Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. -Martin Luther King Jr.


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Today is a New Day

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:: 2007 15 January :: 10.45am

So Life has been going Awesome. I've been having tons of parties. So far my Neighbors have all turned out to be pretty cool, which is prly why the cops haven't been called. Lately it seems partying never gets old :) I decided to go back to College. But because I signed up so late I only got two classes. But at Least am trying and going back. So hopefully it will go a lot better this time around. I think it will help that most the people I've been hanging out with lately are in College too. Well its time to get this apartment back to being clean. See ya

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:: 2007 14 January :: 5.16am

"We really need to get you some pants"

"Yeah, *giggle* thats not a pickle"

"I know.....I'ts your penis"

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:: 2007 13 January :: 6.44am

I miss good times with good friends.

Damn this world.

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:: 2007 13 January :: 6.07am


Why does, when everything seems to be going so well, the past pops up out of nowhere, and bites you in the ass? But it's so suddenly unexpected, and stings so much, the pain creeps into your heart. =\

Oh well, I said Happy Birthday, and I meant it.
P.S. You're a big fat liar. And certainly not who I thought you were, once upon a time. I thought you were cool once, and now I see only shallow egotism. Yet, I still can't help but like you.

I'm only slightly bitter.

P.P.S. Myspace, I hate you. Why can't I quit you???

UGH! Emo time.....God Damned myspace. Eff yourself and die.

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:: 2007 12 January :: 1.22pm

Skipped my first class today. Walked in, turned around and walked straight back out. My day had already started out bad. It wasn't helping me. Just finished dropping that class. >.>

There's one small fact that make me irritated that im not staying in. But it would be that way regardless if I were there or not, so there wouldn't be much I could do. At least I don't have to watch it happening, and make myself feel even worse.

I really fucking hate one way streets, hardcore. Who the eff invented those anyway??? What's the freakin point?? Besides to confuse. ><
And when there's construction going on also, its even worse DX<

*Sigh* Yay for Friday afternoon cartoons.

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:: 2007 11 January :: 10.55pm

My first day of college today. One class at 6:15 p.m. to 9:30. Art History II

My teacher is awesome, she makes great facial expressions. And she said fuck today. (phuc) Cuz its the french word for seal, aparently. =]

My life has been feeling crappy lately. Who knew it would take school to make me feel like it was heading back on up. >.>

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:: 2007 10 January :: 6.17pm
:: Music: knocking on heaven's door - guns n roses

so yeah...Root Canal. Should be a fun time...along with wisdom teeth.
Can I get any luckier?


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:: 2007 6 January :: 4.10am

Justin says "Hi".

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:: 2007 6 January :: 1.41am

Happy Birthday to me!

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:: 2007 4 January :: 5.21pm

Well my vacation turned out to be alot of fun. Even though I didn't end up going to Florida. Seems like this week and last week have been like non stop parties. But I really think thats what I needed. But after I go back to work I am definitely going to tone it down. Going back on Saturday is going to be a Bitch. But oh well. I might try to get a second part time job for some extra cash. But who knows, we will see how it goes. My birthday turned out to be alot of fun. I had another party lol. I've been going roller blading all week at west river park. Thats been fun, I miss doing that. Reminds me when I was kid, how simple things use to be. But oh well we cant go back now. Well lifes been going great, hope it is for everyone else 2.

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:: 2006 26 December :: 1.52pm

Well my Florida tripped got called off, which blows. But I Still got a bunch of time off and am only working some days 4 to 9. So if you wanna do something let me know. My christmas was pretty good. I worked a double lol. But I did go home for a little bit. Well my cars been acting up again. So maybe a new car is sooner then I think.

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:: 2006 24 December :: 11.46am

Yay! I like Christmas!!! =)

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:: 2006 22 December :: 3.20pm

Hmmm, another funny work story. This one happened a couple days ago though.

Guy orders a hot dog. With a bunch of stuff on it. Relish included.

Eats it about half way through. Then complains that his relish is cold


Ummm....relish is supposed to be cold. We are required to keep it cold by the health department.

What a pyshco.

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:: 2006 21 December :: 3.18pm
:: Music: My Chemical Romance

Your misery and hate will kill us all.

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:: 2006 17 December :: 11.58pm

So lifes been going pretty good. I have about 4 christmas parties this week so that should be alot of fun. Then December 26th am leaving for Florida for 2 weeks. So that means I get to spend my birthday in Florida. Which is awesome, because I hate winter. My kittens are already getting so big. I am really liking my new job. So am super happy thats working out. I just went and hanged out with a bunch of people from work today, so am finally starting to feel like I fit in. Its different being with all girls now. Not sure if I like it yet or not. It kinda differs everyday on that one. Other then that its just been the usual, drinking and work.

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