2007 24 August :: 9.16pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: god i wish
I MISS U everyone nuts i'm going to stuff dirty sox down every one's mouth GREETINGS this is the artist once known as tj now im
(.)(.) yeah boobs are nice
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2007 23 August :: 2.48pm
so its has been a horrible 3 days away from him but it is ok.
not too much to report besides im broke as hell now oh well
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2007 19 August :: 8.28pm
well going to georgia was a waste of my time... my brother is ten times worse than he was. he gratuates boot camp and suddenly he's better than the rest of us. gosh darn stuck up ass hole.
tj is finally moved to indiana. i will miss him. at least some times. yeah i will miss him horrible. and trying to plan part of the wedding with out him is gunna suck monkey balls.... that is if my mother would let me. she has taken charge of it, and i am lucky to get a word in.
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2007 5 August :: 8.04pm
:: Mood: drunk
my wedding
so me and tj have moved the wedding day. we decided to move it up a year so next year we will be married. i cant wait. i have so many ideas in my head about decoratoins, food. its all just a jumbled mess but i cant wait.
alsp tj leaves for indiana on wednesday. im bummed that he is leaving but i will soon be leavin too. yep. in october i will be leaving this horrible state and making my life better. i will be startin school at IPFW and it will begin.
went to hollies wedding, i cried. i admit it. i was ballin. im ver happy for her.
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2007 26 July :: 2.05am
So today was a lot of fun, well I guess yesterday now. Being on 3rd shift sure messes up my days. So today I looked at more apartments. God am I sick of the apartment search. I wish those fuckers from the town house wouldn't of been asssholes. Oh well I guess, I will figure it out soon. So today I went disc golfing, I still suck at it lol. Then we went bowling, which am still bomb at lol. Today is 4 months for me and Kyle. Woohu we made it lol. Well vacation has been fun so far, too bad I eventually have go back to work. Well time to watch some more dirty dancing.
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2007 25 July :: 1.12pm
Some things just make you realize who your real friends are I guess...
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2007 14 July :: 3.17am
:: Mood: discontent
Why must this world always disappoint me so very much?
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2007 13 July :: 10.00pm
Well a lot has happened since I last updated. Well this month will be 4 months for me and kyle :) I got a new job at St. Marys living center, which is super close to where I live. Also I got a 1.00 raise. Kyle got like 3 job interviews so hopefully something good will come from that. Soon we will be moving, most likely staying here just moving to a one bedroom loft. But going to check out one other place first. My dad bought me a honda accord. Which is fucking awesome. I am either getting it tomorrow or Monday. Depending on how fast I get insurance on it. Well one more week of work then I have a 2 week vacation before I start my new job. So instead of going to school in august am going go to walker medical and get my patient care tech. Then go the winter semester because by then my new job will be giving me 2,500 a semester for college or better depending on where am working. So things seem to be going great right now. I still have my two hyper cats and maybe one more if I can talk kyle into it lol. Well thats all for now.
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2007 11 July :: 12.47am
hello everyone, it certainly has been a while. alot has been going on in my life. i bought a new car, yay. im rather excited. im also moving. well at least i should be. we sold our place, we thought we were going to move into this place in town, that got messed up, and well now we have three weeks to find somewhere to live. always something messing up in my life.
nikki has moved in with me, she's been home for about a month now. a little advise, do not move in with your friends. it will ruin a friendship very quickly.
besides that, my brother is at boot camp right now, i get to go to Georgia in aug. to go see him graduate. that means vacation. its about damn time.
going to hollys wedding in a few. haven't heard from here in over six months so its gonna be fun
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2007 9 July :: 1.19am
Its been a while
I had one of those wonderful dreams last night. Where you wake up, and just have a wonderful euphoric feeling for the longest time.
And as usual, the shitty reality of life and the rest of the world destroys it.
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2007 3 July :: 3.17pm
Fuck It.
And that is exactly why I get along with guys so much better than girls. They are backstabbing bitches.
I'm done.
2007 19 June :: 9.41am
:: Mood: loved
Finally Legal
Sunday is probably up there as one of the best birthdays ever.
I'm very happy.
Everything went well.
Family came over, friends came over, Olive Garden was awesome.
I had a wonderful day.
I gambled and lost everytime. Oh well, what can ya do?
Need to shower and beat some kids...bye!
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2007 12 June :: 8.39am
:: Mood: excited
My birthday is in 5 days.
I'm excited.
I'll be able to do stuff, like buy ciggarettes and porn, which I will most likely never have to buy.
But I'm going to get my dad some smokes for Father's day, seems how it's that same day n all. lol.
I start waitressing at the Village Inn next week I think. Pretty sweet. That goes with the whole being 18 thing too. lol.
Idk, pretty much that's all I got for now I guess. Not much happened this week.
I did catch some fish yesterday though. pretty sweet. Tried to catch me a snake but I dont think it was hungry...
Welp I'm off. I need to apply for Finacial Aid. I should get an ass load of money from that! I'm excited!
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2007 24 May :: 1.02pm
Graduation tonight!
I'm so excited!
My open house isnt until July 21st though. I still have to call around to get some of your addresses so I can send you an invite. Should be a grand ol' time though.
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