen
Describe yourself: Doing All Right
How do some people feel about you: Cool
How do you feel about yourself: I Want It All
Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend: You Take My Breath Away---If I had 1...=(
Describe where you want to be: at the ...Bicycle Race
Describe what you want to be: i want... Somebody To
Describe how you live: Under Pressure
Describe how you love: you're my best friend
Share a few words of wisdom: play the game
Hey...wasnt that boring?! LoL...well... Me and Shama are "planning" on Me, her and Cody going to the mall 2morrow...and watching a movie...eating dinner...then go to Shama's house and change into church clothes...then go to church. I haven't been there church that i'm thinkin it's about time that i get 'er done. haha. Me and Shama are hoping that I am gonna be allowed to spend the night at her house...but I have to come straight home and work on my stupid English class....blah!! But Yeah...Me and Shama are really hoping that our plans will work out far...the spending the night thing isn't looking too bright..but hey...ya never know. And Yeah...Me Kim and Tabi are in need of guys...LoL... I know plenty of people I think Tabi should go out with...and Yeah...Kim n Tabi think they are gonna get me and Kim's cousin together at the fair...but im thinkin I have only seen him at the fair last year...but oh well....we will see what happens....I will talk to ya all later....ALMOST FAIR TIME!!! Bye Guys.....wish good luck for me and Shama!!
4 -- I want to be a professional |
Price is Right contestant