Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. -Martin Luther King Jr.


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Today is a New Day

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:: 2006 6 October :: 9.17am

ok so mom and dad will be here tonight. and im ok with that now cept i dont have ne heat right now so they will freeze their asses off.

its supposed to be fairly nice this weekend so im glad. im gonna be in the parade now. kfc is still gonna be in it, they just wont have a float, yes thats right we're walking! and for n e one who wants free rootbeer holler because we are handing out free rootber stuff. just look for a giant chicken or an a&w bear i will be with them.

not a whole lot more going on, im sure i will have some big event after this weekend!

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:: 2006 5 October :: 3.06pm

ok so mom and dad and nate are coming up saturday morning and staying the night with me! ahh. i have so much cleaning to do..... oh well. the bank thing got figured out. thank heavens cause tj was going insane.

any ways holly n katie we're taking nikki to steak n shake for dinner after that i dont know. i kinda wanna hit up a club of some kind but the only one tj will ever go to is ten bells... call me with any suggestions...

i can not wait until red flannel, just because i get to do whatever i want this time (cept 10-12) still.

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:: 2006 4 October :: 9.03am

just got into work today, god i hate rain and thunderstorms. they scare the living shit out of me. i slept for maybe and hour last night. the rest of my night consisted of grabbing on to tj cause i was scared.... yes i Erin Miller am scared of thunderstorms.... i feel better that i got that off my chest. but what is it lately. all its done is rain, its rather depressing too. i would love to have at least some sunshine in my day. all i ask is an hour or two.

in another note, sbc is going to die. we started and accoount with them, then decided to cancle (this is all in the same day). they had already taken the $150.00 deposit out of my bank account. which is understandable. but you would think that they would attempt to put it back in sometime right. i mean this was all like two weeks ago and i havnt seen the money and because of this im bouncing checks left and right. arg people make me mad. you would think that they have the ability to take money directly our of my account, they could put it back in the same way. NO. they have to send me a check for it which is all good and such, but it has taken over two weeks, and i need that it so i dont go into debt! ahhhhhhhh what to do what to do....

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:: 2006 3 October :: 5.22pm


anyone who want to join in the festivities its this saturday. we're going to dinner then i dont know where. its just a little goodbye since my best friend Nicole Bradley is leaving for the air force on the 23rd.... just leave me a comment and i will contact you

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:: 2006 3 October :: 5.18pm

i for the first time in like two weeks slept until like 10:30 it was great. i miss being able to do that so much. and seein to the face that i am sick it did a lot of good.

my kittens are no longer fat balls of fur,,,, there're realatively normal looking now. i did love them when they were fat, they were so cuddley but now all they want to do is play and bite my toes at night awww i love it.

one thing missing is well my life. all i do is work now, so i need to socialize more. this weekene will be the start! i hope anyways. and they maybe i will go out maybe once a week. that would be great.

so im bored,,,, this place makes me want to sleep, but i am getting paid to just sit here so ha to all of you laborers, i have the easiest job in the world.

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:: 2006 2 October :: 9.15pm

So its prly time for another update. Well I'm still working at meijer 3rd shift. I 've had a few job interviews for a CNA jobs, one is going to call me back next week. So hopefully something good will come from that, lately I really want a first shift job, just so I can be awake when everyone else is. Kind of missing that factor lately. Well I got friday and Saturday off this week so I will be in town all day saturday. So hopefully I will get see alot of people, I will mostly be around Jessicas house. I'm moving out on October 15th, which is really coming up soon. I haven't even packed anything yet or went thru stuff. So hopefully next week I will get started on that. I'm moving to alpine slopes incase you didn't know and I;m moving in with my friend April. We don't have much, but were getting there. I got a coach and a love seat in good condition for 6o bucks last week. So hopefully I will find some more good finds. So other then that, I've just been working and going to college. Went to a few clubs lately, thats been fun. But basically just sleep, work, and school.

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:: 2006 2 October :: 5.33pm

ok so today has been eventful. i have had customers come in and praise me for how wonderful i am, and customers who have yelled at me and called me stupid. its ok though i get to go home in 2 1/2 hours after being here since 9 this morning. at least i have saturday off! thats all that mattered to me. its awesome cause i basically get to work when i want since i get to make the schedule.

im gonna catch the end of band practice tonight. its just before red flannel so i have to see how good they are compared to last time i saw them. i love foinf and seeing them play it makes me so proud.

i guess im not making a float for the parade which sucks cause i love creating things like that. oh well my creativity is not all shot, i still get to decorate my house. which is gonna look awesome by the way and when it gets done we're gonna party!

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:: 2006 2 October :: 9.17am

ok so i am now sicker than a dog. im sneezing, coughing, runny nosein, ugh i hate it. as long as i am ok for red flannel im good with it a guess. my weekend was ok. worked most of it. i put in 51 hours this week. its rather tiring but when i get that pay check it will be all worth it.

had katie n nikki over saturday n watched 40 yr old virgin for the first time. it was awesome. i cant believe i hadn't seen it before.

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:: 2006 1 October :: 1.16am

Hehe. Eric talks in his sleep. It confuses me because when he does he's completely clear and legible, he just says very wierd things. By far the best thing he said was last night. He told me to "Come down and bring the manequin"



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:: 2006 30 September :: 5.23pm

ok im back again,,,, im just too bored with this place but the pay is good..

i miss bill alot, and i just really thought bout nikki and her going and i want to cry really bad. im not known for all these girly emotions, but she's my best friend and i love her. i dunno what im gonna do without her. i do have other friends but they aren't charlie brown to me..... i guess i will be ok.

i also miss band. i miss making music with all of my friends. i love playing, but playing alont is well just me. i want to hear all the pieces put together to make a sound. i go to practices and all i here is something i used to be able to do. it seems so long ago so distant. god i just want to make music, to write it to play it that it sucks that im not going to school yet. ugh im pissed at myself but school takes money that i do not have. im just going insane. my clarinet sits in its case most of the time, and all i want to do is play all the time, but with working two jobs i cant. i listen to all the music on my computer, all the stuff we used to play and i want it all back. i know i cant but pep band is coming up soon enough.

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:: 2006 30 September :: 4.17pm


in other news, i pay my rent today and it felt good. Nikki leaves in 24 days and i cant stand that idea....ahhh..... Katie Anne, and Holly what you guys say bout going out red flannel night and do like a going away thing for here???? CALL ME

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:: 2006 29 September :: 4.50pm

ugh today has been sooo long. we were busy here for a while, i didnt even get to eat lunch.... oh well less fast food for me to consume...

we lost the kittens last night, and then found them in the kitchen drawer. they snuck underneath it and got in the drawer some how! it was funny

nothing much more here cept i like my job better cause i got paid today,,,, for one week i got the same pay that i would have gotten at kfc for two weeks,,,, ha im soon to be rollin in it$$$ lol

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:: 2006 28 September :: 4.29pm

it rained again, and yeah im at work do you think god is trying to tell me somethin..... oh well

i cant wait until red flannel just to be able to see all my friends agian is awesome!!!!!!

my house is almost done- the dry wall part ne way

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:: 2006 27 September :: 2.18pm

Wow... todays has been all but eventfull. i have basically been sitting at this computer for well all day. i have had like 3 customers al day and the boss man just left so i am here all alone. how is it that every stinking day i work here it rains??? never have i seen a nice sunny day. ugh. its slightly depressing. which brings me to the point to where i am so alone here. im the only girl that works here so the place is a mess. thats what i did monday- cleaned the entire store. boy was that an adventure.....

on to more uplifting things. mom and dad are coming up for red flannel. which would be all good and all but they dont know i bought my own place, nor do they know i moved out of justin and gina's. ahhh im a little afraid to tell them but what can they do?

my kittens arn't sick anymore yay and we got all the drywall up yesturday. its awesome being able to do all this remodling stuff because i get to make my house how i want it to be.

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:: 2006 25 September :: 11.41am

today is sooooo slow.... i hate working all alone- especiall when i dont know what i am doing most of the time. this stupid thing wont let me put an order in and i am very mad.....


but for real- we have some really good stuff happening so its cool

i get to decorate the float for the parade for kfc--- yay. the thing is the girl who is supposed to be helping me got fired so im out of luck there..

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