2008 19 May :: 5.29pm
i was having one really bad day, got home, and got an email from a really great person whom i havent seen in forever, and it just made me oh soooo happy.....thanks robuck...
in other news, work, sucked, tj, sucks even more. :)
trying to get everything for this damn concert in order and only katie had sent me the $$ for it. i cant pay for it all myself...arfhghfhdgalsfjlygaeorhga
johnnys wedding i think is turning to a bust i hope not i really reallly really want to go and see my famlily.
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2008 12 May :: 12.18pm
got the engagement photos done... finally. everyone in cedar be looking in the post,,,,,,,:)
work is going good,, tj loves his new job. everything is pretty much going well, me tj cassie and josh are all going to the casino wed when we go to mt pleasant cant wait
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2008 12 May :: 9.06am
Hehe, so I finally did it. I handed in my crap to the Nazi on Friday morning, and it felt sooooo wonderful. So as of now, I have a ton of free time. =] Until I find a new job that is. So if you want to hang out, call me! And I will probably be calling some of you as well. =]
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2008 10 May :: 11.33am
Going to the drag strip today! Yay!
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2008 4 May :: 10.29pm
our one day in Mi was not fun at all.. not to mention tj got a lil schnockered when we went to the bar, _-_ end that chapter
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2008 1 May :: 10.36am
:: Mood: optimistic
Everyone should vote for me for the Chevy Riders!! [[PLEASE!!]] Text 'VirgilineD' to 28546! You can be entered to win a brand new Macbook Air and I will be voted for to get a frickin' sweet job! So do it, even if you dont know me or dont like me! Please do it!! And tell your friends to do it!! You have from today until 5 pm on May 7th!! YAY!!
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2008 28 April :: 12.50pm
Today I fell and felt better
Just knowing this matters
I just feel stronger and sharper
Found a box of sharp objects what a beautiful
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2008 28 April :: 12.33pm
work today arg
manager meeting today arg
all day with tj home arg
i know i should treasure this extra time we have together before he goes to work, but i rather enjoyed the few hours of ERIN time i had before....GO BACK TO WORK ALREADY!!!!!!!!:)
i meet with the wedding coordinator for the church tomorrow, and im slightly worried. me n tj havnt been to church i a while and i dunno if that will make her angry. oh well. got the bill for the flowers OMG 400.00... anyone want to make a monetary donation??? 50's and 100's only
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2008 28 April :: 8.25am
Sometimes I wish you were more open and clear. So I could just get past this rut and decide which way to turn...
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2008 26 April :: 11.14pm
its been a while, things are great!!!
timmy has a new job FINALLY!! and hes happy which it most important.
the wedding is almost here and i cant wait,,, life has been flying by hasnt it? i mean i every now and again will watch a video of highschool or look through the year book and think it was only yesturday but it was like two years. arg,,, how time flys, and sometimes how it flys out the window into a giant coconut tree to perch and laugh at me.
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2008 25 April :: 11.04pm
I don't want to be alone tonight....
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2008 21 April :: 9.19pm
Does anyone eat oatmeal and toast?
Now if you do, do you put your oatmeal ON your toast?
Like, do you dip your sliced toast into your oatmeal and eat it?
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2008 21 April :: 8.31am
Put me out because I'm a fucking fire.
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2008 16 April :: 11.30pm
Back home, and missing MI... up there its not stressful i can do what i want no work no wedding it was freedom.
these chains are weighing me down and breakin my bones!
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2008 15 April :: 7.23pm
I had a dream last night.
Dumbledore made me Lemonade....
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