Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. -Martin Luther King Jr.


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Today is a New Day

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:: 2006 14 June :: 10.56pm

I think I'll be a stripper when I grow up...
I'm at Mindy's. My internet doesnt fucking work at my house. I have no fucking idea why it doesnt either. It's really starting to bug me but oh well. Not like I've been home much anyways...

Things have been awesome. Working and partying pretty much seem to be the only things on my agenda lately. lol. Went to the barn on saturday, went to some crazy party last night with 3 people from work and like a whole fucking trailor park was there. It was insane. I had a stripper sitting on my lap. She was fucking hillarious. She told me and Mindy that we could come to her house anytime and get drunk with her. We're like fucking right! lol! and then Saturday is my birthday and we're having a party and James' barn after Mindy and I get out of work. It's going to fucking rock. I'm going to get Ashley drunk for the first time. She's going to be so shit face it's going to be hillarious. And Tasha is coming up that day so it's going to be fucking cool! We're going to have so much fun. And I dont have to be to work the next day until 4 so that's kick ass it's self. So yeah. If you're cool you'll be at the party barn saturday night with some presents for me. (When I say presents, that's code for booze)

I've noticed lately that my parents are giving up on. I'm pretty much positive that they know I drink. and I think they dont care. As long as I'm not pregnent and still in school, I suppose nothing it wrong or something. But I fill them full of stupid shit all the time. Like I told them that I was going bowling with people from work last night and then I told them that I wasn't coming home from work on saturday because Mindy, Eddy, Jessica, and Ashley we're having a little "Girls night birthday party" for me (just go with it guys). and they just blew it off. They just dont care. It's insanly disturbing me how they dont care anymore. Like I'm afraid I'm going to be at a party and then they just pop up out of no where or some shit. It's creeping me out to be quite frank with you. But...oh well. What can you do...

Fuck it...!

Welp, I shall me off. My darling Mindy and I must be awakening early in the morn tomorrow to pull some weeds for 6.50 an hour. lol! fucking right!

James Ramiro...I'll call you tomorrow or something man...lol!

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:: 2006 12 June :: 9.47pm

So my open house went pretty good. I made out pretty well. I start working 2 jobs tommorrow for a while, wish me luck. Other then that Just been hanging out with Chelsea.

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:: 2006 8 June :: 10.05pm

So things have been going really great. My open house is this Saturday. Hopefully I will make out good. I went to the casino and won 50 dollars. So I went and bought a shirt and some hermit crabs. I have always wanted them so I finally got them. There so cute and fun to play with and I can take them to college with me. I found out I leave August 24th for College. I'm excited. Hopefully I will find a job fast.

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:: 2006 8 June :: 11.52am

So I'm hanging out at Mindy's. She's showering. (surprisingly she did not invite me to shower with her today) lol! but yeah, we wanted to go to the beach today with a buttload of people but we dont think that that will work out. We might have slept in too late because I have to be to work at 4 and whatnot.

We saw the omen last night. It was good.


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:: 2006 8 June :: 12.24am
:: Mood: excited

Jimmy Kimmel

I never watch this show. It's kind of dumb. But tonight....ah yes, tonight, the absolutely wonderful H.I.M. is musical guest. And I must watch. I haven't seen them live in forever. I could have gone to that show (filmed last Friday). Had I wanted to take a trip to California, and spent a ton of money. So I'm content to just watch it at home, nice and comfy in my home =)

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:: 2006 6 June :: 12.40am

So Tomorrow I leave for the casino. Hopefully I will win some, but not counting on it lol. Life has been going better. Hanging out with Chelsea a lot like usual. Great times. I went bowling on Saturday and met some cool people. The guy at the front thought I was 21 so he didn't even go to mark my hand. I thought that was pretty crazy, cuz I think I look pretty young. My open house is Saturday. Hopefully I will get tons of money. I need to get a computer for college. Well right now I'm watching movies with Amanda and Chelsea.

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:: 2006 5 June :: 12.24pm

I need boy problems

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:: 2006 4 June :: 8.59pm

Welp, schools out! yay! bonus! But Brixon is leaving soon=( My birthday is in 13 days! yay! Things are kinda awesome lately. Hanging out with my gangster Mindy, being cool an all that jazz. Working a whole fuck load. I'll be rich soon though. It's a given. Working at Burger King will land you in the big times! lol! Brixon spent the night at my house wednesday! lol! We had a grand ol time. It kinda bugs me how everytime I'm just hanging out with a guy for like an hour or more, everyone asks me if we did "stuff". It makes me question how I come off to people. Like I have "I'ma Slutbag" written on my forehead or something. I think my reputation might need to make a tid bit of a turn around or something really soon. But not too soon. (whoa that makes everything sound a whole hell of a lot worse). I dont know. The last few weekends have been fun. I hope something More comes out of all this fun though sooner or later. I dont know. I mean runny around, playing "games" is fun but it seems like it's going to get old. I dont know. Maybe that just goes along with my how I Need To Grow Up lecture I've been giving myself daily. hmm...eh.

In the words of James Ramero...Fuck It!

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:: 2006 31 May :: 9.48pm

Lately everything in my life seems to be crazy. I made some bad decisions, which were completely all my fault so I have no one to blame but myself. I feel like I'm in this down wind spiral and I keep hurting other people on the way. I feel like a horrible person. I feel very used and I'm basically just irritated with my life. I should be happy right now I'm graduating tomorrow. But instead I keep thinking about how much I have fucked so much up in such a little bit of time. I just wish there was some kind of sign to tell me what to do. So today I found one and I called the college and I am going away for college. I go for orientation in July and then I leave in August for 2 years. Then after that I'm not sure where I am going to live. My mom is extremely mad at me for leaving. I know some of my friends will be 2. But I need to start over, build myself I new reputation. I want to start over so bad and I wish I could go back in time, but the truth is you cant. So I think going some where new will be a good thing and Tasha will be there with me.

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:: 2006 30 May :: 8.23pm

I am the biggiest Dumb Ass. Everyone was right like usual.

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:: 2006 29 May :: 7.27pm

x men 3 is the shit! i loved it! yay!

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:: 2006 29 May :: 10.35am

Whatta night...
So yeah...Mindy and I went to the appartments last night. fun fun fun...! and yeah...I'm going to see x3 today whether I'm with people or not.

I'd much rather be with people though so no one kidnaps me...any takers?!


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:: 2006 28 May :: 10.45pm

Mmmmmm.......Cold Stone....

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:: 2006 27 May :: 4.40pm

One more year...
errg...I swear on everything that is holy, they could not be any more stupid that than already are even if they wanted to be...!

Gah do I hate this place and the peopl e in it with everything I have in me. I cant wait until I leave this all behind.

Oh and you guys probably wont see me tonight seems how my car will be here which is the dumbest thing I could possibly think of...have fun with out me!

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:: 2006 27 May :: 2.33pm

scratch those plans for today I guess. Brixon is being stupid I guess. I dont know. I'm just moody for some reason. But oh well. Guess I'm going to my sister's all night and then work tomorrow and who knows what's after that. I sure as hell dont.

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