Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. -Martin Luther King Jr.


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Today is a New Day

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:: 2006 19 April :: 4.36pm

This is pretty much just a letter to Eddy and Jessica...

I NEED your prom money this week! prefferably this week. Monday is the very last day. I hate to be blunt, but if you dont get me your money then I guess you're not going. I dont have the money to pay for you so please get it to me this week. It's only 20 bucks, I already got Kelly and Mindy's money so you two just need to let me know what's going on. ok? OK!

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:: 2006 18 April :: 9.45pm
:: Music: Roll over DJ - Jet

Soyer Reed is the baby's name. Like Tom Soyer from Tom and Huck. At first it reminded me of Forest Gump but then I was like "No,no, no...Mark Twain..." lol. yup, he's the cutest thing sense sliced bread...aww...

At first I was confused, then I was hopefull, then I was hurt, then I was pissed with a passion, and now...I really dont feel anything...it's like nothing really matters anymore. It's kinda a weird feeling that nothing is...I dont know. All these emotions came in about a week and a halfs worth of time too. I think I like the feeling of nothing better than all the other ones. I'm just going to go with the flow for now on. And yes, I know I've said this before time and time again, but this time I'm more than serious. I'm just not going to try ever again. If anyone wants anything to happen, they're doing all the work because I could really careless now. This was kinda my breaking point I guess. And you'd really think Mike would have been the breaking point, but then I just let things go too far with people and I'm left alone in the end and I really don't like that feeling of lonelyness...it really sucks way too much. But yes...in conclusion:: Realationships are too much to deal with for me lately. I'm not going to try. I'm sick of all the stress and hurt I get in the end from it all. If there is someone out there that is actually interested in ME...like my personality and thinks I'm cool, and wants to hang out with me more than they want to do me...you know, that's awesome. We'll talk I guess...I'm not promising anything because I'm not even going to try, like I said before, I'm done with doing everything I can to make things work, I want someone to break their back for me for once...

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:: 2006 16 April :: 11.52am

So once again, I am Aunt Chelsea. My new nephew was born this morning at 9:49 am!! yay! I had to go to my sister's house last night at like 2 in the morning because they had to go to the hospital. I'm so happy. Me and my neice Madison had a very nice Easter together. She's hillarious, very quotable...

Me: "We'll get you dressed in your Easter Sunday Best..."
Madison: "I don't think I have any 'Best'...?"

Madison: "Is my mom at the hospital?"
Me: "Yup, she's going to have the baby"
Madison: "Good! She's been dying to get that out of her.."

*Madison gets off the phone with her dad*
Me: "Well, what'd he say?"
Madison: "Well the baby is on the outside now..."

I love kids. I'm so glad there is one more to add to my little 'Collection'. lol.

My parents called the hospital this morning to get directions and my sister was on the phone with them, telling them how to get there...while she was pushing the baby out...=| just as calm as could be too. lol. Pretty insane if you ask me. She must have gotten all the drugs she asked for I guess. I think she only has babies because she's addicted to the drugs they give her there. lol. What a weirdo...

I wish I didn't have to work today so I could go see my new nephew...=( oh well I suppose. I'll do see him tomorrow after golf practice which I really must to go to because I have to play in the match on tuesday cause I'm just that good or something.

I'm on the phone with Ash. My parents are home. They said my nephew is extreme handsome...yay =)

I work from 2-10...damn! Ash is going to tape Desperate Housewives for me. Yippie!


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:: 2006 16 April :: 2.50am

Peter Wentz makes one hott vampire I must say.

Check it Out

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:: 2006 15 April :: 10.47pm
:: Music: Shake It Off - Mariah Carey

ugh...work is gay. I got the biggest pay check I've ever had though! WHOA!!! I could buy...uhh...cool stuff with that. I love working with John. He's hillarious. I work from 2 - 10 on Easter Sunday...now granted I think Easter is a gay holiday..but still...that's dumb...! Kevin and Kelly are basically stalking me now I guess...lol and uhh.. yeah...That's pretty much how awesome my life has been...

Anyone know how much Cedar's prom tickets are?

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:: 2006 15 April :: 2.51pm

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:: 2006 15 April :: 2.29pm

Craig Christ

Gotta love this man, hehe. I especially enjoy his facial expressions.

Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky

Hanging out with these guys looks like a lifetime of fun I tell ya what. =D

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:: 2006 15 April :: 10.40am
:: Music: Mothersound - From First To Last

Today is a nice day it looks like. I think I'll hang out outside before work today. Maybe I'll take my doggy for a walk or something. But I gotta find the leash cause we live in town now and they have those weird rules about your dogs being on leashes. Dont ask me why, I think they're really dumb rules but oh well...rules are meant to be broken though so who knows if I'll even find the leash..lol!

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:: 2006 15 April :: 12.58am

the benchwarmers is one of the funniest movies ever. i almost died watching that...oh my gosh...freakin' hillarious i tell ya...

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:: 2006 15 April :: 12.33am
:: Music: Blue October - Hate Me

Woo, got my dress on Wednesday =D It's really pretty, I'm excited. No date, but that's okay, it's not important. Uhhhh....went and saw V for Vendetta with Jessica, Sydney, Joe, Stacy and Kate tonight. It was an awesome movie, I really liked it. I have to work on Sunday, ugh. I should be working more. I won't be able to survive on one day a week. =( This is a good song by the way, you should get it, or at least listen to it. My debit card came in the mail today. Yay! No more going inside to pay for gas. I'm a lazy mofo, yes I know. Watching That 70's Show, awesome fun. Uhhh...Can't think of anything else at the moment. =D

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:: 2006 14 April :: 11.36am
:: Music: Dont Lose Touch! - Against Me

So yesterday was my first golf meet of the year. I didn't do too bad. I actually did really good but my score didn't count...damnit..! but yeah, and then last night was our poms dinner things. I was late but I walked in as soon as they were annousing my award. I have excellent timing. I got Most Improved Rookie. Pretty awesome I suppose. And I got my varsity letter, my varsity athletic award thing, a cd with a bunch pictures on it, and a dvd with some of out performences on it but it isnt working...=( but yeah...my couch is retiring which is cool in a way cause she was a bitch and because the couch from the rage dance team is going to couch us I'm pretty sure anyways. Yeah, awesome indeed I guess.

My sister plays the same game on her computer that Kevin and Kelly play all the time. I thought it was funny. I told her she could go to the next geek fest and not feel left out or anything. lol.

Yesterday was Lauren's birthday. We had a bonfire at her house. It was pretty fun I guess.

Tonight is going to be the first night that I work with John! yay! I'm so happy for him...

I need a hair cut...

Next friday is Battle Of The Bands at our school. It's going to be awesome. I guess a band from Cedar is going to be there. And then a few from our school (including JAJA SWAB!!! which I am in love with!) and then Mike's gay band and then one from Newaygo and one from Rockford. It's going to be awesome. JAJA SWAB is going to win. I just know it. Well they would anyways if I were the judge cause those are my boys! I love them to death!

I sorta have been missing Brixon alot lately....=(

You know, I really dont like Easter. I've always thought it was a gay holiday...

my sister is walking around without a shirt on, brushing her teeth. She's sucha fucking crackhead. oh well...

well I think I've babbled for long enough...

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:: 2006 13 April :: 7.40pm

ok so i totally get to have a slumber party tonight!!! yay, nah its just the boy- who now has been forgiven for everyting and hopefully wont fuck up again, even if i did over react, im a girl so i get to do that right.(she was just over reacting .... an im an ass the scum on your shoe he he he he ) ..T.J..... WHATEVER so i have decided i dont care bout school n shit n e more cause i am almost done, and im good right. im totally going to indiana for senior skip day to spend my day ad the big music store!!! n e one wanna come holla at ya girl!!! HA I FUCKIN GOT FLOWERS BITCH!!

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:: 2006 12 April :: 9.17pm
:: Music: Panic! at the Disco

welp...John had his first day as an essential worker. I went to visit. I'm so proud of him. He's growing up just too dang fast. Mindy looked lovely today. She bought me a strawberry shake and I played video games in the BK Arcade, pretty much where I'm having my birthday party this year so be ready for that one. lol. Me and Ashley went to McDonalds and bought about 7 dollors worth of food...in coins. The dude looked a little annoyed. I called Kelly today...haha! He thought I was Mindy for a minute but I tricked him! cause it was for sure me! haha! SUCKER! He didn't seem too happy to speak with me though, I dont know why...? I think he secretly hates me because...*whispers* he knows Mindy loves me more than shes ever will love him...lol. *stops whispering...* I'm terrible, I should work on being nice. It might make people like me I guess...but...I dont really like people so I dont really care if anyone likes me to be quite honest. Some people I really hate. Like with a thousand fires I hate them. And it's sorta really bad because some people I'll have reasoning to my hate for them but some people...I just hate them...! It's not nice I know and I am trying to fix that, But I am not doing too well on that yet. I'll let you know when I got it down. *winks*....BYE!

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:: 2006 11 April :: 9.26pm

yup, I'm pretty much awesome. So awesome to the point as to where I am going to prom on the solo...both of them...kind of a bummer but *sigh* what can ya do?

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:: 2006 11 April :: 8.38am

hmm...back at school today. this sucks kinda. I cant wait until summer. this summer is going to be great, I can feel it in my bones. I have about 5 more minutes to waste until 2nd hour. Anatomy...I cant miss that class anymore. I sorta have no idea what's going on really. There is a cramp in the arch in my foot and it hurts real bad. I really just got to school about ten minutes ago. Mariano is sitting next to me. He thinks he's hillarious but he's not and that just makes him even more funny cause he laughs at himself. Gotta love the kid though. He's going to lend me the new From First to Last cd which completely rocks because I guess they were selling them at the concert for only 10 bucks but I didnt realize that. I thought they were talking about the first band's cd...? op there's the bell! BYE!

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