Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. -Martin Luther King Jr.


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Today is a New Day

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:: 2006 30 April :: 2.19pm

My weekend was great. Prom was Awesome. For Cedars we went to the olive garden first, which was great food and not even a long wait. The prom was fun, the dance floor was a little crowed but it was okay. Then afterwards we went to Kellys sisters which was fun. Then I went to Jessicas Saturday to get ready for the Second prom at Tri county. I was so tired. But It was still fun again. There's was at Ferris. Which was a ton bigger. We went to Rubys Tuesday before prom. Then we went back to Jessicas. Tried to watch a movie but we couldnt figure out how to get it to play. So we gave up on that and went to bed. Now I'm just sitting around waiting to go to work. It was nice having time off, but I do have to go back. Only 3 more weeks of school thank god. I'm signing up for my GRCC classes this month. Then my open house is June 10th at the courtland township hall from 1 to 5. Then soon after that I'm going to hopefully be starting my new job. Then its time to look for a place to live. Me and Some friends are thinking about renting a house in Grand rapids. So we will be close to college and our jobs. So its kind of exciting. I might be going to six flags and Mall of America over Memorial Break with my friends from KCTC. I love road trips there so much. Well life is going great right now I hope everyones else is too.

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:: 2006 30 April :: 1.45pm
:: Music: Saints and Sailors - Dashboard Confessional

Well, prom was fun...both of them. The after parties were fun. Friday night was a little too much for me though I guess...lol. John explained to me though, you're stomach is like a dance club. When you get all these clowns, russians, and mexicans in there, it's not a pretty sight. Because they start dancing crazy and fighting and then the bouncer comes in and says "Okay, everybody out..!" lol. I love John...

Welp, that's my weekend in a nut shell I suppose...

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:: 2006 30 April :: 1.09pm
:: Music: The Killers - Jenny Was a Friend of Mine

And post-euphoric depression sets in...

You wouldn't care if you ever saw me again, would you.

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:: 2006 29 April :: 10.27am

yayayayya prom last night was awesome!! I HAD SOO MUCH FUN especially cause i got to spend time with my man. ahhh i love him so much. i cant wait until we're married and we get to be together all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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:: 2006 27 April :: 9.19pm
:: Music: I will survive - Cake

I dont know if I'm going to go to school tomorrow or not and if I do, how long I might go. My sister, Janis said she would do my hair for me cause she's awesome. Hmm...who knows? I dont know. I know that no matter what I am skipping Anatomy because I dont want to fail that fucking test...ergg...! welp, yes, tomorrow better be fun or else I'll kill someone and we dont want that to happen. And better news, my daddy came home a day early so I'll have money! YAY! and I can go buy cameras! YIPPIE!! I love Mindy! =) yay!

I'll catch you homies on the flip side in my sweet dress! =)

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:: 2006 27 April :: 3.47pm

Gosh! The day that I finally feel better, well better than the other days, my mother finds a way to ruin it for me...

She's sucha bitch sometimes and it drives me mad!

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:: 2006 25 April :: 4.15pm

I love you guys...

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:: 2006 24 April :: 8.56pm

Have you ever asked yourself; "What's the point in even trying?"

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:: 2006 24 April :: 8.22pm

The best story in the world people. And it's not finished Yet. Oh yes, there will be much more to come. XD

Stacy's Date #1

Stacy's Date #2

Stacy's Date #3

This isn't part of the series. This is a song Sydney made for Stacy's Australian "lover" =D haha
Sydney's Song for Christian

We had another video too, but me and sydney are in our underwear (nothing dirty you pervs!) And so she made me make it private. So even if I gave you the link, you couldn't watch it! =D

Enjoy Kids!

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:: 2006 24 April :: 6.25pm
:: Mood: irritated
:: Music: Secrets dont make friends - From First To Last

Things just keep getting better and better dont they...?
So, I've come to realize that you really cant trust anyone. There are a limited number of people that I desided that I can trust with most things. I just think I have to be more considerate towards myself when choosing friends and other people who want to have some kind of realationship with me. I'm sick of thinking I know someone and then turns out they've been lying to me or talking behind my back. Drama, drama, drama...I tell ya...I cannot wait until summer. Then I choose who I want to see each day. I'm sick of dealing with fucking backstabbing bitches who complain about their lives and then try to fuck up someone else's. Seriously, how can you be so two-faced?! ugh! I really hate people.


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:: 2006 23 April :: 7.41pm
:: Music: Dutch Treat - Jaja Swab

"You know you're dating an emo kid when he has more razors than you"
Well, Battle of the Bands on Friday...Pretty awesome. I was a Judge. It was cool. Jaja Swab won! My boys!!! yay! Mike's band was there. *gags* God do I hate him. You know I was beginning to deside, I didn't hate him, I hated the situation...then I found something out. Okay, Friday Lauren golfed with a girl from Fremont whom claimed to be friends with a girl that dated a kid named Mike Todd at the BEGINNING of the school year...how ironic eh? I dated a kid named Mike Todd at the beginning of the school year as well...as soon as I heard that, my mind changed again...I hate him. With everything I have in me do I hate him. But what I hate the most is the fact that the more I hate him, the more I miss him...but I'll never, in a million years go back to that...I'm better and stronger than that.

Anyways, Saturday rolled around...had to work. Then Mindy and I went to the movies. We saw Benchwarmers. It was my second time seeing it and it didn't get old. Funny shit...I love that movie. Then I spend the night at Mindy's and had to be to work at 8 in the morning which blew but I got out at 1 so that's ok. We had our gay Spring Concert for band today. It was so fucking retarded. Oh well though I suppose. That shit is almost over with anyways.

Prom is this week which is pretty fucktastic! I cant wait! I'm going to look so hot. You're all going to want to do me but...I probably wont let you...ok I might but it's only because I dont want you guys to die cause I know if I was someone else who wanted to do me and I wouldn't let me, I'd die and that wouldn't be too cool. lol..yeah I'm pretty full of myself I know..

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:: 2006 23 April :: 4.34pm

So I haven't updated in a while. Things are going pretty good. Trying to get all my internships done, I only have one left. Thank God, at least it will pay off in the end right? That's what I keep telling myself. Other then that its been work and more work and then Kelly. Then last night me and chelsea went and saw bench warmers, it was pretty funny. Then sonia came there 2, which we didn't know she was going to and saw me and yelled my name in the theater. It was kinda scary at first, Cuz I didn't know who it was. So then we all sat together. Then afterwards Me and Chelsea were racing to the car and I flung my key chains all over the parking lot. It was funny. I cant wait for prom. Its going to be so much fun. Well g2g, Kelly will be here in 15 minutes to have dinner with my family. Wish him luck.

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:: 2006 21 April :: 2.27pm
:: Music: Murderdolls

life is good, the t man finally go his licence! which means i wont have to drive to prom. i cant wait until prom, its going to be fun. me and nikki are going to be cooking dinner for the boys.... what to cook???

i move on the 14 for sure, and well i dont wanna. there's not much i can do about it though unless i want to live in a fricken cardboard box.
god my head hurts, my sinuses are going to one day kill me i feel.

we finally, after days of searching found out who was beeping james, some stupid junior chick who got all kinds of peeps #'s off of holly's phone when she left it in the bathroom....errr that makes me mad.

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:: 2006 20 April :: 8.07pm

Went to the mall with Mindy, Jessica, Eddy, and Holly. We had loads of fun. Was going to hang out with Gravid but he cancelled on me! ugh...ahole! kidding...Yeah I got a sweet Marilyn Monroe tank top. I love it. and yeah...Eddy, Jessica, and I went to Wendy's for some chow and we left and got down 17 mile a little ways and Eddy realized that Jessica threw away her retainer. haha! It was hillarious. lol.

But battle of the Bands is tomorrow! yay!!! woohu! fun!

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:: 2006 19 April :: 9.02pm
:: Music: A Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen

So tomorrow...I'm pretty much skipping golf to go shopping with Mindy, Eddy, Jessica, and Holly. It should be fun. I have more stuff to get for prom and I need new Khakis for golf so yeah. That all needs to be done. I have an all day turnament on friday, hoping that goes well. But I dont know. Depending on what time we get back from the mall I might go to the course and do a little bit of practicing by my lonesome. Yup...that's pretty much the plan. And then Friday night is the Battle Of The Bands! I'm soo excited! I might get to be a judge! That would be awesome. So yeah, if you're not doing anything Friday night at 7, head over to Tri County and check it out. It's only 3 bucks and there are like 6 or 7 bands playing, It's going to be awesome. And Mike's band is playing, so yeah, we're pretty much throwing bags or shit at him so dont miss it! lol!

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